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Love Nightmares

Guest Babar

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Guest Babar

Last night's dream was okay since she was in a pretty hawt mood, but i've had very unpleasant dreams about her during the course of the past weeks/months (where she spurned my advances).

and well,

I haven't seen her for years (2, 3, can't be arsed mentally reconstructing the timeline of my nowhere-leading life) yet I'm still thinking about her. Well not that much, i mostly dream of her, and that is enough to refresh fading memories.

I just searched "i'm still thinking about her/him" in google, and appart from the fact it brings a lot of forum topics made by highschoolers who complain about still thinking to the relationship they had just four month ago, it also yields topics made by older people, 35, 40, 45 yo who are still thinking about their youthful love.





if you feel concerned by what i said, want to add your grain of salt, mock that whole faggotery of mine or just want to post a few pics of some frozen turd designed to look like an erect penis, then feel free to do so !

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Guest Malverde

or just want to post a few pics of some frozen turd designed to look like an erect penis, then feel free to do so !









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mock that whole faggotery of mine


Your heterosexual yearnings are, in fact, homosexual yearnings.


Am I doing this right?

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Guest Babar

I found a porn vid featuring her. It's basically a gonzo GHB rape. I can't tell if it's really her since her face his blurred out, but this girl in the vid has the exact same hair color, hair style, clothing style than the girl i was talking about. They have the same earrings, the same ears : even beauty spots matches.

Worse : there is something written in french on a her t-shirt.

It's her.

And I'm so fucking depressed right now.

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seems to me it's not abnormal... im 29 and married, and occasionally (maybe once every 6-8 months or so) i'll have a dream involving a girlfriend i had in high school. she was fucking crazy as all hell but also hot as hell.

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Guest elliot

i have them often, usually they involve her being fucking horrible to me, basically meaning when i wake up im fucked for the day.yay for being in love with psychotic suicidal substance abusing chronic lieing depression riden anxiety held beautiful girls.i cant even say her name aloud.


also i dont wear glasses when i should so every single girl in the street i think is her lol.fuck.

i feel ruined because of her.


babar i am relate.

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I frequently have dreams featuring past girlfriends and it always feels like I'm running through quicksand or a deep pool of thick liquid and I can never seem to reach them and all my actions are slowed, I also get the same with fight dreams, my limbs feel heavy and weak and I can never punch forcefully at my attackers. Anyway um, I dunno.

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I also get the same with fight dreams, my limbs feel heavy and weak and I can never punch forcefully at my attackers. Anyway um, I dunno.



this happens to me too, except my eyesight also goes bad only when i really try to focus in on something

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Guest hahathhat

when you're in a relationship with someone for a while, you develop interdependent thought patterns. one person remembers appointments, the other does the taxes. that's a superficial example, and it obviously goes much deeper than household logistics. losing the relationship can be like losing part of your brain.... the loss gets less important with time, you learn to compensate, but you never stop feeling it. for the ones that matter, anyways....


in short: emotionally normal thing, unless it's haunting you every night. if it's haunting you, i sense unresolved issues.

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I actually don't recall dreaming about any of my exes... most of the females in my dreams end up being archetypal characters who may personify girls I know, but don't resemble them physically. My current girlfriend does make the occasional guest appearance.

In most of my dreams I am alone, or I'm being chased by some unknown entity, and in most of those dreams I can fly. My dream life really needs some new material.

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Dream about my ex ALL the time. They're in stark contrast to my normal dreams in that they're really grounded in reality. They feel more like memories, even though the things in the dream never happened. A couple of mornings I've woken up expecting her to be lying there and let me tell you... THAT is depressing.

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My nightmares have me married.





my nightmares have you married too. i live vicariously through your "i partied so hard i had no clue who the bombshell was i woke up with" posts.



is this a recent breakup or something babar? (forgive me if i missed something)


edit: oh wait 2 or 3 years ago? but she was in a rape porn vid??

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Guest Babar

i had a cool dream last night. I was hanging out with another girl.

Then i woke up, and it took me a good 10 secs to remember yesterday i found at least two "night invasion"-like vids involving her.

Someone sent me a pic of her as well, where she's around 16 and has a shorter hair style. Some of the beauty spots i can see in the vid aren't in this pic while some other seem to match. I've just sent a mail to a dermatologist, just to have an expert's opinion on this affair.






and she's rather my "ex-future".

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Guest Babar

why do you think i'm ill ? (i'm not saying i'm not, i'd just like to know what clues make you think i am).

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Guest Gbiscuit
I've just sent a mail to a dermatologist, just to have an expert's opinion on this affair.


First clue. Good luck, though!

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I think you might be obsessing a little, Babar. You'll definitely dream about something if you're thinking about it a lot in waking life. Are you wanting to stage an intervention or something?


My nightmares have me married.





my nightmares have you married too. i live vicariously through your "i partied so hard i had no clue who the bombshell was i woke up with" posts.



is this a recent breakup or something babar? (forgive me if i missed something)


edit: oh wait 2 or 3 years ago? but she was in a rape porn vid??


Haha. Last week was fucking crazy. A buddy and I went out to the bar just to play some pool, then went home on the train. Some girl was staring me down and ended up sitting in front of me. I saw she had Brian Eno on her iPod so I chatted her up about that. I invited her and her friend back to try the raspberry beer that my roommate and I brewed [since she lived a block away from me]. Her friend hung out for a minute and then took off and that was that.


Usually I make a point not to talk to anyone on the train, but I was fucking wasted by then.

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The dermatology remark led me to believe Babar's just fucking with us. In which case, well played. Otherwise yeah, that might be a little weird. I'd still like you though Babar.

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Guest Rambo

I wonder if women have dreams about really elaborate weddings with flowers placed in unfathomable arrangements, you know, like when you wake up and you cant recreate whatever it was in your dream. If i were a girl i would surely dream about Plum and i riding a horse, eating apricots before the big proposal.

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Guest Rambo

Babar I think you're mentally ill. Seek therapy.


absolutely do not follow this advice, Babar. You keep jacking that penis over paintings of clouds and all the other french stuff you do.

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Guest elliot

babar dude you need to stop looking through motherless to find girls you know. its unheathly as fuck

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