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Zomby - Natalia's song

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(sorry, i am inhebriated)


about him supposedly having a mental illness as an excuse for refusing to admit he stole a collaborators work and tried to pass it off as his own or the glowstyx diss?

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wait i heard a rumor that Mike P used mental illness as an umbrella excuse for everything Zomby has done, is it in this thread??!?!?!


nevermind caught up i forgot Bambi was him, and of course he (mike p) was around in 92 and is very well versed in hardcore so i feel like an idiot for asking such a question to someone who is 40 years old and runs an electronic record label but, but i still find it hard to believe that somehow Zomby intentionally tapped these memories or era of 92' rave. I still very much think it was an accident, especially if Zomby , who is younger than i am, and im even too young to have appreciated hardcore in 92 somehow made it sound more authentic.


Yup he did. He is a talented guy. And Glowstyx is still pretty good at trackmaking, I just don't think it captures what I felt was important about rave, it just captures a 'surface impression' whereas some of Zomby's tracks capture the 'feeling' and essence. I guess if you weren't there or don't know the references, then it is simply comparing a shiny, busy track with a more ruff, minimal one. Anyway, he treated me as though i was an idiot. By all accounts (other industry sources) he's done things a lot worse than passing off someone else's track as his own. By the way, mental illness isn't an excuse for his actions, merely an explanation, it certainly makes me calmer and more understanding towards cunts (and women) if I understand the underlying processes behind their behaviour.


He captures a vibe very well in his music don't you think?





Anyway, here is another house tune he stole for 'The Lie', original, then zomby's 'version' - tbf I prefer Zomby's again.




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I think he would be a lot better off if he just DJ'd his slightly modified stolen stuff, because in that context, I would probably like a lot of it. Unfortunately, being who he is, he publishes it as his own stuff and rakes in the cash. Totally blows it for me.

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fair enough, i most definitely was not there in '92 so the nostalgia is lost on me completely. The stuff i was mostly exposed to as an american teen was probably stuff of the more 'tween' variety you refer to. I think the first time i heard 'hardcore' music was in a bubbleyum commercial with a massively pitch bent hoover synth line when i was 10.



edit: those tracks you posted i don't think are good, but of course it comes down to personal taste. Something about the way he 's resampling a squarewave burbling sound on all his new stuff doesn't do it for me. Probably the best track i've heard of his was on '92... this one



and this


i feel this track especially he really was onto something with this minimal proto jungle sound, id love a whole album of this stuff

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Guest rex sole

In '92 I was 7 years old and trading rave mixtapes me and my mates had made of like, Jonny L and The Prodigy and the XL Recordings level of rave stuff, so maybe that's why the Glowstyx one taps more directly in to my nostalgia core.


What irks me the most here is artistic integrety thing (and maybe I have a misguided notion of this, because so much successful music has been plundered from someone unsuccessful throughout the last 100 years of popular music, but whatever), the idea that someone else does all the hard work to create that foundation, the spark of a great or successful or popular track, and then someone else with some established weight can take it, slap their name on it and take all the accolades. No intergrety, no accomplishment, just the bullish "how dare you challenge the king!" attitude in the face of it all.

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That's the thing, the vast majority of his tracks are obviously his (pretty hard to sample arpeggiated rhythms/melodies, etc) and I actually really enjoy most of his discography too, but he just spoils it by doing batshit crazy stuff like this. I mean, plasgerism is bad enough, but when you say things like "this track is a masterpiece" and "I wrote it for Burial" in interviews, then get called out for straight up stealing the tune, it just makes you look like a massive twat. Add his twitter page into the equation and his constant disrespect for other producers (or basically anyone who disagrees with him) and it's really, really difficult to like the guy, even if his music is usually good. Shame really.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

By the way, mental illness isn't an excuse for his actions, merely an explanation, it certainly makes me calmer and more understanding towards cunts (and women) if I understand the underlying processes behind their behaviour.


Do you realise how much of a cunt this makes you sound like? :rolleyes:

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Narcissistic personality disorder

fucking lol. diagnosable or not, it just means he's a huge cunt, and that is the bottom line.


I love that nobody is responsible for their own behaviour anymore


was: fucking little shit now: ADHD

was: mouth-breathing dweeb now: "mild Asperger's"

was: sleazebag now: sex addict

was: cunt now: narcissistic personality disorder


Best thing i've read in years.

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Narcissistic personality disorder

fucking lol. diagnosable or not, it just means he's a huge cunt, and that is the bottom line.


I love that nobody is responsible for their own behaviour anymore


was: fucking little shit now: ADHD

was: mouth-breathing dweeb now: "mild Asperger's"

was: sleazebag now: sex addict

was: cunt now: narcissistic personality disorder


Best thing i've read in years.



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Son, you're really in no position to condescend to anyone.


really? i thought i was the one without a cunt and something irritating it?


you're the one who seems to want to take little jibs at almost everything i post lately.


i think it's cute :3 ^_^

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