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Friday/Saturday Night


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I'm looking forward to this "weekend" people speak of. I'm 24/7 right now--school, work, school, steal some WATMM time, feel guilty about it, school, work, repeat. I think 2013 should be my year when I can respond proper.

what are you studying xxx?

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gay people are merciless.

like a dog that won't stop humping your leg


not trying to promote stereotypes, but i had a similar experience the only time i went to a gay club. my friend amy and i both got molested within a half hour of stepping in the door. some dude straight danced up to me and tried to kiss me on the lips! i wasn't even paying attention but i blocked him with my hand. then some hetero dude trolling for chicks apparently stuck his hand up amy's skirt and she ran outside, where i was smoking a cigarette recouperating from my first ever sexual assault, and that's when we went to a bar with a better jukebox.


that place was lol though, everybody was hammered and hard thrusting to madonna tracks

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to be fair, if you walk into a gay bar you need to expect it. from what ive observed its much more acceptable to be unflinchingly forward in places like that. i get hit on all the time as im considered a "bear" or whatever, i just say thanks but im not interested and get on with my drinking whilst eyeing up the lesbians kissing in the corner.

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Guest uptown devil

to be fair, if you walk into a gay bar you need to expect it.

yeah but it's definitely not contained to gay bars. a few years ago i went to a park during my lunch break to eat/read. i chose a spot in the middle of a field that was entirely unoccupied. i noticed this dude passing by in a gold pickup truck over and over again. finally he pulls over, and starts casually walking in my direction, which mind you was in the middle of a field. now he's like five feet from me pretending like he's just there to stand and observe the surroundings. he's like 6'5, shaved completely bald, big black boots, blue jeans with a huge metal/leather belt and a tucked in black undershirt. then all of a sudden he goes.. 'you gay?' i immediate said no and buried my face back into my book. he then made a b-line back to his truck. after that i started noticing numerous cars with just one dude in them, passing time and time again, like circling vultures. i was too weirded out to continue reading, so i decided to take off. on my way out, i saw the dude in the parked in the lot and he leaned forward into the sunlight and made the most horrendously graphic blow job motion with his hands/mouth. it still makes me shiver thinking about it.


this type of shit has happened to me way too many times to ignore the stereotype. just try spending a few days in san francisco.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

to be fair, if you walk into a gay bar you need to expect it. from what ive observed its much more acceptable to be unflinchingly forward in places like that. i get hit on all the time as im considered a "bear" or whatever, i just say thanks but im not interested and get on with my drinking whilst eyeing up the lesbians kissing in the corner.

oh for reals. but it was just weird because it was the moment I walked into the place and up to the bar. absolutely no messing about. the place is alright tho. lots of shit pop and it's open until something ridiculous like 6am.

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just try spending a few days in san francisco.


Hey now.


I've actually only been hit on a handful of times. Most gay dudes can tell I'm straight right off the bat, though. There's a way of dressing and carrying yourself that makes you looks straight I guess.

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Guest underscore

i spend most friday/saturday nights makin music, smokin herb, and watchin some good shows.


i had absolutely no obligations during the day this weekend though, so i dropped acid yesterday and tonight im just kickin back with some sticky icky, lines of roxi, dr. k and trailer park boys. :trashbear:


a few days ago i found out one of my best friends from middle school got married. i'm the only one from our posse of four that hasn't married, had a kid, or done both. i'm sure someday those things will seem cool, but for now i'm pretty stoked about being as immature (for a 22 year old) as i am.



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Guest AcrossCanyons

i own the unluckiest pair of trousers in the world. ive lost my phone for the 2nd saturday in a row. i wish i was joking.

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Guest abusivegeorge

i own the unluckiest pair of trousers in the world. ive lost my phone for the 2nd saturday in a row. i wish i was joking.


Lol, are you sure it's your trousers fault :P?

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Guest uptown devil

i own the unluckiest pair of trousers in the world. ive lost my phone for the 2nd saturday in a row. i wish i was joking.


Lol, are you sure it's your trousers fault :P?

true, it might be your shoes that are unlucky.

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Guest abusivegeorge

i own the unluckiest pair of trousers in the world. ive lost my phone for the 2nd saturday in a row. i wish i was joking.


Lol, are you sure it's your trousers fault :P?

true, it might be your shoes that are unlucky.


I think it's probably his balls.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

i own the unluckiest pair of trousers in the world. ive lost my phone for the 2nd saturday in a row. i wish i was joking.


Lol, are you sure it's your trousers fault :P?

true, it might be your shoes that are unlucky.


I think it's probably his balls.



last week i thought i had put my phone down somewhere was i was stoned and forgot about it but now i realise its these new trousers im wearing. almost every time i sit down stuff slides out my pocket. poor design :(


i even made super extra care to keep checking if i had my phone on me last night and i still managed to lose my phone in the taxi home.

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i own the unluckiest pair of trousers in the world. ive lost my phone for the 2nd saturday in a row. i wish i was joking.


Lol, are you sure it's your trousers fault :P?

true, it might be your shoes that are unlucky.


I think it's probably his balls.



last week i thought i had put my phone down somewhere was i was stoned and forgot about it but now i realise its these new trousers im wearing. almost every time i sit down stuff slides out my pocket. poor design :(


i even made super extra care to keep checking if i had my phone on me last night and i still managed to lose my phone in the taxi home.


Do you have a smart phone? Something like Lookout Plan-B could be used to locate your phone. If you get a new smart phone check out Prey or some other lost phone locator app.

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I've had a cellphone for going on 13 years now (since I was 16) and I've never lost or broken a single one :shrug:


edit: My dog did chew on one when he was a puppy, but it only had some small teethmarks on the casing and still worked perfectly

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I've had a cellphone for going on 13 years now (since I was 16) and I've never lost or broken a single one :shrug:


edit: My dog did chew on one when he was a puppy, but it only had some small teethmarks on the casing and still worked perfectly


I've never had a problem before and obsessively check everything in my pockets to make sure it's still there, then all of a sudden I loose two phones in two weeks. :(


Put it in your back pocket.


I put everything in my front pockets because if they fall out it'd be easier to notice (altho apparently not that much easier).

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