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"Bout 2 kill ma kid"

Guest rumbo

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I'd rather he be tortured than put to death.


shame on you man, and all of you who wished pain on this guy. how could you wish that on somebody?

he has done a terrible thing, but torture will not bring that girl back.

it's obvious that this man has deep psychological problems. He needs help, not punishment.


If they get the death penalty the don't suffer. Would ya rather go to prison for 25 years knowing that everyone is going to to wanna rape you inside for killing your 2 year old OR would ya rather have the dealth penalty and not have to suffer?





thats because the death penalty is too humane. it should be done slowly, violently and painfully.


seriously, this thinking makes no sense to me.

if you don't agree with killing one person, how could you agree with killing another? what good comes out of that? and aren't you just lowering yourself to his level?


I agree with you. I'm shocked how many people have said they wish people would be tortured because death is too kind.

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Guest rumbo

I'm not interested in making people suffer. Perhaps they will suffer in solitary confinement regarding one of my previous comments, but I'm thinking more along the lines of "lights out", dispose of the corpse, forget about them.


As an atheist I believe we only have one life. This guy chose to end the only life of a 2 year old kid. Think of all the things she will miss out on experiencing, and why? Because this guy wanted to make his wife suffer the death of her baby? I just feel this guy has forfeited his right to life. He knows he will be killed in prison for this. In effect, what he did was a suicide mission.

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Yes she misses out on all the great things that would have happened in her life with this piece of garbage as her father. Does killing him change that? Does it bring her back to life? Will she rise from the grave to suckle once more at her mother's teat? uhhh no.

So. If you abhor the death of one, then why would you prosecute for the death of another?


If the US would stop putting young black/hispanic men in jail for smoking weed, there would be much more room for actual criminals, and the costs to the taxpayer would go down dramatically.

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Prison system is messed up, but putting a person to death is also messed up.


I still don't know where I stand on the death penalty. All I know is we need to fix the prison system. I honestly don't see the point in keeping the guy alive that the OP talked about. I would assume he could only bring misery to others. But, then again...


♫ I'm proud to be an American ♫



If the US would stop putting young black/hispanic men in jail for smoking weed, there would be much more room for actual criminals, and the costs to the taxpayer would go down dramatically.

Ha, I agree with that though. What a waste of taxpayer money.


Edit2: Torture isn't an option. I don't see the point in that. It wouldn't help anything. But death would wipe a person off the face of the earth. It would completely end a person's life who could not offer anything of value to society. AND, we wouldn't have to pay for their life. I am only speaking of cases similar to that of the OP.


No, it doesn't erase what's been done (i.e. bring the girl back to life) but it would prevent it from ever happening again. The man fucked up. He brought misery to others. The only way to erase him is to kill him, or throw him on a deserted island.

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Guest Adam

I'm having second thoughts about the death penalty. I am against it on principle, but feel that where crimes against children are involved it is a special circumstance.

The notion that someone who has made it through life to adulthood, where their self-determination and independence allows them to prosper (if they so choose), would end the life of a defenseless child and deny them that chance is reprehensible.


I know that the US has the death penalty, so I guess the question for you is whether its use should be limited. But for we in the UK, Europe and other Commonwealth countries, it was abolished long ago. Should it be reintroduced for special circumstances such as crimes against children?


Why? Wtf? Really. 2 year old children are far less inteligent then pigs.

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If they get the death penalty the don't suffer. Would ya rather go to prison for 25 years knowing that everyone is going to to wanna rape you inside for killing your 2 year old OR would ya rather have the dealth penalty and not have to suffer?





thats because the death penalty is too humane. it should be done slowly, violently and painfully.


seriously, this thinking makes no sense to me.

if you don't agree with killing one person, how could you agree with killing another? what good comes out of that? and aren't you just lowering yourself to his level?



I totally agree, killing this man would only be hypercritical.

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If they get the death penalty the don't suffer. Would ya rather go to prison for 25 years knowing that everyone is going to to wanna rape you inside for killing your 2 year old OR would ya rather have the dealth penalty and not have to suffer?





thats because the death penalty is too humane. it should be done slowly, violently and painfully.


seriously, this thinking makes no sense to me.

if you don't agree with killing one person, how could you agree with killing another? what good comes out of that? and aren't you just lowering yourself to his level?



I totally agree, killing this man would only be hypercritical.



i think its easy to say that about a case that isnt close to you, but if someone killed someone you love, i think know you would change your mind very quickly.

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If they get the death penalty the don't suffer. Would ya rather go to prison for 25 years knowing that everyone is going to to wanna rape you inside for killing your 2 year old OR would ya rather have the dealth penalty and not have to suffer?





thats because the death penalty is too humane. it should be done slowly, violently and painfully.


seriously, this thinking makes no sense to me.

if you don't agree with killing one person, how could you agree with killing another? what good comes out of that? and aren't you just lowering yourself to his level?



I totally agree, killing this man would only be hypercritical.



i think its easy to say that about a case that isnt close to you, but if someone killed someone you love, i think know you would change your mind very quickly.

i wouldn't change my mind.
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No, I wouldn't change my mind. If some had done something horrific to a loved one what use would it be to hurt them? They have family too, the violence has to stop somewhere.



I've had a lot of close relatives and friends die from all sorts of reasons, even when a friend died from an idiot driver what was the use of him dying? (ok so this is obviously a lot less horrific then most crimes but stay with me) People get so hung up on 'justice' because they don't have the emotional stability/tools to properly grieve.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

everyone's better than the worst thing they've ever done.

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No, I wouldn't change my mind. If some had done something horrific to a loved one what use would it be to hurt them? They have family too, the violence has to stop somewhere.



I've had a lot of close relatives and friends die from all sorts of reasons, even when a friend died from an idiot driver what was the use of him dying? (ok so this is obviously a lot less horrific then most crimes but stay with me) People get so hung up on 'justice' because they don't have the emotional stability/tools to properly grieve.



I'm sorry but imma call bullshit. this is not a topic that you can honestly say that you know what you would do. BELIEVE ME when it happens, it changes everything.

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how can you call bullshit? how can she slap? for reals, you don't know what everyone's reaction would be, or how their thought process might change.

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no I don't. i know what my reaction was and that's all I have to go by. I guess I was wrong... I should have given tbat fuck a nice meal a free ticket to live on tax payer money. he should have been rewarded. we should try to help every fucked up piece of shit even if it costs us hard earned money for making something of ourselves.

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If you think prison is in any way a rewarding experience, you've got another think coming.

Never mind this guy will never get out. Prison is not fun.

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people died because of the physics of the universe, if they didnt die they would be saying sceince is wrong so they died to keep science true. this is my way of thinking at least :mellow:

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Guest abusivegeorge

If they get the death penalty the don't suffer. Would ya rather go to prison for 25 years knowing that everyone is going to to wanna rape you inside for killing your 2 year old OR would ya rather have the dealth penalty and not have to suffer?





thats because the death penalty is too humane. it should be done slowly, violently and painfully.


seriously, this thinking makes no sense to me.

if you don't agree with killing one person, how could you agree with killing another? what good comes out of that? and aren't you just lowering yourself to his level?



I totally agree, killing this man would only be hypercritical.


Yeah I don't agree with the death penalty. They should go to prison and suffer, whilst learning right from wrong, a time to reflect and realise what harm has been done.


everyone's better than the worst thing they've ever done.


This an A class response.

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what would therapy do besides waste even more money? I'm not convinced sociopaths like him can be rehabilitated.



So what is this debate about now exactly?

In my opinion, it's "Keep a man imprisoned for life even though he's a maniac" vs. "Kill him and save tax dollars".

I suppose it could also be "Killing a person is immoral" vs. "Saving money/Not giving a fuck about psychopathic fucks".


I think it's so fascinating how different the United States users are from the rest of the world on this subject. I consider myself an incredibly liberal person, but I'm for killing this guy, since we know for a fact he did it.

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Fuck off with the tax dollars response. if that is your thinking then you should really be more concerned with rehabilitating the prison system as it is right now. Be concerned about imprisoning those who deserve it, not some 20 year old black man who was busted with a couple joints.


fucking concerned about paying taxes, fuck right off you cunt.

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Fuck off with the tax dollars response. if that is your thinking then you should really be more concerned with rehabilitating the prison system as it is right now. Be concerned about imprisoning those who deserve it, not some 20 year old black man who was busted with a couple joints.


fucking concerned about paying taxes, fuck right off you cunt.

This isn't about a 20 year old black man with a couple of joints (I don't even know where the fuck you're getting this), this is about a guy who murdered his 2 year old daughter, and we have proof. I'd love to rehabilitate the prison system, and I'd pay higher taxes to have that done.


If this man can't be rehabilitated though, fuck him. He failed, not the government.

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so pay higher taxes and send this asshole away for life. who knows, he may be rehabilitated. but don't bitch about having to pay fractions more for one dude. don't say "i'd rather murder a murderer then spend an extra fucking penny". i'm really grumpy right now so sorry. human life is human life, 2 years old or not. and as was mentioned, a fucking dolphin or dog or animal of most sorts has more intelligence than a 2 year old but we don't give a fuck. and there is a canadian cardiologist who is being charged with murdering his 5 and 3 year old children but nobody fucking cares.


sorry, i don[t know why i am in such a mood but fuck me and fuck everyone.


/done not making sense.

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