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6 Most Ominous Trends in Video Games

Guest Ricky Downtown

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Guest couch

spot on article. the only one i disagreed with was the gunsights one. it's fucking ALWAYS been like that more or less since FPSes started to exist.

Well yea, looking down a gunsight is always going to look the same.


I think the main idea behind that is all these companies are making different versions of the same fps game year after year.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

btw why do people hate looking down gunsights? are people too lazy to hold another trigger or something. i don't see the problem.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

interesting read. amusing too. i don't really play shooters so it is possible to avoid cod and blops etc. i think he really missed the rise of the smaller dev houses making innovative games on a small budget. pixeljunk for example make some great games and for the low cost of making them probably make a pretty good return on low-medium sales at $10 a pop. i'd guess.


its like saying all films sucks because green lantern 3d was wack. don't see green lantern and they won't do it again (well maybe they will but how many flops can a studio handle before they change/go bust?)


the worst thing about gaming right now is when you buy a game on day 1 of it being out and you slap it in and it makes you download an update for an hour before you can play. come on!


the part about not knowing there was a run button in RE4 made me lol as it took me a few slooooooow levels to work it out


i haven't jumped on the motion controller bandwagon as it seems so damn gimmicky still. waiting for it to settle

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This article is so fantastic. And I agree with almost everything.


I don't agree with that the goals of game makers were to make things look as realistic as possible though. If you look at early 80's gaming, it was all about concepts and the actual gameplay itself. Robotron, for example, was not by any means trying to tackle realistic graphics. The sprites were really small and shitty in comparison to other good games of the time. This was done to move it's main concept forward though, throw as much shit at you as possible and make you shoot it.


Maybe games today are trying to be more realistic, but gaming was very utopic in the early 80's, and it still can be. People just need to focus on gameplay and not realism. Fuck realism. If I want realism I'm not going to play a video game, I'll go the fuck outside.


only shooters are real games.

You're an idiot.

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If I want realism I'm not going to play a video game, I'll go the fuck outside.


the graphics and FPS are amazing, but the AI is really fucking dumb.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

i pretty much agree with everything in the article. but i think after games get extremely shitty for a while things will get better. far down the road when practically anybody can program their own videogames as easy as filming a movie, i think, and hopefully i'll be around to see it, videogames will start to get super artsy and amazing.

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dude needs to ease up a bit. and see that there is a game for every time and every purpose. you shouldn't follow the modern game releases like it's a soap series. don't worry bout where the market's heading.


just look at the vast amount of game that already exist and pick just the right one for the moment. want a real tight difficult platformer, get super meat boy (or ikaruga?), want a eccentric deep involving game to really get into, get okami, want a huge j-rpg with beautiful sprite design and that unique 16-bit squaresoft music, get xenogears, or you feel like a wasting a day on a game of Civ go for it, or instead pick oldschool advance wars/ogre tactics for something more raw.


there's already so much, that there is always something good to play, there is absolutely no need to follow the contemporary game market.

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Guest Sprigg

ogre tactics


I played through the gameboy advance one around seven or eight times. My favourite portable game of all time, possibly my favourite game of all time, period.

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If I want realism I'm not going to play a video game, I'll go the fuck outside.


the graphics and FPS are amazing, but the AI is really fucking dumb.



And Lol at Vib Ribbon, Vamos. Controls were so whack. Fantastic concept and lovely graphics though.

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Guest Gary C



frequency, not amplitude


God, I miss these so much. One day they'll release them as downloadable titles right?

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I hate the casual games market, ridiculous monetization schemes, unimaginative blockbusters and games focussed only initial appeal. But it has become big business so that part of the industry will always exist. Games have always been shit for the most part (even with good intentions, it's just not that easy to create a good game) but there has always been plenty of good stuff. Aside from the games I anticipate, there are tons of games that take me by surprise every year.


And let's not forget all the good things these new times have brought us. Money hungry middle men can now be cut out because of online distribution, mouth to mouth works really well on the web, content-creation tools, middleware licenses & information have become cheap and readily available etc. I'm rather optimistic about the future of games.


it's funny you say 'you hate the casual gamer market' because all of those things you listed seem to have become overwhelmingly common because of more people getting sucked into the modern console gaming market, which lets face it, is a way to steal the more free for all PC gamer market and monetize the shit out of it. Console games in and of themselves are huge money making schemes.

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one of the most underspoken of and [under]appreciated games of all time:




frequency, not amplitude


yeah but amplitude was frequency with all the *incredibly* rough edges somewhat smoothed out.


AKA BEST GAME EVER. I got into the top 200 once. only once.

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