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Holy shit guys, I'm going to Africa next week


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Dudes, so I am totes going to Tanzania from July 1-10 and will be doing safari things and I got loaded up on vaccinations a few weeks back and it's sinking in and holy shit I'm going to take lots of pictures and piss you all off with how many pictures I'm going to post but I'm going to keep it in this thread so that I don't piss you all off too much holy shit.


I got a Tilley Endurables hat so that I can look like a wanker and not get even moar skin cancer, and it's starting to sink in that I'm going in 48 hours, sigh, holy shit.


Also, any advice from anyone who has done anything like this would be greatly appreciated, eg, how do I avoid the massive shits (if I get massive shits that is totally going to be a separate thread, fair warning).


I have an "expatriation of remains" clause in my traveller insurance policy, so that's good.


I are excite, sorry.





edit: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

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be safe and enjoy, dude! i'm not a traveler, whatsofuckingever, so that was my reaction in the days preceding my trip to south korea this past winter. you should have a blast. and by that, i mean blast endangered species in the fucking face.

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Not Kenya but close enough




More like Snoreway.


Good luck, baph. Traveling to foreign lands is pretty fun. Don't get shot, though. Whitey got no power over there.

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Africa is awesome. You can smell it. Seriously, Africa has it's own special smell - it's not a bad smell, it's like Spice or something... When my mum moved back from South Africa for the first time (she's back there now but soon moving back here again lol) I went to her house and in the garage was all her furniture and stuff still waiting to be unpacked - the whole garage smelled like Africa and triggered loads of memories....I lived in SA myself (Cape Town) for 2 years and had a fucking brilliant time.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

I've been to Tanzania and it was fucking amazing. One of the most peaceful country of Africa (no ethnical tensions).


A few tips:



- spend a day or two there, to get a feeling of a big african city.


- Take a guide. Any street kid is a guide. They will come up to you to offer their services, the have fake guide cards, but who cares, they do the job quite well and for nothing, less than 10 dollars a day. The guide will take you to places you could never have been to on your own, tell you interesting facts, provide you with weed, take you to the best authentic places to eat, etc...


- Go see the fish market and eat there. Fresh grilled fish with garlic and salt, and you get to sit with the locals.






- The botanical garden


- The city market. Crowded. Watch your valuables.


Zanzibar: pristine beaches, island of marvels, try to avoid the tourists traps.

Stone Town:


An outlandish town with great atmosphere, quite unique and unlike any place I've ever been to. Spend a day or two there before heading to the coast vilages. Look out for the spectacular carved wood doors, the slaves monument, the huge city BBQ at the beach at the end of the afternoon, where locals gather and meet.








I don't know where you plan to go, but I'd recommend Jambiani, on the east coast of the island.






It's one of the villages that is still quite well preserved from mass tourism, if this what you're looking for.


Kendwa is quite nice too:





There are many things I could tell you, just ask.

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Haha, thanks guys. I already have the shits, actually, because I'm sort of nervous/excited.


I won't be crushing any African tang, though, because this whole thing was planned out as a 30th b-day thing by my girlfriend. It was actually a surprise, too, but I had to clear the week off way back in March and I eventually used the excuse of my boss needing to know where exactly I was going to make her ruin the surprise.


Teh forumite:

That looks awesome. Hoping I can wrap up work early today and pick yer brain a little, but I probably won't be able to wrap up work early. Also, I had no hand in planning this so I guess it's pretty rigidly scheduled. A lot of it is safari/national park/conservation area/gigantic crater-centric, which is cool with me, as a former field biology student. (The GF chose Tanzania partly because the wildlife preserves aren't hunting/game preserves. So I won't be coming back with any skinned endangered species wrapped around my junk in a sexy loincloth. Sorry guys. But you can imagine!)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I wasn't mauled by a lion, but I saw two of them fucking about 3 meters away. Twice. I have pics, don't worry.


I'm still taking it all in. Africa was incredible, and I only got the runs on the plan ride back, which was awesome. Oh, and our jet almost crashed due to engine failure on the way out-- there was smoke coming from the left engine, which sounded like it kept stalling followed by this high-pitched whining business, and we had to limp back to the initial airport (in Ethiopia, for that leg) for repairs with some chintzy socket wrench like the one in the back of my Honda Civic, which I could see from just out of the window, along with the Ethiopian Airlines "Quality Control" officers standing around shrugging, and which was scary as fuck.


Better written details of the actual trip to follow when I get my wits back.


edit: also, my gf totally got bitten by a tsetse fly and had massive nausea and diarrhea the very next day and we had to get a medic to see her in the middle of the Serengeti just to make sure she wasn't getting the sleeping sickness rather than your typical traveler poo. She's ok. Holy shit, adventures.

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Strange. I had a dream that I was a male lion, and was about to get freaky nasty with a female lion, but she wouldn't get in to a more suitable position. Since I still had humansex sensibilities, I was confounded that she would just lay there like that. When I asked her what the hell she was doing, in lionspeak naturally, she turned to look at me....and this is the face I saw:





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