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Lulz Security just hacked some FBI / NATO website


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Guest Iain C

(plus that post wasn't being entirely serious. i'm just fucking around dude)


right, i get that - but the only reason you find that (or the blacking up thing) remotely funny or acceptable or not a big deal is because you're coming from a blinkered position of white, heterosexual, male privilege. you can't see how damaging or insidious it is because it doesn't affect you in any way.


basically, it makes you look ignorant.


that's bad enough, but there's a lot of it about. but it's particularly galling when it's bundled in with a load of pseudo-radical "anti-system" (or whatever) language. get a grip.


and that's my tight-spinchtered PC rant done for the day. i'm off to trim my beard, eat a bowl of lentils and buy a new pair of sandals.

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Guest Iain C

oh for fucks sake can you look back on any of those posts and tell me they were made with any sort of serious sentiment?


i'm not going to go round in circles with you here. i KNOW you thought you were just being funny. what i'm saying is - you were actually being an idiot. serious or not.

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Guest lullezucht

Does the Australian blackface dude have Dutch roots?


"You can have my shoe polish when you prise it from my cold dead hands".

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Australians are racist.




to be fair, re. blackface - if that's the trump card for proving Australians as racist then it'd be worthwhile to at least have half a look at Hey Hey It's Saturday for the bottom-barrel-gong-show-variety-drivel it is





anyway, back to whatever this thread was about

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wow, this is hilarious without any context at all

this thread went to shit though—oh well

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im personally torn about blackface. i think its the same as using the "n" word, all depends on the context.. if its mocking the concept of blackface, then maybe its allowable....but that skit was just tasteless.



how did we get to this anyway?

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for the lulz of it i'm kinda looking really forward to them being squashed.

lots of people have to be really pissed at them..





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Split this thread!


My 2c: I was alright with the invasions where they were getting revenge for companies being shitty for whatever reason. Then they sent something to NHS telling them about their security holes but didn't steal data, which I thought was cool. Now just taking websites down for attention is a bit rubbish. Don't like attention whoring.

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This will not help us at all when the American government has another one of their internet censorship debates.



id be worried because its further justification in the minds of the senators that want to control it...theres a bill in senate right now



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and that's my tight-spinchtered PC rant done for the day.



After your thread about shitting yesterday is your sphincter really that tight?

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a point a friend made, somewhat satirically, on facebook

Lulzsec is a False Flag operation to make The General Public more comfortable with the idea of censoring the internet and more control.


They're hacking stuff for lulz. Wait til they hit shit the Joe The Plumber cares about, like Online Banking. Then you'll see the internet version of The Patriot Act get passed faster than you can say 'ACTA'


now, initially, my response was LOL NICE TRY ALEX JONES. but...


it is an interesting point you raise though - why the focus on things like sony, minecraft, and the escapist (which hosts yahtzee's zero punctuation. and yahtzee is regarded as a god amongst hardcore gamers). why the 'bonus content' attitude towards .govs?
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I called it early on that it wouldn't be the govt. bringing down anonymous or other groups, it'd be someone from the inside. Someone will be Judas, write a book, and cash in...


you can't bring down anonymous cos anon is everyone who decides to call themselves that. now, people like lulzsec or jester strike me as far more interesting. they are the natural evolution of the internet hate machine hackers on steroids. they're not claiming no structure or lack of centralised control which were sorta loser neckbeardy things to claim as an ideology to begin with.

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well you clearly know more than I (no idea who Jester is), but just like al qaeda, I'm guessing there are people who are more central to their operations than others. So anonymous may never die as an entity, but their ringleaders/organizers could get busted, I'm guessing, and it might take a while for those remaining to get their act together.


Were you the one who mentioned their activity seems to coincided with summer vacation? Don't know if that's true but the other day I was wondering how these guys found each other in the first place. Makes sense that the core group might be going/have gone to Uni together. Or High School.

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