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What do you think of these new cigarette warning labels?

Guest Hanratty

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breathing smoke is not healthy.


minority? no


lots of people are dicks about it even if you do your best to be respectful.


an of course thinking smoking is cool and sexy is a social construct. like every other fucking thing that is sexy or cool. to each their own.


Yeah I hate the people that are dicks about it, but those are people that a) don't get laid, and b) aren't essines.

I actually think they should allow restaurants/bars to choose if they want to be non-smoking or not, or have full separated sections for smokers.


Social construct is social construct - it's just a little depressing to hear it vocalized so thoroughly..


yeah, this.

don't see why we can't still have indoor (ventilated) smoking sections/areas, like we always used to in the UK...

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any busy pubs are just busy outside because all pub goers smoke, and the poor bar staff have to take it in turns to go for a smoke but a lot of places only have one bar person, so they're stuck there unable to smoke. everyone there wants to smoke inside.


once i forgot about the ban and lit a cigarette in a pub, whilst sitting next to an open fire in an armchair. it was a blissful 3 seconds before i realised.

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the upside about having to smoke outside is that it's a really easy way to meet people and socialize.


also, i haven't smoked since august 2nd. i didn't choose to, it jsut happened. i'll probably start again when i get a job.

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