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"Bout 2 kill ma kid"

Guest rumbo

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i think the state has no business killing people, no matter what the crime is. the chance of even one innocent man being executed makes it not worth it. plus killing murderers solves absolutely nothing.



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Guest Z_B_Z

i think the state has no business killing people, no matter what the crime is. the chance of even one innocent man being executed makes it not worth it. plus killing murderers solves absolutely nothing.





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Guest rumbo

"He will be killed in prison anyway". Isn't this a death sentence? I bet he will be segregated from the prison population along with rock spiders and other "at risk" prisoners.

Perhaps he should be locked in solitary confinement 24/7 and have the option of living like that for the rest of his life or committing suicide. Any attempt to off himself should be ignored. That way, he is responsible.

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Guest Iain C

I read this interesting and provocative article recently which might be of interest to anyone concerned about the effectiveness of prison, capital/corporal punishment, etc...


In Defense of Flogging

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I remember back when Dead Man Walking was all the rage, I read the book by Sister Helen Prejean that it was based on, and one of her arguments was it costs MORE to put someone to death than it does to incarcerate them for life, due to the costs incurred in the appeals process. I've always wondered if this was true or hokum?


In any case, like ZBZ I'm also anti death penalty, in the sense that any innocent wrongly put to death is one too many. Since the justice system is created by man and therefore flawed, it follows that there will always be the risk of innocents getting convicted of crimes they didn't commit.


Of course my gut instinct, with pedophiles especially, is to kill them in the most painful way possible.

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Guest rumbo

I agree which is why I mentioned "special circumstances". Particularly when a child is murdered and there is no doubt as to who is responsible for carrying out the act. This guy actual admitted doing it. He even went so far as to ask the detective if he will be on the front page of the newspaper because of it.




Followed by his comment that ''Fuckin' cunts will kill me in jail for this.''

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I'd rather he be tortured than put to death.


Even if the torture would eventually end in death? I know there are some people who would prefer ongoing torture to outright annihilation, which is amazing to me.


I still don't really have a firm stance on the death penalty, though the possibility of innocent people getting it by mistake is a pretty major point against it. I'm all for rehabilitation, but when murder is combined with extreme cruelty like this it's hard to stay in favor of a second chance. If a person's disposition is that vicious, the likelihood of them inflicting far more suffering down the road is perhaps too great to justify ever setting them free. I hate to say the death penalty is ever a reasonable punishment... but perhaps in some extreme cases it is. The revenge aspect of it is shitty, but as a preventative measure it sure is effective! :emotawesomepm9: That said, I'm leaning towards the anti death-penalty side as the negatives outweigh the positives.

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Forgive me for being ridiculously sci-fi, but bear with me for a moment. I actually think that human beings, regardless of what they've done, have utility. Their deeds don't necessarily spoil the fact that they have a very powerful computer inside their skull, and a living organic body to power it. Now, there doesn't currently exist the infrastructure or technology to do so effectively (and the means to do so are debatable), but I think that since the man seems to possess consciousness, that consciousness should be salvaged. Basically, add him to a borg.

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I have these crazy thoughts come up every once and a while...like when I read zephyr nova's statement. I immediately thought..."well, what if a person's disposition is erasable?."

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No to the death penalty. Prisons should be for rehabilitation first and foremost. I am not quite sure if a person can be evil to the core, but if that's the case then lock them up for life. I don't buy it for a second that it would overpopulate the prisons, if the prisons would properly work on rehabilitation. In the US, with the most incarcerated population on the world, the prison industry is a big business and once again it's a shining example of capitalism fucking things up.

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I have these crazy thoughts come up every once and a while...like when I read zephyr nova's statement. I immediately thought..."well, what if a person's disposition is erasable?."


I thought about that as well after writing it. The day when we can completely rewire a person's brain and eliminate those negative traits altogether probably isn't too far off. In which case, I suppose there can be a good use for any brain no matter how damaged it once was. Of course that opens a whole other can of worms... former sociopaths become future slaves, tools to be used how the justice system sees fit? :mellow:

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I know that the US has the death penalty, so I guess the question for you is whether its use should be limited. But for we in the UK, Europe and other Commonwealth countries, it was abolished long ago. Should it be reintroduced for special circumstances such as crimes against children?


What we've seen in the US is that executions are a way for ineffective politicians to appear tough on crime, and the states that do the most executions (Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama) are not exactly the top places for a fair trial.


One article I strongly recommend:


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if I walked into my house and someone just murdered my child, I would kill them no questions asked. and it would be justified.


if the cops killed the guy who just murdered my child, it would be justified.


i have zero problem with the death penalty for outlandish horrific acts of murder. f those people, they don't deserve to sit in prison and brag about their actions with their new crew of criminals. they don't deserve a life no matter how bad it is.

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Guest abusivegeorge

If they get the death penalty the don't suffer. Would ya rather go to prison for 25 years knowing that everyone is going to to wanna rape you inside for killing your 2 year old OR would ya rather have the dealth penalty and not have to suffer?



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Of course my gut instinct, with pedophiles especially, is to kill them in the most painful way possible.


rough..always felt to me that it was more of a serious mental disorder, one that clearly requires treatment rather than punishment.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

I'd rather he be tortured than put to death.


shame on you man, and all of you who wished pain on this guy. how could you wish that on somebody?

he has done a terrible thing, but torture will not bring that girl back.

it's obvious that this man has deep psychological problems. He needs help, not punishment.

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If they get the death penalty the don't suffer. Would ya rather go to prison for 25 years knowing that everyone is going to to wanna rape you inside for killing your 2 year old OR would ya rather have the dealth penalty and not have to suffer?





thats because the death penalty is too humane. it should be done slowly, violently and painfully.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

If they get the death penalty the don't suffer. Would ya rather go to prison for 25 years knowing that everyone is going to to wanna rape you inside for killing your 2 year old OR would ya rather have the dealth penalty and not have to suffer?





thats because the death penalty is too humane. it should be done slowly, violently and painfully.


seriously, this thinking makes no sense to me.

if you don't agree with killing one person, how could you agree with killing another? what good comes out of that? and aren't you just lowering yourself to his level?

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as much as i absolutely hate this piece of garbage, i don't see how the death penalty would do anything other than provide a vague sense of vengeance for the girl's family. and while the prison system is absolute garbage, any hope of rehabilitation and treatment for an obviously fucked individual would be more beneficial than anything. again, that's taking into consideration total idealism, which isn't necessarily realistic.


but needless to say, it's fucking disheartening seeing this thread over and over again on the first page—it's just a story that sucks having to revisit.

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Of course my gut instinct, with pedophiles especially, is to kill them in the most painful way possible.


rough..always felt to me that it was more of a serious mental disorder, one that clearly requires treatment rather than punishment.


to me pedophilia is the worst. I had someone very close to me commit suicide, who had been abused as a child. Child abuse fucks up the kid for the rest of their life, it's like time-delay murder. It doesn't surprise me at all that even criminals turn against pedophiles. Probably because many of them were molested or abused as children; they understand it's the universal taboo...

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