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The Rapture is Tomorrow

Guest analogue wings

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LOL @ bearded fat guy.




Okay, so here's why they thought the world would come to an end on may 21st.


The number 5 means atonement, and the number 10 means flawlessness or perfection or something like that, and the number 17 means heaven. So, if you multiply these three numbers you get 850. Then if you multiply 850 with 850 you get 722.500 and apparantly yesterday was exactly 722.500 days since Jesus got crucified.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


I kid you not. This is actually what they believed in.

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No, the dodo is the perfect mascot for all those religious bigots. They're ugly, from the past and they make no biological sense. Sometimes evolution explores a dead end.

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“Wanna order a pizza?" Jeff asks. "I don’t know if we’ll have time to eat it, but we might as well get it.”


It is 4:48 p.m. on May 21, and earthquakes have not yet riven the Earth. “When the sky goes dark and you feel a rumbling, I’m going to ask you and the kids to step outside very quickly," Jeff told me when I first arrived at his small ranch house in Hicksville, Long Island. "God willing, we’ll all be taken up in a whirlwind to Heaven. I know it might sound strange, but that’s my understanding of how it’s going to go.” His 6-year-old son was in the living room, playing a Star Wars game on the Wii. His 4-year-old daughter, wearing a Spider-Man bike helmet from a recent tricycle trip around the backyard, tapped me on the shoulder to show me a crayon drawing of a rainbow.


Jeff orders a large Sicilian pie for delivery. “And please put a rush on it,” he tells the person taking his order. “We’re — we’re in a rush here.”


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"I don't have any responsibility. I'm only teaching the Bible. I'm telling ... this is what the Bible says. I don't have spiritual rule over anybody ... except my wife as the head of the household."

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Guest hahathhat

does this whole rapture thing maybe strike anyone as being just a tad egotistical?


humanity has been around for thousands of years. christianity, too, if a couple less thousand than humanity as a whole. why should it end now? if you say, "we are the last generation... i hope god chooses me!" i figure it'd make your life feel exciting and purposeful for the six months or so the illusion lasts. i think that's really why this caught hold at all! it must have been a hell of a trip those few months, chucking all rules out the window, spending your savings, because you believe your generation is the last. it doesn't matter, throw your inhibitions out the window....


in short, these people need to get drunk on saturday night and make an ass of themselves every now and again, because they're wound up tight. so tight, they jump at any batshit excuse to go into "oh, fuck it!" mode

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Guest analogue wings

yeah i've made this observation while shit shooting. it's an area the right wing chrizzos and the left wing ecotards have in common - a sort of generational solipsism. MY generation has to be the one where the world ends cos if its not then we're just another generation and i will be that much less special.

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Guest hahathhat

it's not just generational solipsism (i like that phrase!) but also the byproduct of being extremely repressed. can't do this, the bible says. can't do that, jesus says. got to save money, it's the right thing to do.... but now god says to pull out the stops, stop worrying, just act, because the rapture is at hand. it'd be tempting. maybe harold camping is actually the devil........

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Guest hahathhat

another thought: for the people that really believed this, it's akin to getting a false cancer diagnosis. then selling off your house, blowing your money on a world tour... only to be told, sorry, it was a mistake, you're going to live to be a ripe old fart.

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I agree with Jeremiah Wilson of Norwich. LOL





No, the dodo is the perfect mascot for all those religious bigots. They're ugly, from the past and they make no biological sense. most of the time evolution explores a dead end.

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does this whole rapture thing maybe strike anyone as being just a tad egotistical?


humanity has been around for thousands of years. christianity, too, if a couple less thousand than humanity as a whole. why should it end now? if you say, "we are the last generation... i hope god chooses me!" i figure it'd make your life feel exciting and purposeful for the six months or so the illusion lasts. i think that's really why this caught hold at all! it must have been a hell of a trip those few months, chucking all rules out the window, spending your savings, because you believe your generation is the last. it doesn't matter, throw your inhibitions out the window....


in short, these people need to get drunk on saturday night and make an ass of themselves every now and again, because they're wound up tight. so tight, they jump at any batshit excuse to go into "oh, fuck it!" mode


this is exactly what makes my moderately-religious parents so apathetic about the environmentalist issues, among other things. "rapture's coming, fuck it, nuke the whales!"

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