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James Cameron has turned into a prick


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hey guys i'm glad we can dedicate four pages worth of data stored on servers whose electricity is generated by fossil fuel combustion just to point out how much of a prick james cameron is for insisting that his avatar trilogy isn't a trilogy. bang up job!

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So, to remain off-topic: at what point in time was James Cameron not a prick? I don't see an actual turning-point in his behavior. He's quite consistent.

when he wasn't busy powertripping off of his blockbuster runaway success, enough so that he could state that "my 3 movies that have absolutely everything to do with each other, are not actually a trilogy...just an overall character arc and just happen to have recurring characters and a completely related storyline that will require you to have seen the previous installments to get the most out of the viewing"


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hey guys i'm glad we can dedicate four pages worth of data stored on servers whose electricity is generated by fossil fuel combustion just to point out how much of a prick james cameron is for insisting that his avatar trilogy isn't a trilogy. bang up job!


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why didn't you quit on the first page, when you should have realized that everybody is arguing with you for making this topic, rather than agreeing with your opinion on the topic?


edit: btw i might still have some fire in my veins because, if i'm not mistaken, you got incredibly defensive about battlestar galactica, which was pretty hilarious if i recall

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hey guys i'm glad we can dedicate four pages worth of data stored on servers whose electricity is generated by fossil fuel combustion just to point out how much of a prick james cameron is for insisting that his avatar trilogy isn't a trilogy. bang up job!


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why didn't you quit on the first page, when you should have realized that everybody is arguing with you for making this topic, rather than agreeing with your opinion on the topic?

maybe because in doing so, people arguing with me for making this topic have highlighted one of watmm's fucking hypocrisies.


why don't you just stop reading this thread since you hate it so much? or better yet, fuck off out of general banter if you can't accept that in this sub-forum, people start threads complaining about shit that doesn't matter?


oh yeah, i forgot...you're a watmmer, and you wanna seem cool amongst everyone else. and since it's popular to hate on certain individuals on this site, and i happen to be one of those individuals, you're going to.


well done, watmmer. well done.


why didn't you quit on the first page, when you should have realized that everybody is arguing with you for making this topic, rather than agreeing with your opinion on the topic?


edit: btw i might still have some fire in my veins because, if i'm not mistaken, you got incredibly defensive about battlestar galactica, which was pretty hilarious if i recall

battlestar galactica? you're so wrong there, since i don't watch it at all and have absolutely no feelings one way or the other about it.


facts. you have none.

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man you used almost all the letters on that response, well done


not seeing any appearances of the letters x or q, but they're pretty tricky


wait a minute




edit: see, i'm doing exactly what you're doing. irrational anger!

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She was also the foster mom in T2


edit: Jenette Goldstein, not oscillik


edit: I mean Oscilliskcs

i remember realising that when i was about 12 and was like "no way, she has hair"


hey guys i'm glad we can dedicate four pages worth of data stored on servers whose electricity is generated by fossil fuel combustion just to point out how much of a prick james cameron is for insisting that his avatar trilogy isn't a trilogy. bang up job!



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She was also the foster mom in T2


edit: Jenette Goldstein, not oscillik


edit: I mean Oscilliskcs

Ah! Didn't know that. Thanks for making this thread a bit more carbon-efficient.


@Osc: please keep the usage of CAPS to literal quotes from Aliens. Consistency improves the readability of this thread.

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man you used almost all the letters on that response, well done


not seeing any appearances of the letters x or q, but they're pretty tricky


wait a minute




edit: see, i'm doing exactly what you're doing. irrational anger!

good response. very succinct. classy, even.


@Osc: please keep the usage of CAPS to literal quotes from Aliens. Consistency improves the readability of this thread.


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lol, thanks for adding the quote.


ITT: oscillik adds the proper quotes to random pictures from the movie ALIENS









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thread has blown the transaxle, is just grinding metal

completely uninteresting anecdote: i had a tape of Aliens that i had recorded when it was on late one night on ITV when i was a kid, and i had obviously watched that tape over and over again. to the point where i can still, to this day, expect the advertisement break to come up while i'm watching my DVD copy. anyways...i had obviously gotten used to the soundtrack (i don't mean just music, i mean the vocal and sound effects track too) and that exact section of the film sounded different when i saw the DVD...like they had added extra tumbling, grinding sound effects after the fact. i don't know if it was the case that my tape was a shitty recording, or if the DVD release had extra audio chucked in there to accent the scene, but it always sounded weird to me.


same thing happened with the DVD release of The Terminator (sticking to the James Cameron thing)...the gunshots for his laser-sighted hand canon sounded different in the DVD than the original VHS tape (i had that T2 metal box set that had both Terminator 1 and 2).

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