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boring people from the past suddenly turn into superstars


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I noticed quite recently via facebook the most boring people from school / university turning into superstars. Like one superboring guy travels the world all the time shooting movies and so on. Did you notice something similar? How does that happen?

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how do you define "boring"??


People you never focused on when meeting them because they where pretty much the most extreme form of wallflower you could find back then

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I only know a couple of people from my high school days... I think the one that is some type of famous is Jeremy McGrath!




He wasn't boring, but he was short and fat!

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I only know a couple of people from my high school days... I think the one that is some type of famous is Jeremy McGrath!




He wasn't boring, but he was short and fat!



yeah exactly these kind of people. There is also a comic about it but it does not quite hit the point:



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I noticed quite recently via facebook the most boring people from school / university turning into superstars. Like one superboring guy travels the world all the time shooting movies and so on. Did you notice something similar? How does that happen?


Yes, some of my mellow and shy peers have gone on to do some cool stuff: travel, become noted artists or professionals, etc. Makes me happy to see that and compare it the assholes who haven't done anything remarkable since high school. On the other hand a lot of the dumb people are spawning all over and that's quite depressing.


My wife, who went to a huge high school, has seen one nerdy jewish kid become a star on this crappy NBC sitcom called "Outsourced" and another annoying theater kid become some quasi-star on various CW shows and a aspiring "musician" with tween fans. You know, the kind of actor whose 23-24 yrs old but plays high school kids on tv.

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i dunno, a lot of my outgoing friends from high school are still being outgoing and making names for themselves. my step sister - a really outgoing hyper blonde girl - ended up on a reality show a few years ago. my friend amy went to berkelee and just did a spot on the ellen degeneres show a few weeks ago. my friend pat ended up moving to NYC and becoming a totally gay playboy that does all sorts of research for autistic kids. some of my most outgoing cousins have gone on to be heavily involved in charities across the world, or just travel non-stop.


meanwhile most of my shy friends are still doing their shy thing, but there are probably exceptions.

i don't have a facebook account though so maybe that's why the theory doesn't apply

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My wife, who went to a huge high school, has seen one nerdy jewish kid become a star on this crappy NBC sitcom called "Outsourced"


I watched this for a few weeks before I got bored with it (I mainly watched it for the hot hazlewood lady). which character was he?

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honestly i think it comes down to a lot of people wanting to project themselves as a lot more important or 'superstar' status than they are out of insecurity or overcompensation. maybe some of these people are indeed really well known but i'd be willing to bet a lot of them are faking it

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honestly i think it comes down to a lot of people wanting to project themselves as a lot more important or 'superstar' status than they are out of insecurity or overcompensation. maybe some of these people are indeed really well known but i'd be willing to bet a lot of them are faking it


yeah I guess so too. they need to compensate their bad self esteem by showing off on facebook while hiding all the negative that had to be done to be in this position.


there is also a difference between people with the need to show off and normal successful people who don't really give a shit about it

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It's usually the people that weren't out being popular all the time, that succeed, because instead of wasting their time partying, they were probably off pursuing their goals. they were probably boring to you, because you had no idea what they did, and never went out of your way to ask them.

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oh yeah, and just because you found them on facebook, doesn't mean "suddenly". That's like saying a band that has been working their ass off for 15 years before writing a hit, are "over-night successes".

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It's usually the people that weren't out being popular all the time, that succeed, because instead of wasting their time partying, they were probably off pursuing their goals. they were probably boring to you, because you had no idea what they did, and never went out of your way to ask them.


or perhaps those people really were boring, their life sucked and still does.

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I'm talking about the ones that actually are successful. Of course those type exist as well. I'm just saying the OP shouldn't be surprised.

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tbh pretty much every one and thing on facebook is boring.


Luke Viia posted a link to an article that he found interesting.

Luke Viia commented on some dumbass baby picture.

Luke Viia ate a huge breakfast!

Luke Viia has joined the facebook group WATMM.

Luke Viia commented on a photoshopped photo of Richard D. James.

Luke Viia has left the facebook group WATMM.

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I only know a couple of people from my high school days... I think the one that is some type of famous is Jeremy McGrath!




He wasn't boring, but he was short and fat!



yeah exactly these kind of people. There is also a comic about it but it does not quite hit the point:




I didn't clarify. This dude is famous in the motocross world. He's not on my fb. I really only knew him for one year since I moved to another highschool at the time. He was in the varsity football team at the time and we shared a biology class. He was a super nice guy from what I remember.

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well you didn't really know them, or try to get to know them, so how do you really know they were boring?

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There was a girl a couple grades in front of me that ended up in Playboy.


She has big, fake boobs now.

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i find it happened the other way around at my lame-as-fuck highschool. most of my interesting friends/acquaintances have become the most boring, family oriented people with no interests besides their children. not that there's anything wrong with being a family person, but it doesn't mean you have to throw all of your interests out the window, right?

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i find it happened the other way around at my lame-as-fuck highschool. most of my interesting friends/acquaintances have become the most boring, family oriented people with no interests besides their children. not that there's anything wrong with being a family person, but it doesn't mean you have to throw all of your interests out the window, right?


Not out the window. but my kids are top priority. There were things I was able to get at a drop of a hat before these boys came along... now I have to save up. I am excited though that I'll be djing again pretty soon.

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Not to mention. some friends that are still single are doing the exact same things they did when I hung out with them. it's like they're stuck in a certain time frame. what's funny is that they're able to meet lots of girls but can't get any play? They end up meeting a girl at a club, go hang out, make a move, and get rejected. and when me and another married friend hang out with them, the girls came on to us... we'd flirt and all, but that's it. the single friends would get pissed at us for ruining the play they won't get anyway.

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Facebook is blocked in China so I hadn't logged on in years, but late last year I decided to turn on my vpn and do some searches for High School classmates. I hung out with the gifted but druggie crowd in HS so I fully expected them all to have become fuck ups. I mean, one guy the last time I saw him was wandering around downtown Santa Cruz with an unkempt beard in a druggie daze, another was rolling down a hillside flipping out on nitrous...these were not people I expected to get ahead in life. I thought they'd squandered their potential.


Turns out they're almost all successful, and nitrous dude is now a professor at Princeton, married with children! It actually made me really happy to find out they'd turned their lives around.

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Im the biggest fuck up I know. All my druggy friends are scarily normal. Have normal jobs. Have normal kids and, as with all normal married folk, got a little bloated looking.

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