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NBA Playoffs 2011

Rubin Farr

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I haven't read any of this thread but I need to chime in say thank fuck the Lakers "fans" aren't burning/shooting up/"celebrating in" my neighborhood right now.

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I haven't read any of this thread but I need to chime in say thank fuck the Lakers "fans" aren't burning/shooting up/"celebrating in" my neighborhood right now.


LOL! That's the most embarrassing time to be a lakers fan.


This morning when I woke up, the first thought that ran through my mind was "Dallas won... Lebron didn't get a ring!" then I stretched and smiled!

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Guest Mirezzi

I'll ignore the shit about whether or not I've got the credentials of having played competitive sports, something I did for most my life...


Shawn Marion just made a comment to Jim Rome about the shit talking in the series. Marion had gotten under Lebron's skin, clearly, and Rome wanted to know what was being said. In a manner reminiscent of, say, Stockton and Barkley back in the day, Marion replied, "What happens on the court stays on the court. We all talk."


That is how shit gets talked in sports. When microphones pick up what these guys say to each other, it's rare. Most the time, nobody knows and that's how it should be. We all know they're talking shit, they do it to each other's faces on the court or on the field.


To walk toward a steadicam operator for ABC while mocking Dirk Nowitzki is not talking shit. Dirk wasn't there. It was just Dwyane Wade and his girlfriend Lebron, one day after the two of them choked and lost game 4.


If you wanna call that talking shit, go for it. I think it's called behaving like an arrogant little pussy, not talking shit. I thought maybe they had just watched old episodes of the Bloder Brothers skits on SNL. Awkward, unfunny, and pathetic.


Last laugh and all that though. Fuck 'em both.


P.S. - I'm not surprised, as a ManU fan, that you like the Miami Heat. Fucking lol @ that. You are a ridiculously unabashed front-runner...hahahahaha

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I prefer the celtics, and have for years. I like the Heat's style of play. Again with the United jabs - I've liked them through good and bad times. Nice try at getting a rise though.

What competitive sports have you played at a high(pro/semi-pro) level? Fellating Roger Ebert doesn't count.


Trash talking doesn't stay on the court/pitch - that's ridiculous. I wouldn't exactly call this the greatest trash talking, but Marion is just being political. Nowitski was being a bitch about being sick - and like Wade said - everybody's hurt that time of year. In some ways - this just taking trash talk to the next level, "dissing" on a national level - too bad for Wade and James that it failed miserably...as the joke's on them.

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regardless if the sick thing was trash talk or not, the fact is that dirk beat them both with a fever that night. imagine if lebron had a fever? he would have been on the bench half the time, not hitting fadeaway jumpers with 2 men in his face. he is just not a warrior and no amount of coaching, summer practice, etc will change that. jordan had that, bird had that, lebron doesn't.


the thing i find funny is that lebron left cleveland because he couldn't win on a team with only one superstar. he felt he needed to be surrounded by superstars to win. and then he got beat by a team with one superstar. perfect.


irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.

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Guest Mirezzi

This is a pretty significant stat:


9:10: Dirk nails a jumper (Miami by five), then Wade misses a 3 that bounces over the backboard. Remember, LeBron and Wade were never good long-range shooters, only they cruised to the Finals partly because LeBron was nailing some exceptionally tough 3s. Wade made 29 percent for his career, 28 percent in the first three rounds, and 26 percent in the Finals; he never got going. LeBron made 32.9 percent for his career, but in Miami's eight Boston/Chicago victories plus Game 1 of the Finals, he made an improbable 20 of 39 3s. It couldn't last. He missed 18 of his 23 in the last five Finals games.
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Guest Mirezzi

Nowitski was being a bitch about being sick - and like Wade said - everybody's hurt that time of year.

This is just completely retarded.


How was Nowitzki being a bitch? He said he was fine and that his illness would have no effect on his play. You think that's being a bitch? You really are a troll when it comes to sports threads... :whistling:

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Alright fine - his team president said some shit about him being sick and blah blah blah it was a heroic moment.

And notice how I said at the end of my post that trash-talking backfired? Cause they sure as shit didn't win.


I'll give you the dog-sledding - I guess all we know down here in BC is how to mass cull sled dogs



Also, I find it really interesting that Lebron led the Heat in assists during the finals.

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Guest Mirezzi

Fucking lol @ Bill Simmons. Dude is legend.


6:42: Just wanted to commemorate this moment: Miami down three, gets a rebound and gets the ball to LeBron on the right side of the key, with J.J. Barea defending him one-on-one … and LeBron turns and throws a pass 20 feet backwards to Wade at midcourt. A few seconds later, Miami gives it back to LeBron, who reluctantly backs Barea down to the low post … and bowls him over. Offensive foul. All hail the King!


(Note that's too important to be a footnote: If that sequence alone isn't enough to inspire LeBron to lock himself in a gym all summer until he emerges with a spin move, a jump hook, and a Jordan-eseque fallaway, then he's the biggest waste of talent in NBA history. You know at the car wash when they offer the "everything" package? That's what God gave LeBron. He's threatening to waste it. In a nutshell, this is what makes us so angry about him. It's not The Decision, or his lack of self-awareness, or the fact that he's a front-runner … it's that he's blowing the "everything" car-wash package. You see an athlete get handed the "everything" package maybe only five times in your life.)


Seriously, if Lebron doesn't learn to play on the block, he's fucked and so are the Heat's chances of winning a ring.


When he decided to bring his talents to 'Souf Beach,' I don't think anybody expected that bag of talents to be assists and defense.

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The fact that he only got to the line 20 times in the whole finals speaks volumes as well.

Anyways - he's still 26 - got a few years left to win a couple of rings.I'd say the defense and assists are a bonus on top of the offense everyone knows he has.

Damn - he scored 8 points per game fewer in the finals than in the rest of the playoffs (averaged). That's ridiculous.


Edit: Just thought of this due to tonight's shenanigans - you can't call me a front-runner, my NHL team is the Oilers, and has been ever since I grew up there. Sure in the 80s we were hot shit (meeting Gretzky in a Boston Pizza when I was 10 was fucking amazing, especially since we had just won the Cup for the first time - totally surreal, he was all by himself, and he was super nice), but since 1992? Sure we've made the playoffs and finals - but we haven't won jack, and we haven't even qualified for the playoffs in the last 5 seasons...

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