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food thread and 'bad food' addiction

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Guest fiznuthian

Whites have all the protein, yolks have all the cholesterol. (not quite true but it's good enough). If you're having one a day then by all means, eat the yolk. However there are some days when I'm having like 6 eggs a day.


nah you're good man! almost all of it turns into HDL cholesterol, which is non-atherosclerotic and artery clogging.

god, i go through phases eating anywhere from 6 to 15 or so eggs a day whole. feels good man.

That is actually true - however the yolks also contain all of the fat in an egg, and 27% of that is saturated. Additionally, if you want the full benefits of yolks, you're eating that shit raw. It's not dangerous to eat raw eggs, but props to you if you can suck down 15 raw eggs. Whites on the other hand need to be lightly cooked, you get the majority of the protein, and none of the fat.

HDL Cholesterol can be found in many other food sources without the additional saturated fats. I'm not a professional nutritionist, but since I play sports at a level that I need to take what I eat seriously, I have done some research into it.


17% saturated fat? bring it on :)


we still ride two different sides of the fence in this area i guess,

i don't shy away from fat whatsoever.. so long as its saturated or a medium chain triglycerides like coconut oil.


i keep my carbohydrate intake in check, which is more important.. not eating the wrong types of carbs.

no counting though, because im going cycling hours a day

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27% actually.


And yes I agree whole-heartedly about keeping carbs in check. Carb-loading before sporting events though :)

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Guest fiznuthian

a big thing most folks forget is that any kind of fruit juice /soda is like liquid candy

water down juice and avoid all soda

i just read a study that took 20 years to complete and they named 10 foods that consistently put weight on people ever long periods of time

potatoes in any form were at the top of the list as were butter and anything fried

as a long time vegetarian/vegan i was not surprised to see red meat on the list

i know a few skinny carnivores but they are ectomorphs and just have that naturally super fast metabolism


most folks i know who eat red meat are over weight -FACT! - and that includes chicken


it takes 2-3 days to really break down cow flesh and that is if you are young and have a lot of HCL being produced in the gut

as you grow older you produce less and less acids to break down that meat and it stagnates

it then can line the intestinal walls,and over time causing blockages and poor digestion

ever see a person with noy just a gut but a "pregnant" looking gut while the rest of them is mainly "in shape"?

you know the look-its like they have a matt's beer ball in their belly-men that look pregnant

-blocked colon/backed up intestines







this is ridiculous.


i eat insane amounts of red meat, chicken, fish, etc.. probably 75% of my energy comes from meat.

i also eat some macronutrient heavy veggies and some fruit.


my digestive system is running great, and i have insane amounts of power currently in exercise, and no problem exerting myself at anaerobic threshold for hours on end despite eating insane amounts of saturated fat every day.

i slurp it off my plate and drink the butter. currently downing 1 lb of beef on a plate with cheese all over it after climbing 20 miles up a mountain on my bike.


maybe if people didn't eat bread stacked all over their meat.. chicken nuggets covered in bread, with sauce, and more sauce, and french fries and fucking coke.. maybe thats why meat isn't working for them? does that make sense to anyone else?

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Guest fiznuthian

27% actually.


And yes I agree whole-heartedly about keeping carbs in check. Carb-loading before sporting events though :)



what do you prefer?


green smoothie dude myself, but tried a nice bowl of whole grain red pasta the other day and it worked well, suprisingly light on the tummy.

kept me going just as well, if not longer than eating fruit. i love the explosiveness in my legs that a large smoothie provides though


i do want to add though, yikes.. that you are absolutely correct about juice/soda!

awful for anyone under any circumstance

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Not particularly fussy - big heaping plate of pasta with olive oil and vegetables the night before usually does the trick. Light breakfast morning of.

Top up with bananas and power bars through the day if at an all day event, and of course hydrate.

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Guest fiznuthian

Not particularly fussy - big heaping plate of pasta with olive oil and vegetables the night before usually does the trick. Light breakfast morning of.

Top up with bananas and power bars through the day if at an all day event, and of course hydrate.


Banana. what a godly sport fruit.

little wonder why other primates like them.

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Found that study yikes references: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1014296#t=abstract (if that's not accessible without subscription, just PM me I'll give you the text of the article).

Nice of yikes to conveniently omit the bit about other lifestyle factors. Oh yeah and the change in weight over each 4 year period for men (sorry ladies, but since WATMM is a sausagefest extraordinaire...) was 1.63lbs (that's 0.75Kg for those of you who enjoy some form of standardised units). That fluctuation is probably well within norms regardless of diet. At least the study was comprehensive and the sample size was large enough to provide some meaningful results.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

if you cycle for hours every day then you can hush up about diets, you'll be fine eating almost anything

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if you cycle for hours every day then you can hush up about diets, you'll be fine eating almost anything

Hell yeah. I did a 40-mile ride a couple weeks on my one-speed Schwinn. I had no problem at lunch eating half a pizza and washing it down with a couple of Mountain Dews.


[i normally do eat healthy though.]

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Guest fiznuthian

if you cycle for hours every day then you can hush up about diets, you'll be fine eating almost anything


you can not eat just anything and everything and push yourself athletically every day.

or atleast, you will never excell in this way.


just because athleticism removes the requirement for counting calories and crunching numbers on carbs, fat, protin, etc doesnt invalidate the importance of what TYPE of food you eat.

this is helpful to anyone, pro soccer player or couch potato either one.

and what can be more simple to understand than:






whole grain


and really when it comes down to it, if you exert yourself even moderately throughout your day in some way you are probably not going to need to worry about what combination of the above you eat

or have a real reason to fear the dreaded saturated fat


throw away the vegetable oils, sugary shit, sodas, splenda, and enriched white bread and cook a piece of steak with veggies then some tasty fruit for desert..

what can be better to support our health than what humans have always eaten? there's a bunch of variations, just pick one and go with it or whatever

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Here’s Phelps’s typical menu. (No, he doesn’t choose among these options. He eats them all, according to the Post.)


Breakfast: Three fried-egg sandwiches loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise. Two cups of coffee. One five-egg omelet. One bowl of grits. Three slices of French toast topped with powdered sugar. Three chocolate-chip pancakes.


Lunch: One pound of enriched pasta. Two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo on white bread. Energy drinks packing 1,000 calories.


Dinner: One pound of pasta. An entire pizza. More energy drinks.





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Phelps needs a lot of calories and carbs because of all the work he puts his body through.

he needs bong hits to relax :)

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I was tempted to make a thread about this, but I just ate at a New Jersey grease truck. As a vegetarian, I generally can't find disgustingly fattening food that tastes delicious. BUT, the grease trucks had a vegetarian menu. My sandwich consisted of...





-Several Mozzarella Sticks

-A large handful of fries

-Some sort of sauce


It was so greasey, and one of the most satisfying sandwiches I've eaten. Today I am legitimately proud to be an American.

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about 2 weeks into my weightlifting/cycling routine, and im gaining weight...can already see the results slowly bubbling up.



ive been eating salads, potatoes, some chicken or chicken sausage, a lot of trail mix, and a cup or two of fruit yogurt in the morn. feels fantastic.


also, for you in the know, how good is whey protein really? i just chugged down a huge thing of it post-lifting and it was godawful nasty.

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Guest underscore

i think whey is fine, especially after a workout for someone like yourself who is looking to put on muscle. not as good as real food but you prob get plenty of good protein from other sources of food as well so i wouldn't be concerned.


did you have it with water or milk? i have it with milk sometimes, which makes it pretty tasty. without milk it is pretty bland and i just end up chugging it.

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I was tempted to make a thread about this, but I just ate at a New Jersey grease truck. As a vegetarian, I generally can't find disgustingly fattening food that tastes delicious. BUT, the grease trucks had a vegetarian menu. My sandwich consisted of...





-Several Mozzarella Sticks

-A large handful of fries

-Some sort of sauce


It was so greasey, and one of the most satisfying sandwiches I've eaten. Today I am legitimately proud to be an American.


new brunswick?


also, for you in the know, how good is whey protein really? i just chugged down a huge thing of it post-lifting and it was godawful nasty.


you will probably stink yourself out of your own bed tonight

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i've been going hard too. i'm sore in most parts of my body right now




i seriously fucked up tonight though and ate chipotle. not really a big deal actually, but i want to stay below 1500 calories most days




it's a disgusting place to eat either way.

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do you mean ill shit the bed or just fart a lot?


i've been going hard too. i'm sore in most parts of my body right now




i seriously fucked up tonight though and ate chipotle. not really a big deal actually, but i want to stay below 1500 calories most days




it's a disgusting place to eat either way.



1500 calories and you are lifting? jesus christ man that can't be healthy. how tall are you?

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6 foot. i mean, 1500 give or take. i'll call it like 1700. i actually realized that's probably how much i would be eating daily if i didn't include the bullshit between meal binges of carbs and other crap.




plus i have a lofty goal of like 10 pounds in a month and then a shitload more over the next 5. i'm pretty out of shape so i'm not really lifting, i'm doing this 'bodyweight' routine that's really good for starts. just like lunges and jumping around

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6 foot. i mean, 1500 give or take. i'll call it like 1700. i actually realized that's probably how much i would be eating daily if i didn't include the bullshit between meal binges of carbs and other crap.




plus i have a lofty goal of like 10 pounds in a month and then a shitload more over the next 5. i'm pretty out of shape so i'm not really lifting, i'm doing this 'bodyweight' routine that's really good for starts. just like lunges and jumping around



depending on how much you weigh 1500-1700 is waaay too low....if you are starving yourself the body starts to retain all the nutrients, you lose muscle and fat is stored instead of burned.



for example, im about 220...im sposed to have 2200-2300, and thats a threshold caloric intake...combine that with working out.



maybe im just overreacting.

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