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i'd like to share some photos with you

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i've finally gotten 'round to putting together a decent site for my photography. i took WATMM's advice and went with the lightbox/colorbox thing for the gallery. just wanted to share since i thought they were right up WATMM's alley. many of you may have seen this stuff already, but it's got a nice, new look to it and i'm super proud of it.


Ourson's Photography


i haven't made a photo-specific url for it yet, it hasn't come to me yet.


thanks !

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I think your photos are really nice. Wish the scans were a little bit bigger, but that's probably where the buying a print comes in!


This is probably just personal taste so take with a pinch of salt, but I think the navigation text colours could be desaturated a little in line with those of your photos. A bit of tidying up of the type too. I probably wouldn't have gone for straight up black either, probably a light or dark grey (but black works!). Some subtle indication of the back'n'forth ability of the lightbox could be useful for people unfamiliar with them. There may be something that'll help you manage updating the site too. Editing the html all the time might get a bit tiresome and put you off keeping up with it. A wordpress installation and an edited up photography centric template might be a good option. Er, hope it doesn't sound like I'm taking a big dump on the site here.



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yea brighten up the colors of the text, i had to tilt my laptop screen down to see that it said "OURSON" and not just "OURSO". otherwise it looks great and very professional; both website and photography.

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Guest Sprigg

Love the photos and layout; simple and easy to figure out. I do have to agree with desaturating the text; it looks out of place with those pictures and the O and N on ourson are a little too dark for my monitor. The navigation text (polaroid/35mm/etc) is also a little out of place to my eyes, but overall I love the site.


Also, mad props for the sticking the camera in fires/ rivers thing. That's brilliant.

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good stuff. I dont take photography seriously unless it's analog. Rolliflex,etc. It is a talent and skill developing film in chemicals and shit. Those days are fading

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

lose the splash screen


there is no obvious close lightbox popup x



otherwise i likey and every single photo looks like a norweigan electronica album cover

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I think your photos are really nice. Wish the scans were a little bit bigger, but that's probably where the buying a print comes in!


This is probably just personal taste so take with a pinch of salt, but I think the navigation text colours could be desaturated a little in line with those of your photos. A bit of tidying up of the type too. I probably wouldn't have gone for straight up black either, probably a light or dark grey (but black works!). Some subtle indication of the back'n'forth ability of the lightbox could be useful for people unfamiliar with them. There may be something that'll help you manage updating the site too. Editing the html all the time might get a bit tiresome and put you off keeping up with it. A wordpress installation and an edited up photography centric template might be a good option. Er, hope it doesn't sound like I'm taking a big dump on the site here.



thanks. comparatively to most, i'm an amateur when it comes to webdesign. i just learned everything i know completely on my own, never went to school. i would actually very much like to look into everything you said because, while i don't mind editing html, i am definitely open to a smarter platform, i just don't really know much about it. i keep on hearing wordpress being tossed around. i'll have to look into it.


as for hinting lightbox navigation, i agree and will do something about it.


lose the splash screen


there is no obvious close lightbox popup x



otherwise i likey and every single photo looks like a norweigan electronica album cover

you're probably right about the splash screen. i'll consider it.


definitely right about lightbox closing tab.


thanks for everything, bro-hombres !

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