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What city do you live in ?


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so do I(in oly currently). Maybe I know you?

ha ha, wow. You probably don't know me as I'm currently a bit of a shut-in except for going to SPSCC for my classes, but I'm impressed there's someone else from Oly here.


did you go to high school here?

yeah. avanti 2006-2009, capital 2009-2010


OHS for me. that was 2005 though.

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Nottingham's pretty shit but I've lived here for all of my memorable life so I don't think I'd move without good reason.


I think that's a good reason.

I suppose so. What I really mean tho is that I've built up a lot here - friends etc. A lot of good people I wouldn't want to leave behind.


Which part of Nottingham are you? I've always lived the Basford/Arnold side, and around the city centre area. I still fancy trying the Dunkirk/Lenton area, that's where I want to go when I eventually but inevitably return to Nottinghum. But fuck Bulwell, Clifton and (obv.) Bestwood and Top Valley, I'd die or sleep in a gutter (or stay in Norwich) before looking there for a new gaff.

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I live in Brooklyn… I'm paying $1k/mo for a step-down studio apartment in the neighborhood. Yikes.


i currently live in chicago, and i rent an 1100 sq ft 2br w/parking and all amenities for that price. granted i got a good deal (probably about the best), but that's why i can never give nyc or the area too much benefit. unless you have a lot of money it seems like you just work to live. ahhh well i guess there are trade-offs anywhere.

cost of living in new york is definitely reflected in average incomes—i'm in an industry where i can pull 65k/yr at junior level, and i could probably make more (though i do motion graphic design, which is enough of a niche trade to grant it slightly higher income anyway). but that being said, very jealous of your space!

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Guest Sprigg



forgot to add that i lived in pune, india for 3 months. if you can live with the mosquitos, bugs, and lizards and not really expect 4-star accommodations (it is a third world country after all), then you can have a great time. i loved the food and the people were generally really nice. oh, and did i mention that i got home-cooked lunch and dinner delivered to me in a tiffin every day. the monthly cost was about $19 USD. :spiteful:


I was in Mae Sot, Thailand for two and a half months... like a dollar a day for rent in an extremely nice guesthouse (shitty little hotel by our standards, but I thought it was great), eatng for like... two or three dollars a day, tons of fresh fruit and meat from the market, the nicest people I've ever met... and even though it was incredibly hot, I barely noticed after a week since there was no air conditioning to fuck up my getting accustomed to it. Two and a half months without air conditioning > the rest of my life with it.

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Guest Al Hounos

Vancouver - just dull really. Nice enough, a bit expensive, crazy uptight about drinking, cool with weed, some decent cultural events but really just a bit dull.

Can't wait to get back to Seoul. Hounos - there are a couple of decent sandwich joints in 이태원 and 해방촌. Good Thai food in 홍대 as well as some ok cafes. There's a place in front of 이화 called 비미남경 which does some decent coffee (or at least they used to). I will agree though, western food is hit and miss for sure. Fuck it though - eat Korean food :)

The cultural scene is a little hard to get into for music - there's some good indie bands - the club scene was awesome when it broke out there in 1996/1997 but got quickly commercialized. i think we've talked about this before but check out Purple Record in 홍대. Probably the best record store in Seoul - still woeful compared to going to even like Fukuoka or Osaka, never mind Tokyo.


what exactly is your connection to korea, chen? how long did you live here?


I just had another one of those weekends that could only happen in seoul. Out all night and half the morn bouncing around 홓대, eating 회 and drinking soju at 8 in the morning with the summer sun warming our backs... love this place.

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Jacksonville, Florida … (yes only listing the cons) … the city is full of religious zealots and rednecks, it's hot as fuck for 6-8 months out of the year, most of the city is one giant strip mall. most of the culture, mom and pop places, and arts scene are isolated to one part of town (which thankfully I am moving to in a couple of weeks)


a friend of mine who lives in the navy lives in jacksonville, and from his stories and the stories i've heard from others who have traveled through jacksonville it sounds like hell on earth. a decent metropolis full of rednecks and without even the slightest shade of proper culture. i'm not really down with florida as a whole and not trying to rip into you pattern, just noting. nascar is pretty big there eh?


No offense taken at all. Jax is a cultural void as is most of Florida. Sure there are some cool things to see here and there but you really have to seek them out. Lots of Squids (Navy officers) as there is a huge naval base here. Yes, Nascar is huge as Daytona is only a 45 minute drive away.

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Guest couch

Moved around some in the last few years so I'll just say Triad area in NC.


-Cost of living is cheap. Even in the downtown areas.

-Great place to raise a family if you stay in suburbia.

-Not that great to live here if you're 20-mid30s. Not much to do, but it's becoming better.

-Great place to live if you enjoy outdoor hobbies. Hiking, biking, fishing, boating, golf, etc.

-Bars are meh to not bad. There's two kinds, rockabilly hipster bars and yuppie bars.

-Biker bars outside city limits in redneck country. Most of the underground metal bands and heavy rock/stoner rock bands hit these places.

-The majority of the music here is rockabilly, country bluegrass, generic rock and blues.

-Blues scene is dominated by baby boomers on the verge of retirement. After pencil pushing all their lives they go out and buy expensive all original 60s guitars. Then clog up the open mics to do their best clapton or srv impressions.

-At least that's better than the hipster/hippie open mics where they bring their acoustic and sing about exes, politics and war.

-Honestly, I just hate open mics.

-If you leave the city limits you hit redneck country full of ignorant racist jerks.

-There are more churches than people here. Seems like every intersection has at least two churches on it. Seriously go way out to some rural area. Cornfields for as far as you can see. Get up to an intersection where one road is dirt and one is gravel. Boom two churches opposite of each other.

-Fucking Cracker Barrel. Amazing restaurant.

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Guest theSun

buffalo theSun points-system out of 100


weather - 75 - i don't really mind the cold/snow, but it does go on for long. i'd rather have a buffalo winter than a florida summer though


music - 30 - there is no music scene other than rock/metal cover/tribute bands. there is a guy that is pretty active that does electronic/type stuff and a band that's sort of electronic - both of these are the only really good acts from around here that i've seen. but i don't get out much, probably because when i do i have such a shitty time. (i've never seen wisp live :facepalm: )


activity - 50 - if you know where to look, there's quite a bit to do. i'm still finding things to do, places to go, but things are not well advertised here. probably because there is no money here, probably because everyone is leaving very quickly. downtown buffalo at night is a bunch of really drunk college kids, due to our high student population. some people find plenty to do others complain constantly.


cost of living - 85 - shit is cheap here. property is cheap. taxes are a little high. heating costs in the winter can be high. things like going out are pretty cheap comparatively.


jobs - 30 - no jobs here. don't come here unless you have one here already


overall buffalo is a town of drunk sports rocknroll fans who stay inside and get trashed in the winter, but turns into a normal-ish city in the summer.

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Guest theSun

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food 85 - i am a meat/cheese/potato lover. buffalo wings, chicken fingers and buffalo pizza are all great. basically you earn points just for adding this shit to everything you can.


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Guest dese manz hatin



represent represent


Cool. Tell me about it :)

Hamburg is lovely. You might think it is all flashy and loud around here with Reeperbahn and whatnot, actually has a really calm and tranquil atmosphere though once you peek under the surface, probably because of all the water and the parks. Even the music scene reflects that suprisingly, especially deep house with labels like Smallville, Dial, Diynamic. People seem to be more laid back and down to earth than for example in Berlin.

Downside is that Hamburg is kind of a city for the rich, with rent prices skyrocketing and former alternative neighborhoods (Schanze) becoming far too expensive too afford and attracting yuppies. However there is quite a big alternative/leftist scene here, especially around St Pauli and similar places obviously, which I would never have thought before moving here.

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Austin, Texas. Like many I've basically found myself not wanting leave after moving here for college.


Ulfborg, Denmark Population: 2000 You can't imagine how much fun i'm having :dry:


It's probably (in my American eyes) nicer than the average town of 2000 in Texas, but yeah...small, dull towns are universal I suppose.


Norwich (yes it really is a city). It's OK here really, occasionally get decent artists playing at the Arts Centre and there's a good local indie record shop. A few good boozers as well. I miss Nottingham like mad though, one day I'll go back.


I lived at RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, and can attest that in that context Norwich is indeed a city.


Houston Texas pretty dull as fuck. One day it'll be freezing cold the next scorching hot, no consistency. Summers tend to be pretty hot and humid and we get some really great weather in January. I love rain and when it does rain in the summer over here it can be pretty epic. Huge loud bright pretty thunder bolts... Its flat here... Pretty big population. Lots of Mexicans, African Americans, and Asians. Mexicans can be seen cutting yards... African Americans at our fast food joints and Asians everywhere and anywhere. You want beach we got Galveston and that shit is a cesspool. Radio Play crap. Lots of Bad random Rap. Your cool if you listen to Kanye or Lady Gaga. Lots of food in Texas Size portions. We could probably feed an army of homeless people with all the food we waste just here in Houston. I work at a restaurant so I know what I'm talking about. Its ok I guess and shit isn't too expensive over here.
i will 2nd this account of Houston, while adding lame as fuck strip club laws, completely out of control deregulated electricity, hidden traffic cameras on light poles and on stop signs, and only 1 or 2 decent clubs that book electronic acts. at least there's lots of head shops.


I had to stay overnight in Houston once because of a missed plane connection.The food portions at the restaurant were huge. They served soda in these bucket-sized glasses.[The wait staff were huge too I might mention, but nice people.]


^These are all perfect descriptions. My wife's from Houston, specifically the Spring/Klein area up north. We live in Austin now and love it, yet one of the few things I dislike about Austin are the few pretentious lifetime locals who look down on the rest of Texas. Yeah, it's a great city, but a ton of good people live in places like DFW and Houston, especially in order to make a good living. It's almost as if the many awful aspects of Houston have produced creativity. Chopped-N-screwed rap came from here, Win Butler of Arcade Fire grew up in the Woodlands, a suburb of the city, Jandek's a Houston resident, etc. Those will always stand out against the plethora of ironically cookie-cutter indie bands that Austin cranks out.

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Guest Sprigg

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food 85 - i am a meat/cheese/potato lover. buffalo wings, chicken fingers and buffalo pizza are all great. basically you earn points just for adding this shit to everything you can.



Fuck yes! Best sauce ever.

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i think we've talked about this before but check out Purple Record in 홍대. Probably the best record store in Seoul

still bummed about not going here. btw fyi, other seoul-bound watmmers, go to hoehyeon secondhand lp arcade and lp love, both in an underground shopping center in hoehyeon-dong. i managed to get some sweet san ul lim LPs along with other random korean fares. ttrak of bloo is not worth wasting time to go to.

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I've lived in Austin, TX for about a year. I came here for a PhD program after finishing my BS in Richmond, VA -- I was pretty fond of Richmond.


Austin's a pretty cool city. It doesn't seem to be quite as cool as I was told it'd be, although I haven't really had all that much time to explore; I spend all my time reading math or feeling guily for not reading math. A graduate student's opinion on the city probably isn't the most fair. There's a nice spring-fed swimming hole and it's a nice place to ride your bike. Plenty of coffee shops, stores, etc. SXSW was a lot of fun since it conveniently took place over spring break. I just spent a few days downtown drinking free beer and listening to Daedelus. All that said, for all the hippies and liberals that Austin has, I've had the hardest time finding weed!


Though the weather fucking sucks at the moment. If this thread were started in between November and May, I'd say the exact opposite, though.

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