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Growing your own

Guest placidburp

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Guest placidburp

I was given a few tomato and pepper plants last year and totally got the bug! This year I have around ten of each, as well as loads of basil, spuds and even trying to grow some small water melons, thought might have left it a bit too late for them, everything else is looking wonderful so far though.


Does anyone else grow their own food? What are you growing? Any tips? Pics would be nice too.


A few toms and pepper plants in my bedroom window.


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I grow a boner every morning. they seem to get weaker as the years go by though. I also grow cilantro and basil in my sunroom. I can't grow much in my yard without a fence due to all the deer and bear around. what I do know is that you'll want to get them in the ground if you can. if you can't because you're in an apt/condo, and don't laugh, I recommend getting these for your patio/outdoor spot



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A year or so ago we were looking after a friend's allotment. We had pretty much everything you could possibly grow in southern England, but it is hard work. And you do tend to get gluts. There's only so many things you can do with a courgette. Currently just growing herbs in the garden and a few tomatoes in the greenhouse. I love the idea more than the reality. It's not that I can't put the effort in, I'm just completely cack handed when it comes to green stuff and I tend to kill it.

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Guest Gary C

I'm growing two types of tomatoes in hanging baskets, garlic, onions, basil and mint. As well as a bunch of flowers.

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Guest placidburp

I grow a boner every morning. they seem to get weaker as the years go by though. I also grow cilantro and basil in my sunroom. I can't grow much in my yard without a fence due to all the deer and bear around. what I do know is that you'll want to get them in the ground if you can. if you can't because you're in an apt/condo, and don't laugh, I recommend getting these for your patio/outdoor spot


Yeah the Tomato plants in my picture are in grow bags now in my mini plastic green house thingy in the garden, the peppers are still only small compared to the others and they get the best light in my room, but they will be put in grow bags soon I rekcon.

Those upside down planters look ace though! :D


A year or so ago we were looking after a friend's allotment. We had pretty much everything you could possibly grow in southern England, but it is hard work. And you do tend to get gluts. There's only so many things you can do with a courgette. Currently just growing herbs in the garden and a few tomatoes in the greenhouse. I love the idea more than the reality. It's not that I can't put the effort in, I'm just completely cack handed when it comes to green stuff and I tend to kill it.

Lol! I honestly thought I would be rubbish with this sort of stuff but I'm finding it all really easy! I really loved it last year, going out in the morning and finding new tomatoes, nothing more satisfying!


I'm growing two types of tomatoes in hanging baskets, garlic, onions, basil and mint. As well as a bunch of flowers.


I really wanted to try some garlic and onions this year but I've left it way too late, I think?! Next year though.

I also planted a load of flower seeds, they started sprouting within 3 days which astonished me! I love it! Growing shit for most IDM 2012! :D

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

We've got quite a bit growing this year at my parents house and thanks to the weather everything seems to be growing about a month ahead of schedule with quite little effort. Usually around this time of year we're pretty much struggling to keep any of the plants to see it through to the end of the summer.


Seems like quite a few people are growing tomatoes here as well. We usually tend to get a load around early August, but find pretty much every year that half seem to ripen as normal, then the other half tend to grow fatter and fatter until the plant literally struggles to hold the weight of the tomatoes, yet they never seem to ripen. Has always thrown us as to what causes it, but usually we've got so many we've got no clue what to do with them anyway. Maybe someone here can explain it?

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I haven't got a garden or a balcony now, I'm thinking about trying to get a windowbox and have some pwetty likkle flowaz but I'd probably just fill it with fag butts and spit. life is pain

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Tomatos seem to be the in thing at the moment. Many people I know, including me, are smashing them out at the moment. I've got a couple of chilli plants sprouting at the moment. Also got a load of trays of salad which is good. I eat various salad leaves for lunch during the week so these really do come in handy. The only problem is you seem to get fuck loads all at the same time.


Might grow some e-coli cucumbers too :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest kineaesth

I am currently trying my thumbs at basil, sage, rosemary, spring onion, coriander, beetroot, potatoes, sprouts, peanuts (?), lettuce, perennial spinach, i could go on (do ferns count (if they don't then I couldn't))

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Guest Iain C

We've got an apple tree in the back garden which produces tasty apples. We share them with the couple next door, who are in fact the landlord's elderly parents. They grow a lot of veg too, sometimes they share it with us. It's pretty sweet.


I've been meaning to plant some mint. It's super-easy to grow, and we're heading towards julep season.

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grown all sorts in my old back garden, had a vegetable patch for about 6 years, its really rewarding and good to get out under the sky, here are some old pics













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Guest Gary C

Mint is really easy to grow. It's essentially a virilent weed. We picked up a little plant years ago and it's constantly overgrowing it's tub and dominating anything else we try to put in it.


I was actually surprised how easy (and quick) garlic was to grow. You just take one clove from an organic supermarket-brand bulb and plant it the right way up. I assume a full bulb sprouts around it, but I haven't dug it up to have a look yet. Within a month there's been a huge leaf-sprout sticking out.


I worked doing Graphics for Ideal Shopping Channel for a little while and they have some amazing deals on seeds, trees and vegetable bulbs if anybody ever wants to pick up lots for cheap.

They also sell big beds called VegTrug's for small gardens, but they're overpriced and you could easily make one yourself with four planks of wood and a tarpaulin.


I was interested in potato grow-sacks for a while. You just plant some seeds at the bottom and when it sprouts you stick more earth on top. Repeat about 4 times and you eventually get a sack full of 20+ potatoes.


It's good to see that so many of WATMM are green-fingered. kaen's garden looks amazing.

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Guest placidburp

Weeee! It is nice to see so many green fingerers!


Kaen, that looks amazing! Given me an idea for my garden in fact!

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grown all sorts in my old back garden, had a vegetable patch for about 6 years, its really rewarding and good to get out under the sky, here are some old pics








This looks like a nice place to just sit and drink. Hope you get the weather dood.

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Kaen your garden is fucking cool. We're in the middle of buying our first place, and I can't wait to have a proper garden. Also loads of people at work are mad about their allotments, so I'm thinking about sticking my name on the (very long) waiting list for one.


Currently on our balcony and windowsill we're growing beans, chillies, mint, tomatoes, chives, basil and a load of mixed flowers. Also got a massive lavender plant which is amazing, just open the balcony door and you have instant air freshener for the house :emotawesomepm9:

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Also got a massive lavender plant which is amazing, just open the balcony door and you have instant air freshener for the house :emotawesomepm9:


thats nice. throw some in a cold glass of gin for a nice treat.

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Also got a massive lavender plant which is amazing, just open the balcony door and you have instant air freshener for the house :emotawesomepm9:


thats nice. throw some in a cold glass of gin for a nice treat.

will do squire!

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Also got a massive lavender plant which is amazing, just open the balcony door and you have instant air freshener for the house :emotawesomepm9:


thats nice. throw some in a cold glass of gin for a nice treat.


lol i see a running theme... throw it in some booze for a nice treat!

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Guest placidburp



Checked my seed pots this morning and looks like the Watermelons have iccle sprouts now! YAY!

Got some more grow bags last night so going to transfer me peppers later! EXCITE!

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currently growing lots of po-tay-toes.





Checked my seed pots this morning and looks like the Watermelons have iccle sprouts now! YAY!

Got some more grow bags last night so going to transfer me peppers later! EXCITE!


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