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Shitting - how much is too much?

Guest Iain C

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Guest Iain C

I don't know what was in the pizza I ate last night, but one thing's for sure - I'm never having stuffed crust again.


This morning, I woke up at about 5.30am as usual, ready to laze about in bed for an hour or so before starting my day. But this morning, something was wrong. My stomach was tying itself into a big pink knot and trying to push its way out through my pinched, passive-aggressive, politically-correct ringpiece.


I went to shit. And shat and shat.


I got to work, and I shat. I worked, and I shat. I ate lunch, and I shat. Before heading off for the evening, I made sure that I shat. Upon arriving home, I ate a large portion of Sainsburys' vegetarian sushi. Then I shat.


In total, I've shat eight times today. Other than that, I don't feel particularly ill.


At what point do I call the doctor? At what point do I eat a handful of Immodium? And what's the best topical cream for a bleeding, over-used pucker?


What's the most you've ever shat in a day?

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Is it diarrhoea? Then you should probably take something.


If its solid then I dunno, maybe you just ate loads.


The most Ive gone is about 5 times. All solid movements.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

if you shit too many times in one day you could shit an organ out, happened to my friend

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At what point do I eat a handful of Immodium?


So basically your body is trying desperately to expel a few pounds of stuffed crust feces and your response is hey maybe I should keep this inside me.

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Frequency doesn't mean much without also measuring mass. To help with my shit diary I painted lines inside the toilet bowl so I could measure the displacement. This proved inaccurate so I now simply shit into a plastic mixing bowl I keep by the toilet and use electronic scales, before emptying into the toilet and flushing. A little extra effort, but well worth it. Also now keep a visual and audio record using the memo feature on my iphone, but I wish there was a dedicated app, would probably sell well in France and Germany.

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I've done 17 times in a day. Granted some of them were just clear liquid. I've gotten some kind of awful intestinal bug that caused me to expel anything I ate with the quickness 3 times over the past 4 years. Horrible.

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Guest Iain C

Up to nine now. That last one was a real pain - it stings so much I can barely wipe. No blood on the paper this time.

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Guest theSun

yeah man keep chugging away you'll get it all out soon enough.



if you're still shitting out your brains 1 or 2 days after i'd be worried

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