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'future-retro' art


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So, a little adult life turmoil has me reeling back through my mind for the comforting memories of childhood, and last night I had the sudden recollection of a book that I must have had from age 5 or so, and which is probably gathering dust in my mom's basement a few thousand miles away.


That book is "Great Space Battles." Essentially, it was a collection of classic S.F. cover art, reproduced very well, with little narratives made up to describe the scene depicted in each bit of art, connected to this "Terran Trade Authority" universe the writers made up.


There were a lot of incredible illustrations, but almost every memorable one was by Pete Elson. His stuff is incredible-- for what should be schlocky commercial art, Elson crafts these impossibly detailed, realistic images-- I'm thinking of his space craft in particular. The illustrations are so vivid, it's like each presupposes its own lived in universe.


Every one of those illustrations, signed "P.E." is instantly recognizable to me if I do an image search for his stuff. They were integral parts of my sci-fi loving childhood. I've heard as many stories of aeronautic engineers getting into that field because of the impression Elson made on them as children as I have about folks getting into illustration because of him.


I haven't thought of Pete or his illustrations or that book for probably a decade, since I played that Homeworld game, which was largely inspired by Elson's designs. But once the memories come back, I find I still want to live in his world.


These really need to be seen in higher resolution to be fully appreciated, but maybe some little pics will stir a few similar memories. Or could be I'm alone in having each of these burned into my memory.







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Guest Rotwang

Very nice. For stuff in a similar vein, see also John Berkey:






(I first became aware of his work when one of Autechre mentioned him in an interview. Yet another reason why Autechre kick ass)

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Guest ruiagnelo


(I first became aware of his work when one of Autechre mentioned him in an interview. Yet another reason why Autechre kick ass)


that is very interesting. did they mention the artist's name in the sense of inspiration? or was it other for other reason?

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Guest Rotwang

(I first became aware of his work when one of Autechre mentioned him in an interview. Yet another reason why Autechre kick ass)


that is very interesting. did they mention the artist's name in the sense of inspiration? or was it other for other reason?


The interviewer just asked if there were any visual artists they liked, IIRC.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Ryan Church is also a concept artist, who worked for star wars movies. imo he is not as good as the artists shown in this thread, but he has some very imaginative ideas:













these are not really polished, as they are concept art, but that's where its value resides.

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Ryan Church is also a concept artist, who worked for star wars movies. imo he is not as good as the artists shown in this thread, but he has some very imaginative ideas:













these are not really polished, as they are concept art, but that's where its value resides.


Those are fucking great. More of this.

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Guest ruiagnelo


Those are fucking great. More of this.


check his website, i provided the link.

i remember buying a huge book dedicated only to the star wars episode III artwork and from that moment i fell in love with concept art. it's very simple but powerful in the way it instantly delivers the idea.


i think you might also like Viktor Antonov. he is the mastermind behind the half-life 2 artwork:
















i just know his work from the half-life 2 raising the bar book and his webpage, but i really love his sharp style and creativity.

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Lots of good stuff, fellas. Thanks.


Cool. Was going to ask you about your avatar.


Actually, in looking back I think this avatar might be from Angus McKie-- it came up while searching for Peter Elson or Terran Trade Authority images, but I can't trace it back to PE in the light of day. Pretty similar style, though my avatar looks a lot flatter full-size than most of PE's stuff.



Here's a different version of the first image in my first post-- lawdy, the heat of it:




also, zomg:


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Guest ruiagnelo

Lots of good stuff, fellas. Thanks.


Cool. Was going to ask you about your avatar.


Actually, in looking back I think this avatar might be from Angus McKie-- it came up while searching for Peter Elson or Terran Trade Authority images, but I can't trace it back to PE in the light of day. Pretty similar style, though my avatar looks a lot flatter full-size than most of PE's stuff.



Here's a different version of the first image in my first post-- lawdy, the heat of it:



that one is incredible. seems to be a giant black hole, but looking deeper it may be a planet. i love how it contrasts with the orange sky and the ship.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

pretty cool geek art.


I've got a book somewhere at my folks house from the 70s showing the world of the future with colonies on the moon and shit like that, similar style of illustration, kind of fantasy/technical

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i'd love to find books on this kind of stuff, but i wouldn't know where to begin, i found some by stewart cowley on amazon but they're 70's originals and crazy expensive. suggestions? reprints maybe?

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  • 8 months later...

growing up as a kid i remember seeing artwork like this in a book, i think it was about advances in technology and stuff...been way too long since i saw the book, but i seem to remember a lot of the pictures in there were artists impressions of what the future might look like. and it had a lot of stuff that looked like this




and there were more pictures that had a kind of Moebius and Ron Cobb look to them, there was one in particular that really reminded me of the film Silent Running...it's like a view from inside a really massive circular construct.


anyways, does anyone have any links to more artwork like this? it really does invoke a massive nostalgia boner for me, and i'd be really grateful for more stuff.

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