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India Killed 8,000,000 Girls


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i've known bout this for quite some time but the recent article reminded me how hideous this issue truly is. maybe the most disturbing thing about it is the pressure that is put on new mothers to do away with their daughters.

i can only imagine the pain they must feel, pressure from their family, from their community and from their husbands. this is fucking wretchedly foul







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I can't believe there are people that willingly want to make their country a sausage party.

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"...memories of the first abortion. 'The baby was nearly five months old. She was beautiful.'"


wat :cerious:


I'm guessing it means she was 5 months pregnant and it was a mid-term abortion...


This article's kinda messed up, but you don't suppose this might be kind of an extreme example for the sake of stirring emotions, I mean I'm sure it happens, and no it's not exactly right... but not all the cases of pressure to have a son can be this bad can they?... Also, China's been doing this for generations, it's fucked up yes, but it's a form of population control, especially in countries that seemingly don't practice birth control as much as western countries do. Which happens for multiple reasons, say either lack of access, or in all reality in many cases women don't have the rights to suggest birth control.

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troon says "india killed 8,000,000,000,000,0000,000,0000000,0000 girls!!!!!!!!!!!!"


bbc article says "activists fear 8,000,000 female foetuses may have been aborted in the past decade"


That's how it's sensationalist - I'm not advocating forced abortion, but we definitely don't need troon telling us how to fuck.

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Guest Al Hounos

troon's topic title aside, this is common in developing countries. males carry on the family name, make more money, and are easier to raise/more independent. girls are seen as a liability or burden.

and as as someone who just visited India over the winter, i can attest - that country is a total sasuage fest. the few young girls they do have they keep locked away inside. depressing place. :fail:

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Guest hahathhat

troon's topic title aside, this is common in developing countries. males carry on the family name, make more money, and are easier to raise/more independent. girls are seen as a liability or burden.

and as as someone who just visited India over the winter, i can attest - that country is a total sasuage fest. the few young girls they do have they keep locked away inside. depressing place. :fail:


i remember reading some book about india for high school. it had won all sorts of literary awards. it was well-written, if intensely depressing. as it explained it, the dowry concept presented a woman as a burden. getting married? thank god, the woman's family pays you for taking the responsibility out of their hands. in the book, the chick is not thrilled, but comes to love the husband, who is presented as a pretty good dude in the end. but then their kids go to work for some rich british family, they go off in search of them and wind up breaking rocks with a hammer for dollars. why the fuck am i reading this book in school? that's what i said then. just fucking random and depressing, but on the lesson plan out of political correctness, guilt, misplaced intellectual ambition. god damn am i glad im out of school

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birth control? need for it is proof positive that the majority of men and women in the world have no idea how to fuck




I can imagine Troon superman-ing.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

birth control? need for it is proof positive that the majority of men and women in the world have no idea how to fuck

What does this mean, are you a proponent of coitus interuptus?

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oh good, they've found a way towards decreasing their ridiculous population size. It's less bloody than a war too, although less sexy at the end of it*.



*(war ='s more women)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

the world needs A LOT MORE abortions, birth control and sterilization

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what the wold needs is more people who can fuck without making babies all the time. it's not that complicated




also: no family should be able to have more then two children, one to replace each of the parents. seems logical enough right? what the fuck is going on

with these people who think it's ok to have all these fucking children, like it's nothing at all? ffffuuuuuuccckkkkkk! killing children is not the answer.




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