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James Cameron has turned into a prick


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"We’re shooting two films back-to-back, so I’m writing two scripts, not one, which will complete a [three]-film story arc – not really a trilogy, but just an overall character arc so I’m pretty excited about that."


Not really a trilogy. yeah James, and you're 'not really' a prick are you? Oh hang on...yes you are.

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whoa..count to ten, whats he done to you?


i've not even clicked the article but he's an "artist" if he says its not a trilogy but " an overall character arc" then who are we to argue.

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I don't know man, I still think you are a bigger prick than Cameron.




and yeah, that article basically has no reason to exist, it's a fluff piece to take up space and grab some wandering eyeballs using Cameron's name and Avatar. Sucka.

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Guest Gary C

I'm not excited by anything he's planning to make in the future, but if he doesn't want to use the word "trilogy" then that's fine by me.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

This complete PRICK should spend more time studying his DICTIONARY and less time being such a PRICK

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Hmm I felt the first Pocahontas Gully movie was fairly well resolved and don't see why he feels the need to continue along with that story. Oh well.

He's not, it's not a trilogy asshole

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If this thread turns into a lengthy, nested Overlook-Ian C-oscillik argument, watmm will implode due to the density of all nested arguments featuring Overlook, Ian C, and/or oscillik.

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i just find it quite ridiculous that watmm, in it's hive mind, descend on my thread that complains about something that is supposedly "pointless", when there's countless other threads on watmm that complain about inconsequential shit.


the people complaining about my inconsequential dislike to James' pomposity must all be from LTM and wanna punch my face in, as i've heard on the grapevine.

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Troll on internet trolls well known director for working on two movies. Troll claims his own trolling is more relevant then movies being produced.


News at 11

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