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Genetically Modified food

Guest theSun

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they already do the "testing" that they present to the fda etc


go figure there might be a conflict of interest writing your own test for regulatory committees.


And who is the head of the FDA?


An ex Monsanto Executive


I am totally against GMOs.


There needs to be more testing.

There needs to be labels on every fucking product that contains them, explicitly listing what is a GMO.

There needs to be safeguards against what exactly can be modified.

There needs to be safeguards for farmers, so they aren't sued when Monsanto brand seed naturally finds it's way into their farms, unknowingly.

There needs to be intense study on environmental impact. Imagine if GMO's spread so far out of control that you are never sure what is organic anymore.

Not to mention GMOs are made to withstand stronger and stronger pesticides, so you are just using worse and worse chemicals in the environment, and in your fucking food. Just because the plant didn't die, doesn't mean it's not going to give you long term health problems from ingesting continual amounts of chemicals in your food.


Monsanto is evilevilevil.


‘If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population." - Henry Kissinger

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they already do the "testing" that they present to the fda etc


go figure there might be a conflict of interest writing your own test for regulatory committees.


And who is the head of the FDA?


An ex Monsanto Executive


I am totally against GMOs.


There needs to be more testing.

There needs to be labels on every fucking product that contains them, explicitly listing what is a GMO.

There needs to be safeguards against what exactly can be modified.

There needs to be safeguards for farmers, so they aren't sued when Monsanto brand seed naturally finds it's way into their farms, unknowingly.

There needs to be intense study on environmental impact. Imagine if GMO's spread so far out of control that you are never sure what is organic anymore.

Not to mention GMOs are made to withstand stronger and stronger pesticides, so you are just using worse and worse chemicals in the environment, and in your fucking food. Just because the plant didn't die, doesn't mean it's not going to give you long term health problems from ingesting continual amounts of chemicals in your food.


Monsanto is evilevilevil.


‘If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population." - Henry Kissinger





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Guest hahathhat

genetically modified food is one of those things people argue about without really understanding. i can't be bothered to go figure it out myself, i admit.... i'm not terribly sure what the fuss is about.

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Guest hahathhat

maybe if i just ate marshmellows and multivitamins for the rest of my life i will be immune from genetically modified foods and mad cow disease

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I don't think you should be able to own the rights to seeds.


Watch Food, Inc. if you haven't already.

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Guest hahathhat

I don't think you should be able to own the rights to seeds.


Watch Food, Inc. if you haven't already.

you can say you own it all you want,

china will still rip it off.


go free market.

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wont let me edit... but I was going to add: for example, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and broccoli are all variations of the same plant. Humans have just bred this one plant to give them different desired traits.




Yes! that's what I mean, I have just done a study about cloning animals and people's reactions (very different but I had to read up on GM stuff too). The thing is when you actually get to the root of people's opinions they are usually fearful because of the media's portrayal of genetic engineering.


I do totally agree there are big companies using it to meet their own ends. There needs to be some sort of independent committee that controls what is modified. The issue in America, is that there's a lot of back hand deals going on to allow this stuff to happen.

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Guest theSun

wont let me edit... but I was going to add: for example, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and broccoli are all variations of the same plant. Humans have just bred this one plant to give them different desired traits.




Yes! that's what I mean, I have just done a study about cloning animals and people's reactions (very different but I had to read up on GM stuff too). The thing is when you actually get to the root of people's opinions they are usually fearful because of the media's portrayal of genetic engineering.



when are people NOT afraid of the medias portrayal of threat x rather than the actual threat? see - anthrax, y2k, terrorism.


people get up in arms about complex problems that they think they understand. a problem with monsanto is that they get very little real press about anything ever. i don't even want to think of the amount of "lobbying" they've done to continue this freeforall, unregulated, unprecedented worldwide gmo experiment.


a big problem is that there is no precedent for this type of technology, so the courts are in a bad place to interpret the law however they want

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Guest hahathhat

i've been getting some calls/emails from recruiters about a contract job at monsanto, writing software to help the scientists "design and execute gene engineering strategies."


how should i responded, watmm? :emotawesomepm9:

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i just find it hilarious that corporate profits come before informing the american public in the eyes of the FDA


in europe as far as i understand a company has to disclose on the label if they use GMO, in america there is absolutely no way to know by looking at the actual packaging for a product because apparently our government thinks that it will hurt sales too much and its not important enough to disclose


but for people who like to say 'there's nothing to worry about' they will find someway to mentally perform gymnastics to explain a rational sounding reason as to why americans get left in the dark about what products they consume have gmos and which ones dont

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Guest hahathhat

dining on insects is going to be the future.

we will live in cube-structures and listen to "ISAM" by amon tobin

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Guest Coalbucket PI

dining on insects is going to be the future.

we will live in cube-structures and listen to "ISAM" by amon tobin

I think the structures will surely be icosahedral

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Guest illfly mandog

the ISAM life. you down?



Happy to report that based on my research, no plants with dna spliced with animal dna has ever left the laboratory. This does not mean that with time it wont be available.


I understand the "feed everyone" reasoning, but I personally think that if the part of the world you live in is not producing enough food to support the population, then people shouldn't live there. Maybe humans aren't the end all be all of the earth and shouldn't be kept alive AT ALL COSTS. Call me cold blooded if you will. Nature has cleansed itself many times. Ice ages, Comets, Drought, Famine, Disease. Who are we to fight the natural ebb of life?

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Guest theSun

i just find it hilarious that corporate profits come before informing the american public in the eyes of the FDA


in europe as far as i understand a company has to disclose on the label if they use GMO, in america there is absolutely no way to know by looking at the actual packaging for a product because apparently our government thinks that it will hurt sales too much and its not important enough to disclose


but for people who like to say 'there's nothing to worry about' they will find someway to mentally perform gymnastics to explain a rational sounding reason as to why americans get left in the dark about what products they consume have gmos and which ones dont


qft but i don't really think it's hilarious anymore.

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yeah, there are ads that really push: "Canadian grown" Healthy! etc. but i'm sure america has those same ads.

i'd rather not think of it.

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The FDA really needs to conduct longitudinal studies on these. It's scary that the long term effects haven't even been held into question by the government, and they are allowing the mass distribution of these seeds. Then again, the FDA barely regulates anything now and days due to them getting pure profit out of it. Bunch of bullshit.

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wont let me edit... but I was going to add: for example, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and broccoli are all variations of the same plant. Humans have just bred this one plant to give them different desired traits.


Really? That's amazing. What did the original plant look like? Source?




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