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Next-Next Gen Consoles - What will you get?

Tessier Ashpool

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thought for a second there was a new MDK game


checked to see you meant mortal combat




back to minecraft...


console games are very few and far between in terms of quality these days. nothing compared even to the mid 00s, at least the weaker titles were still fun and imaginative back then.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

the 3Ds had NOTHING but Street Fighter going for it. Nintendo is going to have a hard time winning back the hardcore audience unless they have a sick line up that is completely out of this world and that probably won't happen.


i hope the new Paper Mario helps.

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so is the new nintendo supposedly doing away with the wii style motion controllers already? I personally have not been too into any console since n64. it's hard for me to tell if that was the last magical system for me or if I just lost interest. I have a wii but played bowling a lot more than metroid prime or Mario galaxy.


just thinking of Mario 64 gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, not to mention that ocarina Zelda and of course goldeneye. I'd like to see what they have to do next but I'm afraid I'm not going to be getting another system for awhile.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

nothing compared even to the mid 00s, at least the weaker titles were still fun and imaginative back then.


it's a given that the N64 was a goldmine and all, but the gamecube did really well imo. i always had new stuff to look forward to. good times!


People who play for achievements are down right sad, I couldn't give to monkeys or not. Sometimes its fun to try an do something like in portal they had a few fun coop ones. But it was for the doing not the points. If your playing for achievements you've got nothing better to do.


achievements are fun to work for, but the focus on them is indeed depressing. the gamerscore never should've been invented


Those purported specs have been debunked by equally dubious specs, so at this point, who knows what kind of power Nintendo's console will have. One thing that I have read that if true, will certainly spell doom for it is the lack of an internal HDD and still rely on SD storage - even the largest SD cards (32GB) can't compare with even the base HDD offerings of the 360 and PS3, and with developers currently launching software with the requisite patches (some of which can be massive), as well as DLC (again, lots of persistent storage space) that if Nintendo launches their next console sans an internal HDD, it must offer an external HDD option (it would be really smart on Nintendo's part to allow any HDD to be used and formatted for use exclusively on the console - that way, developers can make the games they want with say a minimum 2GB size for install data or updates, and require the HDD if gamers want the extra goodies (and really, who wouldn't buy an additional HDD for the console - look at how many morons bought Wii charging stations and addon accessories to make the Wiimotes look like sports equipment - surely even a low-spec 120GB HDD for around 60 bucks wouldn't be that much of a stretch, and would be good money-maker for Nintendo) to go with their games. The other rumoured spec of using 25GB optical media (most likely not BD) is interesting as well, since once again Nintendo is potentially shooting themselves in the foot with not offering any other "incentive functionality" - e.g.: play BD movies. This might be a way for Nintendo to protect itself from piracy by offering a proprietary format that cannot be easily dumped to a disc image, but I don't know how feasible or cost-effective that really is.


We'll know soon - E3 is what, 4 days away now?


even though times are changing, i miss the simple memory card days. it was less annoying. one of my friends had a wii and he couldn't even move the data to his new one.



Nintendo: Creative but limited (mainly in terms of audience)


Xbox: Soulless, every game is the same, commercial


Playstation: A little bit of both, middle of the road, appeals to just about EVERYONE


this is a decent generalisation. i have nothing against any party though. i'm mostly excited for Nintendo, cause they'll actually have a powerful system for once (if the rumours are true). maybe they can finally share some multi-platform games without getting toned down. this new nintendo thing is actually one of the few things i'm excited for. i can't wait to learn more about it.

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People who play for achievements are down right sad, I couldn't give to monkeys or not. Sometimes its fun to try an do something like in portal they had a few fun coop ones. But it was for the doing not the points. If your playing for achievements you've got nothing better to do.


Agreed, the points thing is shit. I remember before the 360 came out a lot of people thought the gamerpoints where what you used to buy things on Xbox Live, I thought that would have been a great idea. Turns out it means nothing...


I prefer the PS3 trophies - no numerical reward but can stretch out game time by giving you other things to shoot for, which is nice.

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I already have the generation after the next generation of consoles.


Its called my PC.

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People who play for achievements are down right sad, I couldn't give to monkeys or not. Sometimes its fun to try an do something like in portal they had a few fun coop ones. But it was for the doing not the points. If your playing for achievements you've got nothing better to do.


Agreed, the points thing is shit. I remember before the 360 came out a lot of people thought the gamerpoints where what you used to buy things on Xbox Live, I thought that would have been a great idea. Turns out it means nothing...


I prefer the PS3 trophies - no numerical reward but can stretch out game time by giving you other things to shoot for, which is nice.


Yeah - it would have been so friggin' cool if they allowed you to apply gamerpoints to buy stuff. They could have even limited it to things that were useless and retarded (like avatar clothing or something) and it would have been a great "carrot." Game content would have been even better.


As it stands, it's like a running tally of how little actual life you have, with amount of points inversely proportional to amount of real world human contact/sociability you have.


@Jules - believe the idea is the new Ninty machine is supposed to be backwards compatible w/the Wii. . . don't know if this means they'll still make Wii games though?

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Do we need an E3 thread when the time comes or should we just continue our gaming babble in this one?


Anyway, the new PSP has pretty much been confirmed as the "PS Vita".

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Guest AcrossCanyons

If Nintendo start making proper games again I am so psyched for their next one. N64 and Gamecube are my favourite consoles (with x360 close behind). I hope they make a proper online system as well (no friend code bullshit. something along the lines of what xbox or ps3 have is perfect).

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I've been thinking about this, and what Nintendo is doing could be potentially brilliant, if played right:


Mircosoft was first out of the gates with a 'next-gen' system (HD, online gaming, etc.) - Then Sony finally got the lead out and put out the PS3, albeit with less features and power than they promised (they seem to be repeating this trend with the 'PS Vita' (aka the NGP) with less memory than originally promised to bring the price more in line with the 3DS), and started a slow, steady climb towards matching (and if analysts are correct, surpass) the 360's installed base.


Nintendo however released last, with an underpowered 'last-gen' console with an innovative control scheme (which the other two platforms would eventually emulate with varying degrees of commercial success), and while things were going great during the 'honeymoon' phase of everyone wanting a Wii, once market saturation hit coupled with very few quality games (almost exclusively put out by Nintendo themselves), the Wii was destined for irrelevance. Now, Nintendo will be bringing out what most consider (if specs are to be believed) a console on par with Microsoft's and Sony's hardware (even if it surpasses it spec-wise on paper, what developers actually do with it is another matter altogether), and now they can effectively come in as the golden boy with the 'latest and greatest', and if 3rd party support finally materializes (assuming some of the concerns I mentioned previously never take hold or are not true), they will take away market share from Sony and Microsoft, and force both of them to up the ante and move forward their timelines for their next-gen offerings to counteract Nintendo's new presence. This might have been Nintendo's plan all along, realizing it was too risky to truly be 'first', but rather take what the competitor's done, and improve it slightly and beat them at their own game, if not for a temporary period (the only way Nintendo could conceivably take the lead in the console race is if Sony and Microsoft's next offerings are not that much more powerful than what Nintendo will offer with their console - and to do that, they have to up the ante cost-wise with hardware, and I don't think being priced higher than Nintendo will help that at all).


Nintendo might have learned this tactic late in the game with what Sony did with the Playstation Move - take the competitor's product, and make it better, and beat them at their own game - amazing that they managed to put it into practice so soon, if true.


I just hope Nintendo can do HD 'right' and not just simply offer upscaled version of their current stable of games - do something innovative with that processing power (particle effects, new perspectives in games, etc.) as well as do traditional games like the competition does.


It will be interesting to see how this all plays out, and hopefully Nintendo doesn't make any critical mistakes (like the lack of HDD storage without an alternate option). I'd love a NES-era again in gaming, although I feel at times we already have that with the PS3 and some of the amazing games that have come out for it.

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the single factor that will decide anything is the quality of the games. it would be mindblowing if the next gen systems actually had some great, innovative titles lined up. platformers, cool interesting shit.


this is their chance to revamp the whole system. because if their selling point is, 'you can play Call of Duty 8 and it has teamwork!' or 'use your body as a controller' then i'm out.





PS3 has been interesting, I can definitely see Nintendo doing something genuinely great this time around. they have the cards, now they just need brains/soul. edit: I really wanted to play 'Flower' and 'Little Big Planet' but theres no way I would pay that much money for 2 games.


just wanted to say this game is awesome



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I'm just worried that it'll end up like the Dreamcast because it was sort of a half-step into the future of the next generation of consoles so that could mean that it will only put Nintendo slightly ahead of the current machines.

that's a good analogy, i always thought of wii as a weird in-between type console, sort of a side step from the current generation.


i miss the dreamcast, those were my golden years of console gaming.

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A thought just struck me...


Have you guys seen the new Windows 8 presentation video? I wonder if the next Xbox will be a Windows Xbox because the interface looks very much like something that could be compatible with Kinect. And Microsoft announced a couple of days ago that as much as 40 per cent of activity on the Xbox 360 is related to non-game entertainment so they'll look into making the Xbox into an entertainment brand. Frank Shaw said the following a couple of days ago:

"The vision for Xbox is straightforward: all of the entertainment you want. With the people you care about. Made easy. That is why you'll see Xbox marketed more as an entertainment brand this year. And that is why we're investing so much in natural user interface technologies (speech, touch, gestures) to make the entertainment experience that much easier-and more fun."

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the single factor that will decide anything is the quality of the games. it would be mindblowing if the next gen systems actually had some great, innovative titles lined up. platformers, cool interesting shit.


this is their chance to revamp the whole system. because if their selling point is, 'you can play Call of Duty 8 and it has teamwork!' or 'use your body as a controller' then i'm out.





PS3 has been interesting, I can definitely see Nintendo doing something genuinely great this time around. they have the cards, now they just need brains/soul. edit: I really wanted to play 'Flower' and 'Little Big Planet' but theres no way I would pay that much money for 2 games.


just wanted to say this game is awesome




Well, there's quite a bit more than just Flower and LBP of that caliber you're missing out on...


Quality has never been NINTENDO's problem (note I said Nintendo) - it's been their poor third-party support for their consoles (it's been happening since the N64 - poor 3rd party support always will kill off a platform prematurely). The odd exception seems to be Nintendo's handhelds - I don't know if it's the sheer amount of games that get released, or it's the price point, or a combination of both, but Nintendo puts out the few quality titles on DS/DSi and the rest is shovelware, just like the Wii, but for some reason the DS/DSi continues to do well, even better than the 3DS (which is starting to falter due to lack of big-name titles, Nintendo or otherwise).


I wish Nintendo would become like SEGA and be just a software company - I'd love to see what they could do freed from having to make games specifically for their hardware...

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