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Arkham City

Guest Gary C

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Yeah, the rubber muscles look pretty silly. Why not cast someone who has the physique then put him in a nice matte cloth outfit as it should be?



edit: the Dark Knight Returns batman being playable in that game makes me want to try it out

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Guest Gary C

edit: the Dark Knight Returns batman being playable in that game makes me want to try it out


Oops, I meant Returns.

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i feel really old, i watched a commercial for 30 seconds, and i swear to god i didnt realize i was watching CGI the whole time until halfway through




to me this captures Batman's physical appearance better than any of the movies have (this counts burton and nolan)


the tall ears and the wrist spikes look perfect

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Gary C

Hm, it's gonna be 3D compatible too.


Both the fancy new 3D or the red and blue old-school 3D.


There's so much going on with this game now (there's a Mr Freeze trailer which is pretty underwhelming) it could very easily become a bloated mess... or I'll never need another game again. We'll see.

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I had the same thing at first Bubba. Just thought it was kind of average, but I revisited it months later and found the joys of strolling around and perfecting really smooth combo's and planning stealthy attacks. All in the timing. Plus I quite liked getting the riddler challenges.


It looks like they're expanding on what made Asylum good so I'm excited.

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Guest Pennywise

With all those characters, I wonder how long the game will be. Be shit if it was all squeezed into an 8 hour game.

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Guest Sprigg

Super excited, but between Deus Ex and Dead Island, I've already got my gaming hands full... probably wait till Christmas time to pick this up.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Gary C

Now they've added Nightwing to the arena stages too... and I'm spent.


I'm surprised Black Mask hasn't been officially revealed yet because his hide-out is seen in almost every trailer. But Rocksteady have recently said that they're looking forward to making another Batman game in the future.


No demo yet, but the game's out in just over two weeks so it looks as if they won't bother.

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Guest Gary C

I've just realised that I've probably given away a lot of spoilers if someone had wanted to go through this game fresh, so...



Mad Hatter's in there too.


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I'm honestly not trying to sound like a bitter cynical shit but having seen gameplay footage, what differentiates the game between something like Prototype or inFamous (aside from, obviously, a different costume for yer little action man) ?

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have you played AA? It is a little more linear than those other superhero games. The writing and atmosphere is great, the combat is very clever and stealth based, the exploration aspect is interesting and there are lots of little puzzles and things. The bosses are fun. More indoor environments, different abilities. This one does look like it has a new, more open world overworld(which I could see where your comparison comes from), but I imagine there is going to still be a lot of indoor based gameplay that made the first one so great. On paper it doesn't sound all that special but actually sitting down and playing a good chunk of it you will see how polished it actually is. It is all about the little things, the pacing of the gameplay, the progression of the story, the addictiveness of getting perfect combos. It's just fun, moreso than infamous which is also one of my favorite games.

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Yeah - very different than Prototype/Infamous - Combat is less about "shoot and slash" and more about stringing together a seamless set of hits, counters, etc. AA had a great mixture of this plus great stealth sections, amazing amount of small details/easter eggs, great storyline, awesome gadgets . . . I mean, just an all around amazing game.


Arkham City sounds like it's going to allow for a lot of freedom of movement, but that you will be funneled into indoor areas that play much like the first. So, sort of a "hub world" with confined "dungeon" sections that force you into that close combat scenario.

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have you played AA? It is a little more linear than those other superhero games.

Yeah (only the demo, but played it several times) and that did seem very different in style to my aforementioned games - being more like a Splinter Cell / Metal Gear Solid type vibe. It was the move to this large sand-box type environment that made me feel that it lost its individuality somewhat but if what t35513r says is true (about being more of a hub structure) then that might give it more of a distinction in terms of gameplay mechanics than what the previews have made out it to be.

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Well, there was sort of a "hub" in AA. The whole island had different sections and different buildings in each section. You had to do some backtracking and revisit certain areas. If anything they were tedious to get around between places so I am glad they made the overworld more interesting because it was kind of annoying and there were always snipers and shit getting in your way. I watched a gameplay video of the new one, and while it didn't seem that interesting level design wise(from what I had seen so far), it was early in the game and there were definitely a focus on indoor sequences, plus the sandbox overworld didn't seem like much of the focus anyways, just a nice way to travel around and some more side-thingies to do. I suggest playing the full version of AA first, the demo doesn't do it justice, it is too short, and the actual game is pretty long and you get a lot more abilities.

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If you're a Batman fan and have been eagerly awaiting this game, then please don't watch any gameplay footage until you get a copy for yourself. The first 5mins is monumental in terms of Batman storylines.


When you've got a copy, turn the lights off, turn off your phone and really get into it.


Stay strong; not like me.

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Why don't Giantbomb do video reviews anymore?


Last they did was for L.A. Noire.


They mentioned something about this when they were at PAX. As far as I remember they think it's too much of a hassle and it takes forever to put together. They only do it for games that they really want to cover.

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