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i dont know what to do anymore / i am lost

Guest Helper ET

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why are there so many FUCKING WEIRDOS on watmm? there never used to be this many. are they all theo dupes? is this just what kids are like these days? I mean jesus, it's fucked up. you're all fucking mental.


last post.

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There are many an entertaining and interesting post in this thread - but this is just too awesome not to quote. . . going to save this shit to my computer and look at it every time I'm feeling low.

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There are many an entertaining and interesting post in this thread - but this is just too awesome not to quote. . . going to save this shit to my computer and look at it every time I'm feeling low.



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i think it's very important to remember that people can be very helpful and caring. that Christians, at the center, are more worried about helping a person than they are with convincing you about some bullshit white man in the sky.



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if what I'm seeing is this:




I was being a poetic retard in that post. but don't visit this site. i was pretty astounded by it initially when i searched for 'applause' imgs to cap my post. now it's giving me a severe headache and it's scaring the living FUCK out of me. i'm not kidding.


sorry to bump this thread but I wanted to give a 'fun fact'


I really wasn't kidding in that previous post. I wasn't on drugs or anything but I'd been up all night... it was like 9 AM where I Was. right after I made the above post I had what some might call a 'split from reality' or a panic attack/psychotic episode. I was looking at that above website and I felt like my brain was on fire, I felt like I was on 2CE or having an 'acid flashback' as one might call it. it was truly horrifying, beyond words.


I looked back on the site a few hours later after I'd curved around... it really is a magnificent work of art. very interesting. I was going to make a thread for it but didn't. I recommend people to check it out, however if you're prone to paranoia [...] don't take it seriously... it's some postmodernist art shit.

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There are many an entertaining and interesting post in this thread - but this is just too awesome not to quote. . . going to save this shit to my computer and look at it every time I'm feeling low.




reminds me of this:


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There are many an entertaining and interesting post in this thread - but this is just too awesome not to quote. . . going to save this shit to my computer and look at it every time I'm feeling low.




thanks mate. I had the same feeling when reading it the first time :emotawesomepm9:


where is ET gone by the way? Starts circle-jerk and leaves... lol :facepalm:

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Guest elliot

if you're depressed that little 4chan screen cap wont mean shit.you're the whole thing about being depressed is not being able to see anything in a positive light, even if you get to the state where nothing matters its not going to be some sort of enlightenment that allows you to do anything



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