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Sony Comes Clean: PlayStation Network Hackers Have Stolen Personal Data


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wipeouts good. but who doesn't have wipeout?


ME!!!! and was just getting round to buying it after I'd gotten bored of GT5 :yeah:



looks like Infamous is also on the cards for me too :gamer:


better than a shite PS mini which I was expecting

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Guest disparaissant

yah i dont have wipeout but i dont really like racing games.

infamous looks okay i guess.

the rest look shit. well i mean lbp is good but i have that.

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I don't have wipeout or dead nation (or super stardust but I don't really know what that is). Infamous is a great game, well worth the 20 dollars it normally is.

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Guest bitroast



Wipeout HD/Fury

Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty (Europe only)

Dead Nation

Super Stardust HD (North America/Germany only)


i have little big planet, wipeout and ratchet and clank. looks like i'll be getting infamous and dead nation by default : P

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Wipeout HD/Fury

Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty (Europe only)

Dead Nation

Super Stardust HD (North America/Germany only)


i have little big planet, wipeout and ratchet and clank. looks like i'll be getting infamous and dead nation by default : P

what would you recommend out of LBP, Wipeout and R&C

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Probably Little Big Planet - a bloody lovely big hug of a game.


i have little big planet, wipeout and don't reallly like the ratchet and clank series. looks like i'll be getting infamous and dead nation by default : P

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Guest bitroast

1. wipeout - one of the best downloadable ps3 games imo.

nice and shiny hd wipeout, plenty of levels and race types. online co-op. plus you can put on your own music playlist and race to idm. very very recommended.


2. littlebigplannet - physics based platformer. very enjoyable co-op (can hardly bring myself to play it 1 player). enjoyable game.


3. ratchet and clank game is pretty average. i'm fairly sure its just a small downloadable title to fill the gap between the two proper releases released on ps3. if you're interested in the game i'd recommend the other PS3 titles, but not this one on its own.

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Guest Gary C

I agree with kaen. That list of games doesn't look very inspiring. I'd take Little Big Planet, but I think I'd be disappointed in everything else.

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Only have Infamous. Will be getting Wipeout and Dead Nation. Never heard of Dead Nation before today, so I checked out a gameplay clip on youtube... looks fucking great. Have wanted to play Wipeout for a while, so now I have no excuse.

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Guest bitroast

lol you guys are so easily pleased by free handouts after being shafted, GJ


Its not asif im pleased. The offers shit. But may as well make the most of the shitty offer.

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I'm surprised at the quality of the titles they picked, but for the more hardcore fans, this isn't going to be of much benefit to them as they probably have all those games (or at least they should in the cases of Wipeout, LBP, Dead Nation and Super Star Dust HD. All three are hard, quality games that could have easily been on BD disc as retail releases.


I can highly recommend SSD HD, Dead Nation, and Wipeout - I think they should have given away LBP2 rather than 1 as it's a far superior product compared to 1. Ratchet and Clank for the EU folks is a quality release as well, but a bit short - you'll burn through it in less than 4 hours or so.


Me, I'll probably pick up Infamous (been wanting to play that for ages), and go for some other alternative they offer in lieu of a game, since I have the others. I seem to recall reading they were going to offer alternative stuff for those who have those games already.


Considering the retail value of all this (if you play your cards right) is around 104USD, it's not a bad piece offering considering it was loss of service to a FREE service for about a month or so, and they're giving you quality games as an apology for their massive screw up.

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I'm having trouble deciding. I'm definitely gonna get Super Stardust HD. But I can't decide between Wipeout and Dead Nation. Some help?

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I'm having trouble deciding. I'm definitely gonna get Super Stardust HD. But I can't decide between Wipeout and Dead Nation. Some help?


Nevermind, Wipeout HD it is.

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Guest Gary C

Considering the retail value of all this (if you play your cards right) is around 104USD, it's not a bad peace offering considering it was loss of service to a FREE service for about a month or so, and they're giving you quality games as an apology for their massive screw up.


A good point. Microsoft would only give you a months free Live and maybe a t-shirt for your avatar.

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