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Nintendo's Project Cafe

Rubin Farr

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Guest Calx Sherbet

been following this story all week, so their next console debuts at E3 soon, in playable form. so what are they doing different this time? a personal touchscreen on every controller, with the possibility of taking those controllers on the go (it's a genius idea, but one would think it would hobble their DS business)


i feel that the 3DS was partially meant to counteract that. otherwise, i agree. it would make the DS a little pointless


all game systems are toys. they are for playing games


you know what i meant. i just couldn't think of any other way to put it. adding a motion sensor peripheral to a subpar game is like putting fins on a really ugly car

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Guest bitroast

im bored of my wii (i use it to play gamecube games, but other than the mario titles theres very little the wii has to offer).

considering installing homebrew stuffs, has anyone tried this??

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im bored of my wii (i use it to play gamecube games, but other than the mario titles theres very little the wii has to offer).

considering installing homebrew stuffs, has anyone tried this??


That's about the most fun I've had with our Wii - external HDD with every legit game we bought (all sold to Gamestop to buy PS3 games, har-har), as well as all the latest titles that were worth getting, plus DVD movie playback enabled. Well worth the effort hacking it.




God, I beat so many games with that - I never got used to the cross pads, and preferred to use the Advantage simply due to the joystick (especially Ninja Gaiden - friggin' eagles!).






My thoughts on the next Nintendo console: I really wish Nintendo would become a software-only developer (as they do make really good games), as they could sell insane amounts of software for Sony and Microsoft consoles, or anyone else for that matter (iPad Mario anyone?) and probably still make huge profits without the risk involved with hardware.


That being said, I think this machine they are going to unveil will be on par (not exceed, perhaps in a technical sense, but nowhere in terms of visibly looking better) with the 360 and PS3, and if there is Wii backwards-compatibility, it might breathe life into old Wii games (the Dolphin emulator for PC springs to mind, with HD output of Mario Galaxy and such looking really nice) and give the Nintendo faithful a smooth upgrade path. However, coming in at a competitive price point will be hard since both Sony and Microsoft will probably counter with lowering their prices a bit (I could see a 250.00-275.00 PS3 and 200.00 360 (not the HD-less Arcade version) to compete again Nintendo's console which I would guess would come in at a minimum of 300.00 (probably more, especially if the controllers feature a 6" LCD or other advanced motion controls).


What Nintendo needs to do with this console is 'catch up' with Sony and Microsoft in terms of being on par with 3rd party releases (e.g.: Call of Duty on all three looking about the same and offering the same experience) and get the 3rd party developers comfortable with releasing on their new system without fear of underselling (sort of how initially the PS3 didn't get as many cross-system releases due to developers' lack of experience with the hardware as well as the higher price point scared some away from taking the risk). Now both systems enjoy a healthy wealth of exclusives, as well as date-and-day cross platform releases. That way, once the inevitable next Xbox and PlayStation come out, they'll have a healthy standing (albeit 3rd place), and not wither on the vine like the Wii did so quickly (although it did have a phenomenal 3 year run where it outsold the 360 and PS3 almost combined).

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Kinda reminds me of the Dreamcast memory card/lcd screens that you could load mini games onto.

that was sweet, i fondly remember raising chao for sonic adventure in my spare time


and watching my sould calibur character bob up and down next to my thumb


this sounds like a pretty great toy

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I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the N64 (which is probaly my all-time favorite gaming console)..



Same, I'm playing Ocarina Of Time again, what a game!



With this "Project Cafe" (extremely faggy name btw) looks like they're finally joining the console and the handheld..


I'm just hoping for good solid Nintendo games (mario, zelda, donkey kong) maybe a few good racers and some Street Fighter. A few more 2D platformer Donkey Kong romps ala SNES style would be extremely welcome

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Guest couch

Looking back & forth from the tv screen to the controller screen sounds like it would get annoying, but I don't really play video games so maybe not...

It could be neat for a zelda game. Your inventory on the controller instead of having to toggle to it on the main screen.

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Guest bitroast

Looking back & forth from the tv screen to the controller screen sounds like it would get annoying, but I don't really play video games so maybe not...

It could be neat for a zelda game. Your inventory on the controller instead of having to toggle to it on the main screen.


that sounds similar to the Ocarina of Time 3DS port. the bottom DS screen is devoted to items which means you dont have to pause the game to change inventory.

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Adobe Photoshop now can use the iPad as a palette to hold all your menus, so your main PC screen is not cluttered up. I could see Nintendo doing the same thing with this controller screen.


One disappointing bit of news is the system will only have 8GB of internal storage (no HDD like other consoles), and rely on SD cards. NOW, that being said, if Nintendo allows any external HDD to be used (and they sold a branded Nintendo one, or better yet, sell an official HDD enclosure that you could buy any HDD and use) then we're talking.


Another thing that's come out is the media format will be 25GB discs - Blu-Ray? Highly doubtful. Probably a proprietary format similar to their mini-DVD format they used for the GameCube, but this won't be able to be read by any other reader than the one in Nintendo's next console, thus protecting them from piracy/homebrew (for a bit at least), but also limiting their system's usefulness (no DVD movie playback, and certainly no BD playback, so it's strictly a game console).


If Nintendo goes this route, it will severely hurt their ability to support DLC content, and even patches for games - I can guarantee you any 360 or PS3 owner has well over 8GB of patch data stored on their console for their disc-based games.

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Adobe Photoshop now can use the iPad as a palette to hold all your menus, so your main PC screen is not cluttered up. I could see Nintendo doing the same thing with this controller screen.



i was not aware of this, very cool. so it acts as a 2nd monitor and your mouse jumps over to the ipad?

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The only video game worth playing is Goldeneye:N64, released on Nintendo 64 (which, for that reason, is probaly my all-time favorite gaming console)..


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Adobe Photoshop now can use the iPad as a palette to hold all your menus, so your main PC screen is not cluttered up. I could see Nintendo doing the same thing with this controller screen.



i was not aware of this, very cool. so it acts as a 2nd monitor and your mouse jumps over to the ipad?


No, not quite:


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I (for one) am pretty excited by the idea of a new console. I'll probably get one of these things whenever they come back and become available. I think a 1080p HD mario game would be pretty rad.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest disparaissant

im bored of my wii (i use it to play gamecube games, but other than the mario titles theres very little the wii has to offer).

considering installing homebrew stuffs, has anyone tried this??

yeah totally worth it

loading game ISOs from a usb drive, emulators out the wazoo (can run roms from any folder on a network,) a pretty good media player (wiimc has an awesome interface, mediaplayer ce will play literally anything i have thrown at it that isn't hd, ps3's for that) and a lot of other stuff.


if i hadn't cracked my wii i never would have gotten to actually play this


(^^ bottom of that article says it's a fake btw)

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Guest Calx Sherbet

if i hadn't cracked my wii i never would have gotten to actually play this


what the fuck

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Guest disparaissant

lowest selling wii game everrrrr it's unbelievably awful

the plan 9 of weird shovelware. another one of the minigames is playing piano with a cat and if you fuck up it scratches you. i don't even know. i don't know a lick of japanese so it's even more hilariously mysterious. cute as fuck though!

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I like the pad idea but can't stand the name, weeooo? It's the sound of an ambulance, how mature. It sounds fucking pathetic in both English and Portuguese pronunciation, it's something only a Japanese could come up with and think it's cool, NOA better slap some sense into them.

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