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Sony Comes Clean: PlayStation Network Hackers Have Stolen Personal Data


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Guest mafted

Except Microsoft hasn't exposed their user base to this type of idiocy in the first place. I will gladly felate Bill Gates for the rest of my life, I don't even currr.


How is it Sony's fault? I have yet to see one valid answer.


There will always be the possibility of being hacked.. no matter how much security you put in. I don't see how they were negligent.


also: i totally understand now why hackers are given life sentences. i'd love to find out who did this shit.

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Except Microsoft hasn't exposed their user base to this type of idiocy in the first place. I will gladly felate Bill Gates for the rest of my life, I don't even currr.


How is it Sony's fault? I have yet to see one valid answer.


There will always be the possibility of being hacked.. no matter how much security you put in. I don't see how they were negligent.


also: i totally understand now why hackers are given life sentences. i'd love to find out who did this shit.

in this instance, Sony are completely negligent.


they didn't think to change the way that you can "recover" your PSN password? since the only requirements to change the password is using data that was held in plaintext?


Sony are most definitely negligent here.


edit: or rather, the companies that Sony employed to audit their security are negligent...either way, from a customer standpoint the responsibility lies with Sony.

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I'm a computer n00b, but can't they divide their online services per continent/country/region/city/postal code instead of centralized and have everybody fucked at the same time?

I think they do this but as they all rely on the same bit of exploited code it's all been taken down for safety.

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Trusting Sony of all corporations to give a shit about your security until a PR nightmare forces them to is a bit fucking lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm willing to bet 5 bucks there will be another hacker attempt before the Sony Press Conference.


The hacker collective Lulz Security isn't taking a break from its attacks on Sony simply because it's E3. This morning, via Twitter, Lulzsec bragged that it had compiled Sony Computer Entertainment's Developer Network source code. Earlier in the week Lulzsec went after Sony BMG and Sony Pictures, and broke into Nintendo USA's website.



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I'm willing to bet 5 bucks there will be another hacker attempt before the Sony Press Conference.


The hacker collective Lulz Security isn't taking a break from its attacks on Sony simply because it's E3. This morning, via Twitter, Lulzsec bragged that it had compiled Sony Computer Entertainment's Developer Network source code. Earlier in the week Lulzsec went after Sony BMG and Sony Pictures, and broke into Nintendo USA's website.




the lulz security page made me listen to this 3 times lol:



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does sony desiver to get the law broken on them, for when they broke the law on the people of the world? :cerious::shrug:


why cant u put a corporation in jail

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