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What do you think of these new cigarette warning labels?

Guest Hanratty

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they work for me...i havent smoked a single cigarette, joint, or anything for a month now...and im pretty damn sure im not going back this time.


had a scare that i may have mouth cancer....turns out im fine, but im not fuckin with that shit again...better to let my mind rest easy.



ive also had incredible amounts of energy since quitting, probably in the best shape of my life.




alright, offtrack, sorry.



yeah the teeth one would freak me out the most.

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Guest Hanratty

am i the only one that is surprised how much our lovely government cares about this issue? Poverty is fine, war/killing is fine, no health care? fine. BUT FOR GOD SAKES DO NOT SMOKE CIGARETTES!

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Guest Karen Tregaskin

Have had warnings in the UK and Ireland for quite some time now. The Irish ones haven't any images though, just silly slogans (that are easily replacable with amusing replacements) Think it's the same in some European countries.





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Guest hahathhat

what really gets me is that the government is mandating putting a huge picture of a rotting corpse on cigarette packs, yet they'd slap you with a fine if you put a pair of breasts on the remaining 50% of the label.


i don't smoke cigarettes. all this means is i have to see this shit when i go to the store.

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Guest elliot

we've had these in nz for a while but really it dosnt work.they should simply just say smoking costs a fuckload, stinks and makes you skin look shit.


whats gonna really fuck with us smokers is the banning of smoking in public places like whats happened in new york.weird how second hand smoke impacts is a complete fucking myth tho.


all this anti-smoking shit is kinda nice tho,its my first opportunity to be part of a repressed minortiy.fight the power!etc

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Guest Ricky Downtown

haven't bought a pack for 2 months now! i still bum when i get an opportunity. i've probably only had 15 cigarettes at the most in the past two months.


these photos made me want to quit back when i was smoking. the mouth cancer one really scared me because i had a huge canker sore at the time i saw that pack, started to freak out and decided to quit right there. i went for about 6 hours before i had another smoker.


shit's tough but my lungs are in the best shape they've been in for a while!


i still think smoking is one of the sexiest and coolest :sup: sunglassesest motorcycle cowboy things on the planet though, and i have a bad feeling once i get back to school the smoke will get back in my lungs. i think i'm going to pick up smoking rollies again though, if i go back. be a tobacco connoisseur.


smoke em if you got em


all this anti-smoking shit is kinda nice tho,its my first opportunity to be part of a repressed minortiy.fight the power!etc


i feel this! but at the same time....nah...hahah. just a silly way to fight your cognitive dissonance.

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i still think smoking is one of the sexiest and coolest :sup: sunglassesest motorcycle cowboy things on the planet though, and i have a bad feeling once i get back to school the smoke will get back in my lungs. i think i'm going to pick up smoking rollies again though, if i go back. be a tobacco connoisseur.

Completely socially constructed vision of smoking. Good old Bernays and the tobacco team over the years. They put in a lot of work to hear you proclaim that.

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