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There's something eerily beautiful about "the elephants foot", a large pile of reactor fuel that turned into lava and bonded with sand at Chernobyl.


something that has always fascinated me is eyewitness accounts of 'a glowing blue cloud' over chernobyl - basically it was radiating so hard that it's theorised that cherenkov radiation was visible.




cherenkov radiation is fucking idm.


the fuck you on? how on earth are you able to experience cherenkov radiation in an environment (atmosphere) where no criticality/fission event actively is taking place ... especially considering the medium is the primary reason of which cherenkov radiation is allowed to take place.



cherenkov radiation is caused by energy emitted from particles that are accelerated beyond the speed of light that is technically possible in the medium that the particles in question are travelling through.


the speed of light in air is not the same as the speed of light in a vacuum (the speed of light in air is about 90 km/s slower than c).


so, it's entirely possible that collisions in an air-filled area with a lot of radioactivity can be accelerated beyond max c in that medium through the density of subatomic particles, fission at an atomic/molecular level, etc.


it would take a lot of that sort of activity to cause even a slight blue glow, but a slight blue glow is what was reported, and after analysis physicists determined it was possible.



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There's something eerily beautiful about "the elephants foot", a large pile of reactor fuel that turned into lava and bonded with sand at Chernobyl.


something that has always fascinated me is eyewitness accounts of 'a glowing blue cloud' over chernobyl - basically it was radiating so hard that it's theorised that cherenkov radiation was visible.




cherenkov radiation is fucking idm.


the fuck you on? how on earth are you able to experience cherenkov radiation in an environment (atmosphere) where no criticality/fission event actively is taking place ... especially considering the medium is the primary reason of which cherenkov radiation is allowed to take place.


ill remove myself from this post; clarified via the circumstances and corrected my knowledge

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I think hes talking about the blue glow illuminating from the reactor core. No the reaction itself happening above the plant.


no; the eyewitness reports talk about a shining cloud (to be completely accurate) over the plant.

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I think hes talking about the blue glow illuminating from the reactor core. No the reaction itself happening above the plant.


no; the eyewitness reports talk about a shining cloud (to be completely accurate) over the plant.


Well I posted that before I read your follow up. So that shit be scary yo.

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yeah this probably occurred for (What?) a few minutes after the cap got flown off the top of the reactor. Still pretty crazy.

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Guest Babar

yeah, it seems you guys are talking about chernobyl's beam.



"From where I stood I could see a huge beam of projected light flooding up into infinity from the reactor. It was like a laser light, caused by the ionization of the air. It was light-bluish, and it was very beautiful



found thess pics on jean-pierre petit's site. He's a kind of mad scientist, believes in UFOs and other craps of this kind, but he's still very rational (he was the director of the french research program about mhd) and has a fucking caustic style. Love him.


Well he thinks the same kind of thing is happening at fukushima plant.


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that is pretty normal ionization of the CCD in the camera as far as i can see, at least as far as 'normal' can be defined it areas of high radiation.

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Guest Babar

i think we are underestimating censorship power. I find it strange I haven't heard about that explosion near sendai (onagawa plant ?). Remember when two guys fell into a pool at fukushima's plant ? A few pics of them leaked in the press and I remember having seen one of these guys leg : radiations had eaten his leg skin. You could see his shinbone. Wicked. I tried to find it again but was unable to.

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i think we are underestimating censorship power. I find it strange I haven't heard about that explosion near sendai (onagawa plant ?). Remember when two guys fell into a pool at fukushima's plant ? A few pics of them leaked in the press and I remember having seen one of these guys leg : radiations had eaten his leg skin. You could see his shinbone. Wicked. I tried to find it again but was unable to.


you mean beta burns from wading in water?



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Guest Babar

an understanding of the difference between alpha, beta, and gamma radiation should be a prerequisite to commenting on thread.


i don't think it was beta burns. It didn't looked like wild skin spots. it looked like a piece of flesh was missing, the skin around being yellow.

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pretty much.


one can make you sick in high doses, one can burn you in high doses (especially if you ingest it), and one can kill you pretty fucking fast in high doses, with the ferocity of all of them accelerated if you ingest it via inhalation etc. to - again - vastly oversimplify. but only for muggles.

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pretty much.


one can make you sick in high doses, one can burn you in high doses (especially if you ingest it), and one can kill you pretty fucking fast in high doses, with the ferocity of all of them accelerated if you ingest it via inhalation etc. to - again - vastly oversimplify. but only for muggles.


which one does this?


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alpha has fairly limited burn potential - it needs to be pretty near you to cause harm. on the other hand if you swallow enough alpha particles, you're fucked. from the inside, alpha particles will make shit of you. it's what killed alexander litvinenko


beta will burn you pretty bad given enough exposure. beta is typically what's used to treat easily accessible cancers such as eye or bone cancer. it is medium-wave i.e it has medium penetrating power for human tissue with appropriate consequences.


gamma has lesser immediate health consequences - it's a fairly long-wave type of radiation. but it will raise your likelihood of getting cancer in the long run. the amount of people who have acquired leukemia (the big one with this shit) or other cancers in hiroshima or nagasaki since WW2 is roughly equivalent to the amount killed in the bombing (and about half that is due to gamma radiation's mutagenic properties on cells)

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pretty much.


one can make you sick in high doses, one can burn you in high doses (especially if you ingest it), and one can kill you pretty fucking fast in high doses, with the ferocity of all of them accelerated if you ingest it via inhalation etc. to - again - vastly oversimplify. but only for muggles.


which one does this?



That was FEV.

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