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this topic is only about DVD and TV releases no?


yeah, i saw it and thought it was great. can't wait for it to be released.


the trailer really doesn't do the film justice.



true even so the concept is not brand new its nicely done and new gems in this genre are rare these days

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Guest Coalbucket PI

No but threads for individual films are just fine as far as I can see. I want to see this, it sounds like I'd like it.

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You guys are just now getting this?

nope, i saw it back in April.


Duncan Jones has definitely earned his way onto my favourite directors list


oh he did moon too? I was unaware of that.

yeah he did Moon, i'm definitely looking forward to more films from Duncan. one to watch.


Duncan Jones has definitely earned his way onto my favourite directors list


You mean Zowie Bowie :cisfor:

he really does look like his father in some pictures.

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