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Guest disparaissant

i haven't had a cell since i left my last one at my ex's place after we broke up. in november 2009. i like it.

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I'm surprised there hasn't been any "sent via Tapatalk" or "sent from iPhone 27000" messages yet.

sent from my iPad, while drinking double mocha choco cafe latte frappuchinos through my nose at starbucks, simultaneously surfing the world wide web on my iMac that i just brought into the coffee shop because i want to look so cool

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Another HUGE pet peeve: calls where you hear yourself back with a slight delay. Those are claustrophobic mindfucks!


cant stand that shit either, i will end the conversation if that happens

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When echo cancellers don't work right they produce a variety of unwanted side effects. The most obvious is that you hear your own voice echoed with a 1/4 second of delay. Depending upon the volume of the echoed sound, this can range from mildly annoying to downright disruptive. A more common symptom however is that the canceller does its job, but it does it too well (so to speak). In other words, it cancels your voice AND it cancels part of the voice of your caller. In this situation you'll find that talking over your caller will obliterate them, or that taking a call in a noisy environment can sometimes cause continuous damage to the audio that simply makes it sound distorted.


If you hear symptoms such as the those I've described above, you are probably hearing the side effects of a poorly tuned or poorly designed echo canceller. There isn't much you can do about this, short of complaining to your provider, or switching to a different provider. Phones whose microphones are closer to your mouth will likely suffer less problems in noisy environments than those having microphones far away from your mouth (due to the latter requiring great microphone sensitivity). Phones with louder outgoing audio will suffer more greatly in the presence of a malfunctioning echo canceller.



F***ing cellphones. I blame my iPhone, btw. If it was the problem of the provider, I'd assume it would occur more often/widespread.


Blame Apple. Always the best solution. Make Steve responsible and maybe he'll fix it.

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I'm surprised there hasn't been any "sent via Tapatalk" or "sent from iPhone 27000" messages yet.


I use tapatalk on my evo to browse watmm but I just turn off the stupid signature thing

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funny how some people prefer an impersonal form of communication (SMS, IM) rather than a more personal and inflected tonality form (voice call, video call).




I don't like talking over the phone because it feels so fake and impersonal, even with the closest people to me who I never have trouble talking to. I'm sure it's the same for others.

Yes. I feel like small talk has to be forced, even with those that I love. Like we absolutely have to carry on a conversation even though we have nothing interesting to say.


Texting gets your message across, in person is a completely different experience.

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i think i speak for the majority here by saying that you would be missed around here xxx, if something were to happen to you.


so for the sake of watemms, please make sure that you poo in the right position and appropriate force, and please drive safely.

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