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Influx of bad artist names

eh Speedy

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I was walking home from a night out with friends Sunday morning when I stumbled upon what appeared to be a rave. Curious, I decided to look it up online the next day after my hangover had subsided, and found one of the headlining DJs to be named: Mord Fustang.On the same flyer, we have Hypster.







Pirates of the Puget Sound, lol.

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I want to form a band called "The Beatles". Whenever someone tells us that that name is already taken we'll act clueless. If that fails, "The Beatles 2" is also a pretty good name.



How many times has Com Truise been mentioned alread?

Edited by gmanyo
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Celine Diode


Drive By Trackers


Verb Alpert (or Herb Albert and the Marijuana Grass)


Matthew Sweep




Quant Eyes (sorry)






Roland Barthes


Splice Girls (probably already posted?)


Bit Meddler (has this real one been mentioned?)


Sunny Mono


Alexei Lossless


MPC Hammer


Birth of the Cooledit


Patch Adams (DJ name: Scratch Adams)


The Bandwidth


50 Hert


BPM Dawn


Billy Korgan


The Dewey Decibal System


Envelope Cruz


Starlheinz Kockhausen




Loopy Fiasco


Justin Timbrelake


Concrète Blonde




Delia Dolbyshire


Bitched-On Swach




The Fab Fourier


Liz Fairlight


Tomita Cruise

Edited by encey
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