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What Would You Do?

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I go outside of my front door and there's a little old man sitting on a garden chair I have in the driveway. Its pouring with rain and thundering like a cunt. He politely explains that he is just waiting for the rain to stop. Hes not in a garage, just a roofed driveway. Honestly not bothering me at all. He says he has quite a walk home and he has shopping bags. Hes not exactly a wealthy looking old man but I don't think he was homeless and certainly not dangerous to me. He is probably 80 years old.


So my wife is on the way back from work. I call her and tell her not to be alarmed when she pulls into the driveway.

Her attitude is to send him on his way or she calls the cops if hes still there when she gets back. How can I send an 80+ year old senior out into a fucking lightning storm? Isn't that whats wrong with this fucking society? If it wasnt for knowing that my wife would freak out, I probably would have invited the old guy in a gave him a drink until the rain stops. He is technically trespassing on my property but so what. Hes a little old man caught in a storm walking back from the shops. How could he harm anyone? Why does fear have to govern our minds these days? What happened to looking out for eachother? especially the elderly.

Well anyway time passed and it was getting very close to the time my wife would pull into the drive and I couldnt bring myself to go out there and fuck him off and I was getting worried about an inevitable argument with the wife over it but luckily he just left and she hasnt arrived back home yet. Uncomfortable issue averted but I'm curious to know how you would react in that situation.

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I go outside of my front door and there's a little old man sitting on a garden chair I have in the driveway. Its pouring with rain and thundering like a cunt. He politely explains that he is just waiting for the rain to stop. Hes not in a garage, just a roofed driveway. Honestly not bothering me at all. He says he has quite a walk home and he has shopping bags. Hes not exactly a wealthy looking old man but I don't think he was homeless and certainly not dangerous to me. He is probably 80 years old.


So my wife is on the way back from work. I call her and tell her not to be alarmed when she pulls into the driveway.

Her attitude is to send him on his way or she calls the cops if hes still there when she gets back. How can I send an 80+ year old senior out into a fucking lightning storm? Isn't that whats wrong with this fucking society? If it wasnt for knowing that my wife would freak out, I probably would have invited the old guy in a gave him a drink until the rain stops. He is technically trespassing on my property but so what. Hes a little old man caught in a storm walking back from the shops. How could he harm anyone? Why does fear have to govern our minds these days? What happened to looking out for eachother? especially the elderly.

Well anyway time passed and it was getting very close to the time my wife would pull into the drive and I couldnt bring myself to go out there and fuck him off and I was getting worried about an inevitable argument with the wife over it but luckily he just left and she hasnt arrived back home yet. Uncomfortable issue averted but I'm curious to know how you would react in that situation.


Sounds like your wife needs to stop being like that thunder :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Franklin

he's prolly just staking out your place to come back later when just your defenseless wife is there.

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I go outside of my front door and there's a little old man sitting on a garden chair I have in the driveway. Its pouring with rain and thundering like a cunt. He politely explains that he is just waiting for the rain to stop. Hes not in a garage, just a roofed driveway. Honestly not bothering me at all. He says he has quite a walk home and he has shopping bags. Hes not exactly a wealthy looking old man but I don't think he was homeless and certainly not dangerous to me. He is probably 80 years old.


So my wife is on the way back from work. I call her and tell her not to be alarmed when she pulls into the driveway.

Her attitude is to send him on his way or she calls the cops if hes still there when she gets back. How can I send an 80+ year old senior out into a fucking lightning storm? Isn't that whats wrong with this fucking society? If it wasnt for knowing that my wife would freak out, I probably would have invited the old guy in a gave him a drink until the rain stops. He is technically trespassing on my property but so what. Hes a little old man caught in a storm walking back from the shops. How could he harm anyone? Why does fear have to govern our minds these days? What happened to looking out for eachother? especially the elderly.

Well anyway time passed and it was getting very close to the time my wife would pull into the drive and I couldnt bring myself to go out there and fuck him off and I was getting worried about an inevitable argument with the wife over it but luckily he just left and she hasnt arrived back home yet. Uncomfortable issue averted but I'm curious to know how you would react in that situation.


Sounds like your wife needs to stop being like that thunder :emotawesomepm9:



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slime your wife.




I would have moved the lawn chair out into the rain, and made her sit on it. Crikey, you guys need to talk about values. This one is pretty basic.


Then again, she might have been in a cranky mood and just said whatever yanoe. But when she had thought about it, and saw the guy, her heart would have opened up a little.

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Guest hahathhat

i would let the wife discover me gently masturbating the old gentleman in the second lawnchair as she pulled into the drivepark with her automobile

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Disappear, send home polaroids of me in a selection of cages in different countries. Maybe one crackly call home "You were right!" Probably your best option.

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