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The King of Fruit


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i was playing farmvile and theres a fruit called JACKFRUIT its really big so i looked it up in wikipeda, i think i got this durrian beat look at this thig




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Guest illfly mandog

The Durian may be king, but we all know Tomato is most ninja. How did it become a vegetable? I don't even... :shuriken:

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true, tomatoes are amazing, too bad good tomatoes have become all but extinct in the US due to genetic modification. Even a lot of the heirloom tomatoes taste like cardboard...

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Guest illfly mandog

true, tomatoes are amazing, too bad good tomatoes have become all but extinct in the US due to genetic modification. Even a lot of the heirloom tomatoes taste like cardboard...

agreed. My girl and I have managed some tasty heirlooms, but not all of em are so good in the first place.

I've been working the new garden lately, but its been so rainy and hot here. Not really the ideal conditions. Too much rain has been a factor a few years in a row now...

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love durian but i ask you to beat motherfucking cherries. or raspberries even. or mangoes.


but motherfucking cherries. and blueberries



i fucking love fruit. peaches.

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One very cool thing about China - despite melamine in the milk, birth control in the fish, and whatever other atrocities they commit in the name of making a profit, the quality of produce is generally outstanding. The tomatoes here are wonderful. Reason being, they never sold their soul to huge monoculture agribusiness evil empire. Much of the produce comes from small plot "city gardens" - lots of people in the suburbs tending to a small plot of land. So you can get vine-ripened deliciousness right in the heart of the city. Of course it's probably filled with lead, pesticides, etc, but it tastes great. It wasn't by design; they just happened in to it. I can see things changing in the future, which is a bummer, but for now I just enjoy...

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Guest illfly mandog

i fucking love fruit. peaches.

My new house has a peach tree. Luckily they are one of the few fruit trees that can fertilize themselves because it definitely the only one around. Hope it yields!!


but yes, Fruit be swaggin all over food.

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in one of the houses i used to rent we had a fig tree right off of the back deck. FUCKING FRESH FIGS ALL SEASON HOLY SHIT. Fresh figs and cheese is almost an orgasm in a bite. god i miss that.

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Guest illfly mandog

One very cool thing about China - despite melamine in the milk, birth control in the fish, and whatever other atrocities they commit in the name of making a profit, the quality of produce is generally outstanding. The tomatoes here are wonderful. Reason being, they never sold their soul to huge monoculture agribusiness evil empire. Much of the produce comes from small plot "city gardens" - lots of people in the suburbs tending to a small plot of land. So you can get vine-ripened deliciousness right in the heart of the city. Of course it's probably filled with lead, pesticides, etc, but it tastes great. It wasn't by design; they just happened in to it. I can see things changing in the future, which is a bummer, but for now I just enjoy...

We have local Farmer's Markets in the States so good food is available to those not willing to grow there own. Problem is the U.S. likes to tax the fuck outta self employed people so it can be a bit pricey. The popularity of these things are growing but the number of people who can't really afford it is growing with it. Therefor WalMart prevails.

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Guest Iain C

Fruit trees are the business. We've got an apple tree in our back garden which produces delicious fruit, more than we know what to do with really. Apples. The neighbours - who are our landlord's elderly parents - grow all kinds of stuff, too.

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I have a farmers market a few blocks away from the heezy. Got a few mangos yesterday, and those small oranges that begin with an "M" that are soooooo sweet and delish. I can never remember their name though.

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Guest Smuckers

you wouldn't eat a rotten pair or apple either.


I've got a rotten pair you can eat.



ripe mango for me. had a borderline sexual experience with one when i was high once. looking forward to noshing on some biggun's over the summer.

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