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what did you just do?

Guest uptown devil

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70 min bike ride while watching most of The Wind that Shakes the Barley


some weights, attempted crunches and leglifts but my abs were incredibly sore from two days ago.


drank a huge thing of choco milk, ate two eggs, cooked dinner and put it in the fridge.



i really need to get to cleaning up my room, but im just so lazy.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Gazed into the maw of my recently deceased fridge freezer and considered what I should stuff in my face asap.

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watched the 20 minute bioshock infinite gameplay video on gametrailers.


I never understood why anyone would spoil the first minutes of a game by watching a video of it.


The great thing about the first bioshock was the feeling of "WTF is going on here?". I think you kind of ruin that by watching that kind of video.


Anyway.. I'm fucking psyched for Bioshock Infinite.


It doesn't say anywhere that it's the first 20 minutes of the game. It's just 20 minutes of gameplay.

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Woke up at 8 am. Ate bowl of banana yogurt with blueberries and crushed ginger snaps. Currently posting from the lieu.


Edit: Consciously restraining myself from compulsively downloading the entire works of an artist after hearing one good song. I have a history...

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Guest uptown devil

finally mowed the lawn so the neighbors will stop mean muggin us when we drive down the street.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

just talked to a friend about the absolutely horrible night i had last night.


went to a club and blacked out at some point. couldnt support myself at all after that and had to be taken home. no taxis would take me so in the end somebody to pick me up. i didnt have very much to drink and no drugs so im not sure where it came from. foul play may have been afoot.


i also woke up in the night (morning) and pissed in my bedroom.


not a night i want to return to.

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Opened the window to get some air into my office. Ate a banana.


There's been someone strimming all fucking morning outside and now with the window open it's really getting to me. He can't seriously have that much grass. I'm guessing his mower has packed up and he's doing the whole lot with the strimmer or something. Dick head.

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Guest uptown devil

just saw some lady driving with a screwdriver sitting on her trunk. i honked and waved a bunch of times but she was in the zone. hope it didn't end up through somebody's windshield. :blink:

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I just filled out a safety form I was supposed to have done 9 months ago apparently. Everyone I took it to for signatures looked appalled and worried as if they genuinely couldn't understand how I've survived without it. Admin is a strange fruit.


held in a fart while an estate agent and two blokes nosed around the house.

You imply you were still holding it while posting. I respect that.

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took notes on the arguments between atheism and theism


had cigarettes and coffee



listened to the TV playing in the other room. the words 'wherever there are babies, there will be Chevvies to drive them' came on the screen. i yawned.


then there was a commercial for taco bell with people fighting over tacos because evidently the tacos are really so good that people would need to fight over them. i think that the tacos are really :sup: they make me feel good about myself :cry: i walked into the room and turned the TV off while shouting, 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!' with a small self satisfied smile. now i have to take a quiz on me laptop.



following all this i am going to refresh my facebook profile for 3 hours while beating around the bush on whether or not to join Google+

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