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Cat bassed dilema...


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the cat goes where it wants, if it chooses to hang at your place and you dont mind, fuck the original owner - the cat is clearly not as happy there for whatever reason.

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  • 1 month later...

Thought I'd give an update to this, just in case you're at all interested.


so FINALLY managed to track down the owner. Our house is next door to a massive park, probably about 100 other houses back on to it and that made it very tricky to figure out who he actually belongs to.


I called round a lot of the houses and put up a bunch of posters, and eventully a few days ago I got a response. strangely enough the guy who got back to me was not the owner but someone who had also been getting occasional visits from Mr Cat. he lived across the opposite side of the park from me, Mr Cat gets about!


Fortunately he had managed to find his actual owners, they lived even further down the road! As it turns out, they had bought Mr Cat (Casper) along with his brother a few years ago. everything was fine for a while, but for some reason the two cats began to fight a lot. Mr Cat being the smaller of the two ended up running away.


For the past year or so, he been ducking in and out of his owners house, but apparently spending most of his time fending for himself in the park, or ducking into the other peoples house. Then a while back, some building work behind our house opened up a lot of gardens and meant he could get through to our house.


Still quite amazed that he'd been travelling so far. I knew cats liked to explore, but never realised just how far. I'm also pretty surprised that he'd been taking care of himself quite so well. He was quite thin when he first appeared at our house, but not too bad. He is a very good hunter though, I'm getting mice or birds most days. a rabbit a couple weeks back as well!!


The owner came round to visit a couple days ago, very friendly couple. really glad that I'd been looking after the cat for them, and since he rarely visits their house they asked if I'd like to adopt him. Of course I said yes! They're coming back over some time this week to drop off some bits and pieces, litter box etc, and once that's sorted I'm gonna get some insurance sorted and take him to the vet to get chipped.


he's made himself properly at home here. has a couple favourite spots downstairs, and normally ends up sleeping on the end of my bed or inside my wardrobe. Really happy everything worked out!

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Awwwwwwww! :happy:

My friend's cat just came back after 20+ days of being away. This is I think the 6th time he's gone for a week+ adventure. They finally got him neutered after this last excursion. On one of these journeys he traveled back to the house they moved from (a ten minute drive), where my friends' old room mates were still living. That blew my mind when i heard it. This cat is a born explorer.

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probably because I always leave the back doors open :)


although saying that, My room has a terrace with some climbers running up the wall. The first time he showed up, I opened the door to my room and he was fast asleep on my desk. must have either climber the plants or maybe jumped up there from the nearby shed. impressive either way!


@Zephyr Nova, that's well impressive! makes me want to get a little camera and attach it to the cat, see where he goes exploring to!

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Guest uptown devil

glad to hear everything worked out, i think you handled the situation very righteously. i also don't blame you for feeding a friendly, seemingly homeless cat in the first place either.


cheers for being a good person. :beer:

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Guest abusivegeorge

Definetly mate with it and have kittens. Once you've had kids together the foster owner must go through a custody battle and he isn't going to want to do that. Live happily ever after.

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