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What do you think of these new cigarette warning labels?

Guest Hanratty

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Guest Gary C

We've had these for so long in the UK that we're about to go meta-packaging. Cigarettes will soon be hidden from view in shops and packaged in plain black and white cartons.

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We've had these for so long in the UK that we're about to go meta-packaging. Cigarettes will soon be hidden from view in shops and packaged in plain black and white cartons.


They say that, is that idea actually being put into action. It's main reason is for stopping youngsters buying them which is a good thing I guess. But we can't have everyone completely stopping otherwise that's a huge amount of revenue to our caring government gone to other means. Probably sweets and drink.

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Guest Gary C

We've had these for so long in the UK that we're about to go meta-packaging. Cigarettes will soon be hidden from view in shops and packaged in plain black and white cartons.


They say that, is that idea actually being put into action. It's main reason is for stopping youngsters buying them which is a good thing I guess. But we can't have everyone completely stopping otherwise that's a huge amount of revenue to our caring government gone to other means. Probably sweets and drink.


Internet licenses.

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We've had these for so long in the UK that we're about to go meta-packaging. Cigarettes will soon be hidden from view in shops and packaged in plain black and white cartons.



Pretty sure they already do this in Canada, at least the hiding of the cigarettes bit. I remember going to a gas station near Lack Michigan, trying to buy a pack. It looked like the shelves had been ransacked, until I realized that they were all hidden behind a secret door in the display.

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We've had these for so long in the UK that we're about to go meta-packaging. Cigarettes will soon be hidden from view in shops and packaged in plain black and white cartons.


They say that, is that idea actually being put into action. It's main reason is for stopping youngsters buying them which is a good thing I guess. But we can't have everyone completely stopping otherwise that's a huge amount of revenue to our caring government gone to other means. Probably sweets and drink.

Think of the costs the NHS will save because of less smoking-related illnesses. I know that one cannot say that "smoking directly causes such and such disease" but it is a risk factor in many common diagnoses of conditions in the UK that people suffer with.

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Guest Sprigg

we've had these in nz for a while but really it dosnt work.they should simply just say smoking costs a fuckload, stinks and makes you skin look shit.



God, yes. I didn't even notice until a month ago... my skin was actually kinda yellow and pale until I quit, and I'm no longer underweight :emotawesomepm9:

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We've had these for so long in the UK that we're about to go meta-packaging. Cigarettes will soon be hidden from view in shops and packaged in plain black and white cartons.


They say that, is that idea actually being put into action. It's main reason is for stopping youngsters buying them which is a good thing I guess. But we can't have everyone completely stopping otherwise that's a huge amount of revenue to our caring government gone to other means. Probably sweets and drink.

Think of the costs the NHS will save because of less smoking-related illnesses. I know that one cannot say that "smoking directly causes such and such disease" but it is a risk factor in many common diagnoses of conditions in the UK that people suffer with.


I do agree that banning smoking altogether would be a substantial saving for the NHS. But remember that our government is currently Conservative. They are greedy fuckers who don't want the NHS :emotawesomepm9:

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They have a varied and always scary collection of rotten teeth, impotence, cockroaches, rats and general death around here. These images are taking away all the fun from smoking. I can take the throat ache, dying from cancer and spending stupid amounts of money on making myself smell terrible but I definitely can't deal with watching THAT* every time I grab a cigarrette.


So, thanks?


*Fuck you

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We've had these for so long in the UK that we're about to go meta-packaging. Cigarettes will soon be hidden from view in shops and packaged in plain black and white cartons.


They say that, is that idea actually being put into action. It's main reason is for stopping youngsters buying them which is a good thing I guess. But we can't have everyone completely stopping otherwise that's a huge amount of revenue to our caring government gone to other means. Probably sweets and drink.

Think of the costs the NHS will save because of less smoking-related illnesses. I know that one cannot say that "smoking directly causes such and such disease" but it is a risk factor in many common diagnoses of conditions in the UK that people suffer with.


I do agree that banning smoking altogether would be a substantial saving for the NHS. But remember that our government is currently Conservative. They are greedy fuckers who don't want the NHS :emotawesomepm9:


If you really want to save money, you should have your people wont make it very long past their "productive" ages (roughly 65). So they can smoke all they want. The extra healthcare costs of people past 65 plus their pensions very much outweigh the costs of health-problems due to smoking (plus the lower life-expectency).


This is the current economic view, btw. You can see this as proof of why the government is not nearly as cynical as the general population might think. Because if they would be.... you'd see the tabacco industry making commercials EVERYWHERE (and have people still paying the exrta taxes because they're addicted and will pay anyways).

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  • 4 months later...

We've had these for so long in the UK that we're about to go meta-packaging. Cigarettes will soon be hidden from view in shops and packaged in plain black and white cartons.



Pretty sure they already do this in Canada, at least the hiding of the cigarettes bit. I remember going to a gas station near Lack Michigan, trying to buy a pack. It looked like the shelves had been ransacked, until I realized that they were all hidden behind a secret door in the display.

Yeah, this is relatively new. like a year or two. the massive labels have been around for fucking ever. no one under 18 (or 19, depending) can go into a tobacconists or cigar shop but go ahead and take em into the local liquor barn!


woot woot!

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we've had these in nz for a while but really it dosnt work.they should simply just say smoking costs a fuckload, stinks and makes you skin look shit.


whats gonna really fuck with us smokers is the banning of smoking in public places like whats happened in new york.weird how second hand smoke impacts is a complete fucking myth tho.


all this anti-smoking shit is kinda nice tho,its my first opportunity to be part of a repressed minortiy.fight the power!etc


Errr what?

Here's 1600 pages that describe how the tobacco industry lied about - well basically everything, and yes there is plenty in there on the adverse effects of second-hand smoke.



And you are not part of a repressed minority. Jesus.


Here's something that Bread and I can agree on! The work that Bernays did is astounding.

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breathing smoke is not healthy.


minority? no


lots of people are dicks about it even if you do your best to be respectful.


an of course thinking smoking is cool and sexy is a social construct. like every other fucking thing that is sexy or cool. to each their own.

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I think these images can have a positive influence.


I stopped smoking over 2 months ago after doing a pack a day for 6 years or so. Cold turkey, haven't smoked anything since. Didn't think I could do it but it was surprisingly easy after the first weeks. Don't even miss it when I'm drunk anymore.

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breathing smoke is not healthy.


minority? no


lots of people are dicks about it even if you do your best to be respectful.


an of course thinking smoking is cool and sexy is a social construct. like every other fucking thing that is sexy or cool. to each their own.


Yeah I hate the people that are dicks about it, but those are people that a) don't get laid, and b) aren't essines.

I actually think they should allow restaurants/bars to choose if they want to be non-smoking or not, or have full separated sections for smokers.


Social construct is social construct - it's just a little depressing to hear it vocalized so thoroughly..

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yea smoking isn't good for blood circulation so probably sucks blood from your penis. i do it to keep mine at a manageable size.


i applied for one of those Quit Smoking NHS packs. it came with stickers of rainbows and sunshine and stuff. the only use i could find for them was to hide the gory pictures on my tobacco (specifically tumour beard man).

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Have had warnings in the UK and Ireland for quite some time now. The Irish ones haven't any images though, just silly slogans (that are easily replacable with amusing replacements) Think it's the same in some European countries.






yeah. what she said ^

had 'em for years now over here.

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