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So I finally got a cellphone yesterday afternoon after months of being harassed by others and not caring about getting one. I was warned I would become addicted and paranoid about this device due to expectations I would have from my contacts. Yesterday night, I went out to have craic and it turned out pretty handy to turn this improvised get-together into a successful night. But when it comes to tell my closest friends (who check their cellphones very often) through text messaging that I finally got myself a cellphone, many of them don't even answer. Of course, with my social expectations, my inability to understand the world of cellphones, and my overthinking personality, I have been starting to think cellphones are a source of problems and hopelessness. Yeah, it has been less than 24 hours since I subscribed to this cheap plan and I am already sucked into this new world without any exit.


What do you think of cellphones in general?

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they're terrible. the concept that someone, anyone, who doesn't know at all if you want to talk to that person, can ring after you and you'll be all like, yes sir, dear sir, i will answer your ring ring now and stop whatever i'm doing, because it fucking rang and it might be important.


at least with cellphones, if you're the caller, you call a person and not a house. now that were ridiculous times.

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A necessity these days but yes I understand where you are coming from. The whole concept of texting annoys me, yet I use it as well. People constantly check their phones and it annoys the hell out of me.

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I like that I can call people instead of their houses, and avoiding a long conversation by texting a small message is a plus.


But fuck people being able to reach me at any time. I guess I need to learn when to bring my cell phone and when not to, but every time I don't bring my cell phone somewhere I end up regretting it.

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what's all this about always having to answer your phone? is this some unwritten social contract that i'm not following? just silence the phone if you don't feel like talking.


i dig on my droid, it's nice being able to look things up / send bitches smiley faces on the go



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I was with a client a few weeks ago and my phone rang twice in our convo and he was like "aren't you going to get that?" I then told him "I'm talking to you... they can wait." I got the job a view minutes later.

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lol. I like my phone, a very handy tool. I don't really call people often, usually just text as it's less intrusive. I'm with luke on the "have to answer" thing. Shit, I don't even put it on silent. If someone is calling and I don't want to talk to them, I just hit the silence button. If it's important they'll leave a message.

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Guest rumbo

I was with a client a few weeks ago and my phone rang twice in our convo and he was like "aren't you going to get that?" I then told him "I'm talking to you... they can wait." I got the job a view minutes later.


Maybe he was smitten with your complete and utter attention to his needs, and gave you the job so that he might get to know you better. :spiteful:

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I used to be really anti cellphones, and then after getting one I was really anti texting.


However, once you get over your elitist hipster mentality, you realize,


1) You answer it whenever the fuck you feel like.

2) You call/text people whenever the fuck you feel like it.


You have ultimate freedom with it, it's one of the most useful tools in the world. As usual though, if you let them rule your life, that's another story.

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does he have your number now? your NUMBER?


that GSM stuff seems so dated nowadays... SMS = dumb text without hyperlinks, can't read on other devices.. you're locked to a stupid number that is tied to one device..

all you'd need is something with a reliable data link.. basically an iPod 3G or something.. and you'd be set, except that when people want to contact you they still ask for that NUMBER.

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I got one installed in my cock so the lady can still talk to her friends with my cock in her mouth!




this could actually work for you asym. a girl could be talking to you and as you drift off, she realizes and says are you paying attention to me? then you can say, oh sorry, I was just picturing you on my phone.

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Guest Sprigg

I have this love/hate relationship with my cell phone. I love that I can call anyone anytime, but I hate that people feel like if I dont' answer I'm being rude. If I don't want to talk/ text, then I don't. And fuck people who text multiple times just cuz I don't immediately respond. That annoys me to no end. :trashbear:

Mostly though, I use my phone to look up times and locations of events or houses.

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I have this love/hate relationship with my cell phone. I love that I can call anyone anytime, but I hate that people feel like if I dont' answer I'm being rude. If I don't want to talk/ text, then I don't. And fuck people who text multiple times just cuz I don't immediately respond. That annoys me to no end. :trashbear:

This is my issue, I know I don't have to answer, but everyone always gets all offended when I don't answer/reply IMMEDIATELY.


I hate stuff.



Wow, that really summed up how I've been feeling about WATMM lately. Love you guys though.

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i rarely answer my phone, i'm way too sick of forced conversations. i prefer texting or the internetz :D also I dealt pot for a certain period, having to answer every single call at any given time of the day (if i wanted their moneys) :cisfor:

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