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L.A. Noire

Guest abracadabra

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these comparisons to gta are retarded. I sat down and played RDR and it is nothing like gta. Is it a standard to say a game is like GTA when you can walk in any direction and kill stuff?


In LA Noire, can you pull people out of their cars and take off? Can you be chased by the police? Can you fly a helicopter? Is it a nonlinear game? Can you wander around a city? Or do you just go from mission to mission. Really.. why keep comparing it to gta? Because it was made by rockstar?


Can someone break down an actual honest comparison to explain why people keep saying these games are like gta? I fell for that same bullshit when people were saying saints row is like gta, and sure it is, but it was also the worst fucking game i have ever played.


gta4 was such a awesome game when it came out any R* game which looks similar will always be compared to GTA4 untill something comes along and is totally next level from GTA4.

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Guest El_Chemso

Love GTA4. Will be getting LA Noire as soon as my exams are over. I've just bought a new xbox 360 slim as I'm worried my old elite will collapse under the pressure. Plus its noisy as hell.

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I did 2 cases last night. First one I understood the whole thing and even guessed what was going on with the story, got a 5 star rating, perfect case etc...


The second involved 2 drugged females driven off a cliff. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what happened. It somehow ended with me chasing someone, and then us running away together shooting people. Needless to say, after the case was over, I had more questions then answers.


I really hope I have the mental capacity to follow most of these cases, otherwise I'm just gonna be investigating everything I find on the ground and calling the station frequently hoping the crime lab people know whats up.

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, that case confused me last night too. I knew where all the clues led and that the Producer was mostly to blame, but I still couldn't tell who was lying. Everyone seemed guilty of something.


One thing I'd add is the ability to wound suspects with your gun rather than just executing them once you get them away from their hostage. I'd like to shoot them in the arm and then the leg to incapacitate them and take them alive. Oh well.

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Word, glad I wasn't the only one confused by that case.


I hope in the sequels they advance by about 20-30ish years each time and you are able to use all the up to date forensics technologies. Being a detective in the 70's and then present day would be pretty awesome.

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Guest bitroast


i'm having such a hard time playing this game.

am i complete retard?? the story campaign makes close to absolutely no sense and is just endlessly frustrating. i find myself responding to alot of random cop calls because they're the only part of the game i udnerstand.

>> CRIMINAL << with gun. get the criminal.

the rest of the game is just a blur to me : F

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One thing I'd add is the ability to wound suspects with your gun rather than just executing them once you get them away from their hostage. I'd like to shoot them in the arm and then the leg to incapacitate them and take them alive. Oh well.


Agreed. It annoyed me after doing my first street crime when I saw the body being put in the back of the van and Phelps looking solemn, thought maybe there was a way to just arrest them.. But apparently not. Apparently cops in the 40's just blew mother fuckers away.

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i've reached a 100% ... of all trophies :emotawesomepm9:



yeah good game tho, sometimes a bit frustrating, but good


i love the music on the car radios


sing sing sing with gene krupa on drums? fuck yeah

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Guest Gary C

What the fuck was up with the last three cases? Why on earth did I start playing as Kelso? If I had known that was going to happen I would have tried to finish the street-crimes sooner.


I understand that narratively, it enabled Phelps to die, but it still seemed really lazy.

I generally expected the big case, the big twist, to be much more cerebral and far-reaching. And for a detective game, there was very little detective skill involved in the final 3 cases. It turned into a mindless shoot-out.



Oh well, I suppose it has some replay value. At least if I want to squeeze a few more achievements out of it.


Also, anyone play the whole game in black and white? I didn't realise it was an option until too late. If and when I return to it, I'll play it properly.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

yeah what a shitty ending. switching players and then that ending oh my.


it has zero replay value for me now.


find the movie reels is basically find the pigeons from GTA.

find the landmarks..who cares.

street crime... they are all basically the same.


what a let down


the whole relationship with the german broad was so confusing and thrown in.

you think you're playing a good guy and then "oh hes doing what?" really?


the storyline for this game needed so much work.

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Guest Gary C

the whole relationship with the german broad was so confusing and thrown in.

you think you're playing a good guy and then "oh hes doing what?" really?


Yeah, I kept feeling like I'd missed a case, or accidentally skipped a cut-scene because wtf was going on. He just kept snooping up to her door and slinking inside.

If they had set-up more back-story with his actual wife and kids and had you bump into the German much more often I could understand it, but there was nothing.

He just started fucking some German woman and then he even happily accepted his death. wtf. What about his wife and kids?

I had a feeling Phelps was a fucking douchebag, and I'm pretty sure he was.


Rockstar got so close to writing a good game, but they completely fucked up the second half. These guys need to stop watching films and start reading books already.

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Guest El_Chemso

Its ultimately flawed, you can't infact tell if they are lying by looking at them. A great game thou. I could write an entire blog on my thoughts about the game.

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Guest jenny

thing is, the cases aren't very well written. imo, most of the chase and gunfight sequences, as well as the open world, could've been scrapped or greatly reduced in favour of more focus on the writing and problem solving aspects. the sticky cover system doesn't work that well, either. i haven't died so far, but it still kind of sucks. an alright game, though it doesn't quite live up to the hype package it was delivered in.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

the whole relationship with the german broad was so confusing and thrown in.

you think you're playing a good guy and then "oh hes doing what?" really?


Yeah, I kept feeling like I'd missed a case, or accidentally skipped a cut-scene because wtf was going on. He just kept snooping up to her door and slinking inside.

If they had set-up more back-story with his actual wife and kids and had you bump into the German much more often I could understand it, but there was nothing.

He just started fucking some German woman and then he even happily accepted his death. wtf. What about his wife and kids?

I had a feeling Phelps was a fucking douchebag, and I'm pretty sure he was.


Rockstar got so close to writing a good game, but they completely fucked up the second half. These guys need to stop watching films and start reading books already.


yeah we felt like we missed something a few times. at one point we fucked up and got demoted but the next case was in the same department.


its possible we played the game so early that they hadnt rolled out glitch fixes and maybe we did miss something.


saw a great glitch where in pone very important cut scene where the guy (meant to be) talking was invisible and silent. so everyone stood around for 5 minutes and then his hat appeared and floated off at the end.


i disagree with people ho say they couldnt tell who was lying. it was usually pretty obvious but more important was the evidence. the guy might look shifty but without the evidence all you can do is doubt.


i'm guessing they have lots of dlc cases planned.

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Agreed about the shitty writing. The delivery isn't great either. Lacklustre story telling, pacing is all over the place, cases ending very abruptly... Seems like it's lacking quality control. I really hate the controls as well. Character movement is terribly unresponsive to he point it becomes a chore to investigate because navigating around a room takes ages. Driving controls are horrible as well. Art direction and technical decisions are questionable etc.


I think they've been too ambitious. If you can't make a driving game/haven't got the money to pay for it, don't do it. Especially if it doesn't really add much. Cool facial tech, the questioning is done pretty well, but I thought it was a poor game. I liked Heavy Rain better.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

I liked Heavy Rain better.



have to disagree. i hated the ending of that even more than la noire. i was there the whole time! how did i not notice when i did that?

way too french.


both had origami too. in la noire it was a tiny detail and distracting.



la noire was such a short easy game. the first rockstar game i've completed infact. i'm workign on gta still and it makes la noire look shit. i gave up on red dead but my wife is still plannign on finishing it after killing some bears with a knife or somethink

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i'm guessing they have lots of dlc cases planned.


I don't think I'll bother though.


me either. luckily the game is resellable right now (mayeb more so if we stop complainign about it) for nearly what we paid

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