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Next-Next Gen Consoles - What will you get?

Tessier Ashpool

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So, recently specs leaked for the new Nintendo Console, set to be revealed at E3 (see attachment below and take with a grain of salt).




Regardless of whether these are correct, early word suggests that the Console will have a traditional controller, but that is will include a 6" touchscreen that can "stream entire games to the device from the console". Also, that the console will be more powerful than either the XBOX 360 or the PS3. Less reliable rumors suggest that Rockstar is on board (with some gandering we'll see GTAV at launch) as well as Nintendo reaching out to western developers to "reclaim" the hardcore crowd. Console to launch sometime in 2012, so they say.


Although quickly clarified to NOT be about the PS4, recent comments suggest that Sony has another console in the works (somewhere along the line). Microsoft has also been coy about next-next gen development, initially indicating that the Kinect would extend the current console's life-cycle.


Soooo - and I mainly post this as a pre E3 speculation fun time thread - what do you want out of your "Next-Next-Next Gen" Console? Does the rumor of a Nintendo HD console aimed at reclaiming the "hardcore gamer" appeal to you? How about this new-fangled touchscreeny game streamin' controller? Cool, or just gimmicky and lame?

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I think the current gen has enough life until well into 2014. Waiting for the devs to squeeze some serious juice out before they start pushing the next consoles.


Personally I have no bias, I want the console with the games that appeal.


Last gen it was PS2, until the games ran dry and I got an Xbox.

Prior to this I got the Saturn before getting the PS.

This gen I snapped up the 360 but have kind of moved more to PC recently.


There's a bit of a trend there, but until I know what games are where I won't be making decisions.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

How about this new-fangled touchscreeny game streamin' controller? Cool, or just gimmicky and lame?


at least it's closer to being normal! i predict it will be at least SLIGHTLY less gimmicky. it'll be interesting to see how the touch screen gets invoked, other than streaming games to the controller independently.

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My speculation: the next gen Nintendo will have great 1st party software that will draw people in, and maybe a couple of decent 3rd party games, but popularity will fizzle after a couple of years as their won't be many games to keep people engaged.



My wild baseless speculation: Nintendo will poach some top notch developers like Team Ico to make Nintendo exclusive games.

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How about this new-fangled touchscreeny game streamin' controller? Cool, or just gimmicky and lame?


at least it's closer to being normal! i predict it will be at least SLIGHTLY less gimmicky. it'll be interesting to see how the touch screen gets invoked, other than streaming games to the controller independently.


Hehe - yeah - though they say the thing will be backwards/Wii compatible, which is kind of awesome, if you're into that stuff.


I could see it being kind of cool if they did things like using the screen as your inventory screen, map, etc. . . like, instead of having to pop out of the main game to access your inventory in Fallout 3 you could just look down at the PIP-Boy on your controller and do it that way (same thing, I guess w/anything that uses a sub-inventory/map that tends to get cumbersome/cluttered).


Though, I imagine what they're also planning is making the console the "hub" and then you could use your controller like a handheld gaming system to play more scaled down games. . . which is less cool to me (though to people with kids, I could see the appeal).




My speculation: the next gen Nintendo will have great 1st party software that will draw people in, and maybe a couple of decent 3rd party games, but popularity will fizzle after a couple of years as their won't be many games to keep people engaged.



My wild baseless speculation: Nintendo will poach some top notch developers like Team Ico to make Nintendo exclusive games.


Yeah, as for the first, that's sort of been their pattern over the past few console/handhelds/etc. . . though, if they are really gunning for the "hardcore" audience, we might see a shift (that's my hope anyway)

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Although quickly clarified to NOT be about the PS4, recent comments suggest that Sony has another console in the works (somewhere along the line). Microsoft has also been coy about next-next gen development, initially indicating that the Kinect would extend the current console's life-cycle.


They've always got teams working on new hardware. Always. I believe Nintendo once said this when asked about a new console and I think they were speaking on behalf of pretty much all the console developers.


I must admit that I've lost a lot for Nintendo. I must admit that I bought the Wii and I loved it the first couple of weeks, but there were only 4 (Wii Sports, Zelda, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2) interesting games for that system. And no, I do not play the Metroid games. The same goes for the Nintendo DS and 3Ds. Great console/handheld and not so great games. I mean, what kind of pathetic line up was that for the 3Ds? I know launch titles usually suck (Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Lair, Genji: Days of the Blade... lol!) but the 3Ds had NOTHING but Street Fighter going for it. Nintendo is going to have a hard time winning back the hardcore audience unless they have a sick line up that is completely out of this world and that probably won't happen. And will they completely ignore the casual gamers and hockey moms that they won over with the Nintendo Wii? Probably not but whatever they're doing has to offer something for both parties and if not then they're screwed. Nintendo has always been innovative so they'll probably figure something out, and they have something to prove after the success of the Wii. I'm just worried that it'll end up like the Dreamcast because it was sort of a half-step into the future of the next generation of consoles so that could mean that it will only put Nintendo slightly ahead of the current machines.


I really liked the Xbox360 and I still do. It's my only console since I sold my Wii back in 2008. The PS3 hasn't done me any good. Most of the multi platform games have either been laggy or buggy compared to the 360's versions which still seizes to amaze me when you think of how powerful the PS3 is. But apparantly it can be a bit of a bitch to work on.

Also, I don't really care for any of the first party games for either console. I don't give two shits about Gears of War, and I don't give a flying hoot about God of War, Tekken, MGS and so on. The only first party games that I've been really interested in are Alan Wake and the Mass Effect games for the 360 and Heavy Rain for the PS3. I'm not into all the Japanese games that are made for the PS3 either. As much as I love Japan, their culture, movies, and so on, I simply can't stand their over the top, mega guns and swords games. I'm just too much a grey European, I suppose.

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I am not a big gamer. I'm pretty fussy about what games I play. I'm a Nintendo fan not because of the consoles they produce but the licenses they own.


Let's face it, no matter how many times they re use a little moustached plumber, they still manage to make Mario games innovative and fresh.


That said, there's been some games in the last few years that Nintendo couldn't deliver for me: I haven't been able to play Arkham Asylum, Brutal Legend or Little Big Planet (there was another one but it went out of my head).


So for me, if I had more time to play games, I'd buy both a playstation and a nintendo.


This is the way I see the games produced for these companies:


Nintendo: Creative but limited (mainly in terms of audience)


Xbox: Soulless, every game is the same, commercial


Playstation: A little bit of both, middle of the road, appeals to just about EVERYONE

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Honestly I'll probably get all of them.


I might wait a bit on the 720 though make sure it can survive stress tests.

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I am not a big gamer. I'm pretty fussy about what games I play. I'm a Nintendo fan not because of the consoles they produce but the licenses they own.


Let's face it, no matter how many times they re use a little moustached plumber, they still manage to make Mario games innovative and fresh.


That said, there's been some games in the last few years that Nintendo couldn't deliver for me: I haven't been able to play Arkham Asylum, Brutal Legend or Little Big Planet (there was another one but it went out of my head).


So for me, if I had more time to play games, I'd buy both a playstation and a nintendo.


This is the way I see the games produced for these companies:


Nintendo: Creative but limited (mainly in terms of audience)


Xbox: Soulless, every game is the same, commercial


Playstation: A little bit of both, middle of the road, appeals to just about EVERYONE



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Maximus Mischief - You have 83 posts remaining to change my mind as to whether or not to suspend your account for 497 days. I'm not going to give you the criteria of how this will be judged, you'll have to work that part out on your own....

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I might go for the Nintendo if it doesn't mean you have to move about all the time. Tis getting tiresome now. Bring out a top quality Zelda and Mario game and I'm sorted.

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until I know what games are where I won't be making decisions.


Pretty much. I'll stay in the PC camp for good now, but I might buy a console for some exclusives or sports games with more people online on the console networks. For me, the PS3 has got the upper hand on exclusives with Uncharted 3 and The Last Guardian coming up. But we'll see what happens in the future.


I can't say I've been happy with my X360 and PS3. The Xbox was the better system (interface, features & speed) but it broke really fast. The PS3 feels very slow, is useless for anything but playing games and I'd rather not buy another Sony product until they start treating their customers better. Sony and Microsoft always tried to sell their consoles as a total multimedia solution. But the software is still subpar and the codec support is laughable. Free software like XBMC has been better at it for years.


I could see it being kind of cool if they did things like using the screen as your inventory screen, map, etc. . . like, instead of having to pop out of the main game to access your inventory in Fallout 3 you could just look down at the PIP-Boy on your controller and do it that way (same thing, I guess w/anything that uses a sub-inventory/map that tends to get cumbersome/cluttered).


But it is a game changer?


I would gladly buy a console using innovative interfaces if a developer did something interesting with it. But I haven't seen any convincing content for the Wii, Move or Kinect.

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Guest viscosity

i'll probably upgrade my pc when i feel the time is necessary. that and maybe pick up last gens console(s) and pick up on what exclusives i missed

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Those purported specs have been debunked by equally dubious specs, so at this point, who knows what kind of power Nintendo's console will have. One thing that I have read that if true, will certainly spell doom for it is the lack of an internal HDD and still rely on SD storage - even the largest SD cards (32GB) can't compare with even the base HDD offerings of the 360 and PS3, and with developers currently launching software with the requisite patches (some of which can be massive), as well as DLC (again, lots of persistent storage space) that if Nintendo launches their next console sans an internal HDD, it must offer an external HDD option (it would be really smart on Nintendo's part to allow any HDD to be used and formatted for use exclusively on the console - that way, developers can make the games they want with say a minimum 2GB size for install data or updates, and require the HDD if gamers want the extra goodies (and really, who wouldn't buy an additional HDD for the console - look at how many morons bought Wii charging stations and addon accessories to make the Wiimotes look like sports equipment - surely even a low-spec 120GB HDD for around 60 bucks wouldn't be that much of a stretch, and would be good money-maker for Nintendo) to go with their games. The other rumoured spec of using 25GB optical media (most likely not BD) is interesting as well, since once again Nintendo is potentially shooting themselves in the foot with not offering any other "incentive functionality" - e.g.: play BD movies. This might be a way for Nintendo to protect itself from piracy by offering a proprietary format that cannot be easily dumped to a disc image, but I don't know how feasible or cost-effective that really is.


We'll know soon - E3 is what, 4 days away now?

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Guest hahathhat

i'll get one eventually, i'm sure, but until then i could give six fucks about console specs.


Maximum Mischief - You have 83 posts remaining to change my mind as to whether or not to suspend your account for 497 days. I'm not going to give you the criteria of how this will be judged, you'll have to work that part out on your own....

this is much more interesting.

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Guest El_Chemso

MS have already said there won't be any 720 announcements at E3 this year. I think the timeline sorta ties with that, they haven't squeezed the full potential of the 360 and kinect yet and they've only just employed new people to start working on the 720 for what I read.


Anyway for me it will be a 720 no matter what the others have.

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borrowing my friends Xbox360 for a month just so i can play MK9 has reminded me why i sold it to him in the first place.

The whole achievement thing is just too much for me to take, i can't believe how common place it is on videogames these days. depression sets in pretty fast after hitting the power switch to any next gen console

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Guest El_Chemso

People who play for achievements are down right sad, I couldn't give to monkeys or not. Sometimes its fun to try an do something like in portal they had a few fun coop ones. But it was for the doing not the points. If your playing for achievements you've got nothing better to do.

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Maximus Mischief - You have 83 posts remaining to change my mind as to whether or not to suspend your account for 497 days. I'm not going to give you the criteria of how this will be judged, you'll have to work that part out on your own....


lol ya right

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