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still think that the OP's username should be more evidenced in the main page. i know i'm not the only one.

You mean the forum index, or the first page of a topic?

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btw Joyrex, is it possible to implement some kind of super-lightweight theme that minimises the number of page elements/images? something similar to the mobile theme but for desktop use. I'd like to continue browsing watmm at work but the internet access costs here are pretty high.

Sounds like an XLT skin. That would be fun! Bringing XLT back from the dead at watmm...


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yes, the forum index.



more evidenced and visible avatar thumbnail...

Could you post a screenshot? Still not sure what you're on about.


WATMM Classic fluid-width skin is borked again. this happens like every week now.

Ah, I'll check it and fix it if that's the case. these updates are always breaking the cache system.



btw Joyrex, is it possible to implement some kind of super-lightweight theme that minimises the number of page elements/images? something similar to the mobile theme but for desktop use. I'd like to continue browsing watmm at work but the internet access costs here are pretty high.

Sounds like an XLT skin. That would be fun! Bringing XLT back from the dead at watmm...



Well, the main place you get a lot of page loads is the avatars themselves... most of the skins are pure CSS (the default skin and the WATMM Classic skin are not though). I'm testing out a skin right now, and I know there is a similar one that is iPad friendly, so that might be the compromise you're seeking...

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these forums are really great. the format is the most impressive of any forum i've seen. i can see you're going for an awesome thing. its rather expensive. i will be contributing more.

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yes, the forum index.



more evidenced and visible avatar thumbnail...

Could you post a screenshot? Still not sure what you're on about.

i'm just suggesting, you want me to post a screenshot of something you haven't done already? far out dude.

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yes, the forum index.



more evidenced and visible avatar thumbnail...

Could you post a screenshot? Still not sure what you're on about.

i'm just suggesting, you want me to post a screenshot of something you haven't done already? far out dude.


No, I mean what you're referring to - I still don't understand exactly what part of the UI you're referring to that needs more emphasis...

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No, I mean what you're referring to - I still don't understand exactly what part of the UI you're referring to that needs more emphasis...

something like this, just like the old forum:


Ah, OK - I see what you're saying now - I guess they got rid of that column as it was redundant. I can see how it's useful for an at-a-glance view though.

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Guest isaki

you could implement that bar at the very left, where the stars are (well, stars or circles)

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images in posts show as dots or full stops until they load properly. what's the dealio?

That's a new experiment with "lazy loading" where images load after the HTML has fully rendered, hopefully speeding up page load times and reducing overall strain on the server with requests.

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I was just about to post something about that -- I can totally deal, but the result in an image-heavy thread is that when you go to newest post, then the pics all load and the post you meant to start on is way back down the page because once the images load it shifts all the texts back upward, which is kind of irritating (but again, something I can live with).

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I honestly haven't noticed any difference myself (either way) - I'll see as far as page load times are concerned, and if there's no appreciable difference, I'll disable it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, whenever there is an event like BOC stream, or Autechre broadcast, CHATMM always gets full. Is there anyway that we could either up the limit, or have another chatroom be created when there is an expectation for high traffic such as featured artists events?


Just from what I've seen I think 30 might be sufficient, but it will also be very chaotic.

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Also, whenever there is an event like BOC stream, or Autechre broadcast, CHATMM always gets full. Is there anyway that we could either up the limit, or have another chatroom be created when there is an expectation for high traffic such as featured artists events?


i second this.

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