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Lulz Security just hacked some FBI / NATO website


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the irony is i used rib him about the shitty graphics, and now i'm a hardcore minecraft addict. delicious irony.


edit: MGF - sony shit... 'well yeah, it's exposing security holes, i guess'. minecraft... 'well, for the lulz, i guess'. escapist takedown... 'these guys just took down a site cos of negative comments. they're assholes'.

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holy hell, these self-congratulatory letters they're writing are so lame



This is a story all about how we made Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax

Media, and everything they own, our bitch for life.


The Lulz Boat controls this ocean, chumps.





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holy hell, these self-congratulatory letters they're writing are so lame



This is a story all about how we made Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax

Media, and everything they own, our bitch for life.


The Lulz Boat controls this ocean, chumps.






i'm going to write something, encode it as a pdf, and upload it to reddit. i'll take my time and make it legit-looking. it's going to get upvoted, and if it's upvoted enough it will probably spread to twitter, facebook, and then get reported on mainstream media as an official statement from lulzsec, or anonymous, or jester, or whatever hackers on steroids are the flavour of the month.. as a result, the website articles from mainstream media will get added to the lulzsec article on wiki as a reliable source, and it will become fact as far as history is concerned.


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the minecraft login server was back up within an hour or two cos it's on amazon aws, which has all sorts of fancy load balancers and the like.

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holy hell, these self-congratulatory letters they're writing are so lame



This is a story all about how we made Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax

Media, and everything they own, our bitch for life.


The Lulz Boat controls this ocean, chumps.






i'm going to write something, encode it as a pdf, and upload it to reddit. i'll take my time and make it legit-looking. it's going to get upvoted, and if it's upvoted enough it will probably spread to twitter, facebook, and then get reported on mainstream media as an official statement from lulzsec, or anonymous, or jester, or whatever hackers on steroids are the flavour of the month.. as a result, the website articles from mainstream media will get added to the lulzsec article on wiki as a reliable source, and it will become fact as far as history is concerned.





so long as we're clear that The Lulz Boat controls this ocean, chumps. Say that out loud just once for me.

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id be worried because its further justification in the minds of the senators that want to control it...theres a bill in senate right now

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yeah sure just pass the internet censorship bill and watch the entire internet + blogging community enjoy the magic hidden within


isn't that just another one of the things that happens that brings more people to the cause? that's why we should tell everyone to vote for conservative parties - to fuck up our system so hard that even the suits want revolution :spiteful:


what cause

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at this point im pretty confident our fate is to go back to another form of slavery/servitude....but whether thats good or bad depends



at this point i just want to be left a few things in my life to enjoy, to relax....like they say in Network...the house turns into a room, and then smaller and smaller again..


its annoying innit.


though i spose it could be argued that our ancestors didnt have the internet in the first place so its more of a step backward, not the end of anything.


no idea what im taking bout anymore.

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pretty much, to be specific, the users of any particular internet community where a significant majority agree on one particular course of action, i guess.


so until lulzsec and what they're highlighting is dealt with by IRL in some way (the fact that their activity increased at the point where colleges go on holidays isn't a coincidence, imo), your internet privacy and freedom are in jeopardy. particularly in your country, probably.

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yeah sure just pass the internet censorship bill and watch the entire internet + blogging community enjoy the magic hidden within


isn't that just another one of the things that happens that brings more people to the cause? that's why we should tell everyone to vote for conservative parties - to fuck up our system so hard that even the suits want revolution :spiteful:


what cause


anti-corporate agendas, peace instead of war, caring for people over money, earning authority through respectable actions not promotions


that cause everyone's always talking about


that's a nice, fuzzy, vague studenty anti-corporate rhetoric you have there.

would be a shame if something was to... happen to it.

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oh, yeah, that cause. surprised i didn't see the connection between lulzsec and earning authority through respectable actions not promotions until just now

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oh, yeah, that cause. surprised i didn't see the connection between lulzsec and earning authority through respectable actions not promotions until just now


neckbeards! fuck me. i mean, say what you like about the tenets of national socialism, dude, at least it's an ethos.

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id be worried because its further justification in the minds of the senators that want to control it...theres a bill in senate right now


That internet censorship bill is a joke and has nothing to do with all these hacks and DDoS attacks. It would have absolutely zero effect and would only encourage Lulzsec & co to target government organizations more. Maybe the US government will make the link like they've linked terrorism to other bullshit bills though.


If enacted, PROTECT IP will give federal authorities "unprecedented power to attack the Internet's domain name system (DNS)," by: forcing ISPs and search engines to redirect or reject user attempts to reach certain cites; and vaguely call DNS servers "server(s) or other mechanism(s) used to provide the Internet protocol addresses associated with a domain name."


An absolutely ridiculous measure which doesn't really do anything. Even if they would implement this, it's so easy to circumvent that it wont stop you from visiting those domains if you want to. If anything, they'd try to use this to fight piracy. But again, it's just a DNS filter. :facepalm: Politicians have about the same understanding of the web as my parents do. Not a bad thing I'd say.

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has anyone mentioned how hilarious redditors going from "fuck yeah lulzsec hack the government" to "WHY DID YOU HACK EVE ONLINE" was? just wanted to throw that one out there.

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lol. I too have a couple friends that play this game and it is basically their entire life outside of work.... Not surprising that they'd be freaking out "WTF why can't I log into EVE?!?!?!?!?!"


There's a post now high up on the reddit front page saying that reddit should not like lulzsec. :shrug:

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Guest Iain C

haters = jealous fags


would you rather they did nothing? ooohhh noooo eve online and minecraft are down, how else will i be a sad sack of fat, white loneliness today?


who cares


mesh gear fox - ignorant, juvenile, douchebag australian.


i don't have a dog in this fight and don't really care about any of those games either way, but i just wanted to say that. it's been on my mind for a while.



anti-corporate agendas, peace instead of war, caring for people over money, earning authority through respectable actions not promotions


that cause everyone's always talking about





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Guest Iain C

What, are you going to call me a fag too? Those are definitely the words of a freedom-fighting, anti-corporate political radical.

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Guest AcrossCanyons
i think you're taking this place too seriously...

I think it might be you who's taking it a bit seriously?

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Guest Iain C

if we're gonna play the pc card


Seriously, you're the most Daily Mail "radical" I've ever seen. Didn't you defend those dudes who blacked up for the Michael Jackson impersonation?

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Guest Iain C



i just said it was a stupid show so you expect stupid shit that offends people


and you're a stupid poster, so i guess i should expect... fill in the blanks.

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