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EKT'ers musical shortcomings discussion swap

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I think this would be really helpfull


there's great music posted here, but I think in general people are too polite. I think constructive musical criticism wouldn't go a miss. No ass-kissing


ok shoot

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you all suck because you are not me. i am teh supar electronic music mastermind just without any decent songs yet. however my style emulates guillotines so who want some beeey0tch?

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you all suck because you are not me. i am teh supar electronic music mastermind just without any decent songs yet. however my style emulates guillotines so who want some beeey0tch?

I rarely know what you're talking about


It's not worth falling out with people over this kind of thing

rubbish, it's constructive

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you all suck because you are not me. i am teh supar electronic music mastermind just without any decent songs yet. however my style emulates guillotines so who want some beeey0tch?

I rarely know what you're talking about


Main Entry: met·a·phor

Pronunciation: 'me-t&-"for also -f&r

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French metaphore, from Latin metaphora, from Greek, from metapherein to transfer, from meta- + pherein to bear -- more at BEAR

1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language -- compare SIMILE

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Guest crystal
It's not worth falling out with people over this kind of thing

rubbish, it's constructive

No, it's subjective. People do get offended by this kind of thing, even when they say they don't. It's really not worth falling out with people over this kind of thing.


Well, good luck with your thread.

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I don't listen to enough EKT stuff to comment and i really should do considering i put stuff up there ocassionally. :fear:



I don't need constructiuve criticism because i know what is wrong with everything i do, it sounds like it's ripped off from somewhere, and lacks any real originality and my influences are usually quite recognisable.



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great thread darren.



there are some people coming to my mind that could indeed improve their works, others are well, but just don't have enough recognition.

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Guest nimmm
[shouldn't this be in the ekt forum?



Most of the better threads are usually banished to other sub forums so people like you can sprout ever more non ending shit about what breakfast cereal you've eaten today blah blah blah


I'll think about this one then get back to you

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Guest nimmm

I think it best to avoid specific targetting of peoples flaws but I do feel somewhat let down by alot of the placid, clean , digital preset driven shit that comes out of EKT. I've become fairly adept at second guessing what I'm going to hear from alot of people, which in and of itself is a little dissapointing. It's amazing the amount of people who get hard listing all their gear in hardware threads, then you listen to their tracks and you think to yourself "well where is it then? give it to me I'll tear it inside out" you just think they dont deserve all that gear because from what they sound like to my ears they arent pushing their sound I dont hear much passion, alot of it sounds lazy , far too many wannabe BOC fanboys, I realise its a mean feat these days to be truly one's own sound, but atleast make some effort or an interesting variant. Also , some people are particularly crap at trying different styles, some people have one trick ponies, one sound, a shame.

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Guest grasshoppa

nimmm acuusing people of using reaktor gerenative patches and obviously knows alot more than the person sequencing it for hours.

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Guest nimmm

That was one track of yours, you see, your a good example, i like alot of your work but your really bad at taking any sort of criticism. I've noticed this, no offense.


I wasn't accusing you either, I was telling you it sounded generative.

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Guest grasshoppa

cool and im just telling you its not, chill.


there is a difference between answering a silly comment like that and actual constructive crit.


I know that every every day is a learning exeriance and have taken alot of crit and used that to get the tunes where they are today. I appolgise wholefully if I am being a bad crit taker for being insulted when the stuff I've worked on is said to be randomly generated, wtf? sorry for sticking up for what I love, stupid non crit taking me, lol

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No, it's subjective. People do get offended by this kind of thing, even when they say they don't. It's really not worth falling out with people over this kind of thing.


Well, good luck with your thread.

it's a swap.. give crit to people that ask for it.. for eg: me


I don't know how to tell people their music is boring without sounding like an asshole.

That wouldn't make you sound like an asshole imo. Unless you tell someone who hasn't asked you for your onest opinion


come on people, there's not enough honest criticism here.

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sadly, this is another thread that demonstrates the impeding (or ongoing slow) death of watmm.


a perfectly good starter comment, hijacked by tomfoolery.


why bother daz.


why fucking bother mate.



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Guest Mr. Modular

Stop making 5 half-assed attempts at acid-tracks a day. At least don't bother posting it until it's got some real composition.

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I'll take some constructive criticism, if anyone has any.
Your tracks are very well produced, but sometimes I find them not 'raw' enough if you get what I mean. It's hard for me to comment more cos I haven't heard that much of your stuff.. but maybe they're too highly polished? dunno


Me: New City 16



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I'll take some constructive criticism, if anyone has any.

Your tracks are very well produced, but sometimes I find them not 'raw' enough if you get what I mean. It's hard for me to comment more cos I haven't heard that much of your stuff.. but maybe they're too highly polished? dunno


Me: New City 16




I can see that. I guess its my personal aesthetic... I like things sounding crisp and polished. Do you think its just production wise, or content-wise as well?

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