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anyone here know about/done/have any experience with keto?


I have done keto before. Works well for some people, not for others. Find out your blood type and do as much research as you can... Ease yourself into it.


Was there something specific you'd like to know.

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Still rockin my grass-fed cheese, tubers, eggs, fruit, and meat diet.. I reserve the big meat fests for after I workout, which lately has been infrequent.. still no gym membership.


I just don't see the point of the supplements really.. Why are Western people so obsessed with mass? Every time I see a guy with massive arms, massive legs, massive torso, etc it just doesn't look very appealing to me. It's usually obvious who has been shoving powders down their throat. Doesn't that put you in a huge survival disadvantage? Not being able to move quickly kind of sucks, even if you can land a few slow moving powerful punches..

I presume people like the look because it appears tough, strong, threatening, etc.. but as kimbo slice once found out even an average jiu jitsu or muay thai fighter can put an end to that image in a hurry.




ah.. yes :) fast, powerful, agile.. I prefer that look over this:



To each his own man. Some people would say the complete opposite. Why would you want to be lean and womanly when you could be big and masculine. Just because your not into doesn't mean its the wrong thing to do. Im not massive and i don't find it particularly appealing but I do know in human evolution the big and strong men had the upper hand. And I admire some peoples drive and motivation. I respect anyone who works out consistently instead of sitting on the couch all the time eating shit food and being fat or lazy.


And my point in taking supplements is for energy and a little boost after work all day.

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A few days ago I discovered the absolute glory that is reverse curls. Man those hurt so good.


I discovered the way my workout schedule staggers every week that I had two days off of lifting. Went back in today and voila! The extra day off did a world of good, I had a weight increase in almost every exercise (except for biceps and back....the back I completely understand, the biceps I was a bit surprised...doing great on the reps though).



btw, am I the only one that thinks doing tricep exercises feels absolutely amazing? I seriously can't get enough of that tightening feeling in my upper arms.

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Guest fiznuthian

Still rockin my grass-fed cheese, tubers, eggs, fruit, and meat diet.. I reserve the big meat fests for after I workout, which lately has been infrequent.. still no gym membership.


I just don't see the point of the supplements really.. Why are Western people so obsessed with mass? Every time I see a guy with massive arms, massive legs, massive torso, etc it just doesn't look very appealing to me. It's usually obvious who has been shoving powders down their throat. Doesn't that put you in a huge survival disadvantage? Not being able to move quickly kind of sucks, even if you can land a few slow moving powerful punches..

I presume people like the look because it appears tough, strong, threatening, etc.. but as kimbo slice once found out even an average jiu jitsu or muay thai fighter can put an end to that image in a hurry.




ah.. yes :) fast, powerful, agile.. I prefer that look over this:



To each his own man. Some people would say the complete opposite. Why would you want to be lean and womanly when you could be big and masculine. Just because your not into doesn't mean its the wrong thing to do. Im not massive and i don't find it particularly appealing but I do know in human evolution the big and strong men had the upper hand. And I admire some peoples drive and motivation. I respect anyone who works out consistently instead of sitting on the couch all the time eating shit food and being fat or lazy.


And my point in taking supplements is for energy and a little boost after work all day.


Ah, I meant no offense by it. I just find it a kind of gross look. Maybe I should specify i'm not terribly off put by size in general its just the weird extreme bulking some people do that really grosses me out.

The typical MMA/UFC build looks great to me.. but this kind of thing I find extremely weird:





Stephen i'm willing to bet you don't look like the above.. if anything you probably look more like this right?




They're obviously packing a lot of muscle mass, but don't look like hulking giants. And that doesn't really cross my line. I'm also skeptical that it requires supplements to get that look, whereas some of those hulk bodybuilders probably would never get there without their powders and shakes.


I don't think hulking giant look would have been all that beneficial for survival really.. It would require lots of food to sustain, and food was never that easy to come by. Second it certainly would impair a person's ability to be agile and quick. I'm kind of with you Stephen that just having lots of muscle doesn't necessarily make you slow, but there's a reason size crazed lifters never win races.


All just speculation anyway.. what's it matter anymore. Food is easy, work is easy, life is easy now.. Some girls love it so who cares yeah? :w00t:

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i want the muy thai look! haha!


It's a long road to get there, but seeing improvements after every workout and feeling amazing as it goes on makes the uphill challenge worth it.


Next session I am going to incorporate squats, going to start incredibly light to make sure I have decent form...would really, really suck to throw out my back.

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Also a lot of disillusioned women are into the look. And I like to fuck have sexual relations with women because it's good for my health..




Aren't you married?

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@ Fiz


yeah you're right. There's big and then theres ... those nasty veiny guys you posted! lol you're right I'm not like that.


I think I misinterpreted your scales of size. =)


Hi Chenboss,

No I'm not married, I'm only 23 man!


edit: i might have called the gf "the ole wife" or something before but I didn't mean it in the literal sense. And that whole comment was kind of a sarcastic quasi joke. I'm not a very funny person =(



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Guest fiznuthian

@ Fiz


yeah you're right. There's big and then theres ... those nasty veiny guys you posted! lol you're right I'm not like that.


I think I misinterpreted your scales of size. =)


Hi Chenboss,

No I'm not married, I'm only 23 man!


edit: i might have called the gf "the ole wife" or something before but I didn't mean it in the literal sense. And that whole comment was kind of a sarcastic quasi joke. I'm not a very funny person =(




Haha, yeah man. I had a suspicion we were both going for the same thing..

Probably posting Thai fighters didn't help my post.. Thai men just aren't very large in general, but they do develop impressive, efficient muscles. The ones in the photo were definitely lightweight something though.




kevin here will fuck your butt and induce anal fissures..

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Guest fiznuthian

That's what happens when you sleep with a powder chugging hulk-monster who eats steroid analogues for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

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Guest fiznuthian

Oh and keto is great and honestly it might be one of the healthiest ways you can possibly eat as a human (providing you DO NOT EAT OMEGA 6 FATS to induce a "deeper ketosis").. but at some point you may find a limit to your exercise regimen because beta-oxidation can't produce ATP quite like muscle glycolysis can. Just scanned some studies lately that indicated even after several weeks worth of fat-adaptation athletes saw a decline in performance at high intensities. I'm skeptical though, and trying to find evidence that it isn't true. Make no mistake, beta-oxidation is very efficient and for an endurance athlete it might even be ideal.. For a sprinter or powerlifter it may not be.


Ketosis seemingly has a lot of pros though.. eat fat (saturated/monounsaturated for christ sake) and you will constantly spare muscle mass. From personal experience I feel insanely energetic damn near 24/7 when i'm fat-adapted and eating practically zero carbs. I feel like a true persistence runner and can maintain high volume moderate intensity exercise. Ketosis appears to be highly anti-inflammatory in general as long you consume stable fatty acids, and studies also tend to confirm this. Ketogenic diets are very satiating and the sensation of hunger often diminishes for long periods of time. Entering into a fasted state is super easy when you're fat-adapted, not so much when your glycogen stores are stocked and you suddenly run out. One way to combat this is by intermittently fasting regularly.. the body seems to adapt and more effectively switches to fatty acid oxidation cycles when depleted of liver and muscle glycogen. Probably my most intense workouts were when I was doing this.. I would not eat for 18-22 hours of the day, and consume insane amounts of saturated fat, protein, and carbohydrate during my "feeding" time. Then I started doing my workouts about 4-6 hours before I ate anything at all. I would literally eat nothing all day then enter the gym. My muscles had glycogen, my liver was running low, and I would attack weights and heavy bags like a fucking slayer.. I really don't understand the process well but god damn is it a nice feeling.


All in all though, I do love ketosis a lot for many reasons but I personally enjoy the superman feeling of glycolytic muscle. Hence my fruit, tuber, egg, meat, butter eating ways..

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Guest fiznuthian

Actually, i'm wrong there.. Fatty acids can produce more ATP per cycle than carbs..

Trying to investigate further why glycolysis would be preferential during anaerobic states.

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so i've been doing yoga & pilates for a month now. i've been going almost every day (so 6 times a week on average). here are my thoughts (mostly in terms of yoga):


1. it's amazing how my body is already showing changes. my arms are less flabby, my stomach has begun to flatten, and my ass has lifted. my waist looks better as well. i mean, if a month of exercise can do that, i'm excited to see how i'll look in the coming months.


2. my posture has become way better. i've had trouble with slouching my whole life. it used to hurt to stand up straight. i think the yoga has added strength to the muscles in my back or something, because now i don't have to exert effort to stand up relatively straight. yeah, my posture still isn't perfect, but it's way better than it was. also, i was dealing with some back pain the last couple of months because i've been sitting at my desk too much--it's disappeared entirely. yay.


3. i was initially extremely skeptical of the mental changes that people attribute to yoga. i've read that it reduces anxiety and helps with depression, etc etc. well, it has definitely improved my mood. i feel refreshed and energized after a session. any type of emotional baggage that i have carried through the day just disappears when i begin to practice.


but besides that, my social anxiety has begun to improve as well. i used to spend a lot of time thinking about how i suck at talking to people and ways i've messed up in communication. i still have those thoughts, but i don't carry them with me as long as i used to, if that makes sense. like, 10 minutes after a conversation, i might still feel like "shit, i shouldn't have said that. god, people hate me." but the thing is, i used to feel like that for DAYS afterward. it's definitely not like that anymore. i'm really, really happy about it.


there are a lot of little things that i can see incrementally improve during each session, like flexibility, balance and stamina. for example, when i started, i could barely do tree pose with my foot on my calf. now i can put my foot on my thigh and keep my balance for the whole pose. the strength in my legs was pretty terrible and i couldn't do some of the lunge & warrior poses for very long, but now i'm doing better. idk, i'm just amazed to see improvement in my life. it's exciting and it's helped my self-esteem a lot to be good at something other than academics.

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so i've been doing yoga & pilates for a month now. i've been going almost every day (so 6 times a week on average). here are my thoughts (mostly in terms of yoga):


1. it's amazing how my body is already showing changes. my arms are less flabby, my stomach has begun to flatten, and my ass has lifted. my waist looks better as well. i mean, if a month of exercise can do that, i'm excited to see how i'll look in the coming months.


2. my posture has become way better. i've had trouble with slouching my whole life. it used to hurt to stand up straight. i think the yoga has added strength to the muscles in my back or something, because now i don't have to exert effort to stand up relatively straight. yeah, my posture still isn't perfect, but it's way better than it was. also, i was dealing with some back pain the last couple of months because i've been sitting at my desk too much--it's disappeared entirely. yay.


3. i was initially extremely skeptical of the mental changes that people attribute to yoga. i've read that it reduces anxiety and helps with depression, etc etc. well, it has definitely improved my mood. i feel refreshed and energized after a session. any type of emotional baggage that i have carried through the day just disappears when i begin to practice.


but besides that, my social anxiety has begun to improve as well. i used to spend a lot of time thinking about how i suck at talking to people and ways i've messed up in communication. i still have those thoughts, but i don't carry them with me as long as i used to, if that makes sense. like, 10 minutes after a conversation, i might still feel like "shit, i shouldn't have said that. god, people hate me." but the thing is, i used to feel like that for DAYS afterward. it's definitely not like that anymore. i'm really, really happy about it.


there are a lot of little things that i can see incrementally improve during each session, like flexibility, balance and stamina. for example, when i started, i could barely do tree pose with my foot on my calf. now i can put my foot on my thigh and keep my balance for the whole pose. the strength in my legs was pretty terrible and i couldn't do some of the lunge & warrior poses for very long, but now i'm doing better. idk, i'm just amazed to see improvement in my life. it's exciting and it's helped my self-esteem a lot to be good at something other than academics.


+1 Hoodie. Glad to hear it!

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Great Hoodie! Is there a specific type of yoga you are doing?


I like ashtanga.


Fiz... One thing with ketosis or paleo style diets: they are dependant on blood type (among other factors). I wouldn't recommend them to everyone.

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Guest fiznuthian

Yeah well that's also where I differ from most "paleo" folks.. I tell people who ask these days I eat ancestrally and leave it at that.

The paleo movement got out of hand with its sugar hating, meat and vegetable carb-phobic ways.. Lots of people are now afraid of fruit and think insulin will destroy their life. What I encourage instead is that people experiment with the spectrum of whole foods. I still have a beef with grain, but mostly when people argue in favor of it's nutrition. Grains just aren't very nutrient dense when you compare them to meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy.. I don't see much point in eating them especially when they're used so often to create processed food, but some people do well with a little grain so whatever. There are other reasons I avoid grains but the general public doesn't care about mineral absorption, odd proteins raping their intestinal lumen, or the like..


I don't feel like low-carb ketogenic diets are ideal for everyone either, hence why I don't do it regularly anymore.. only on occasion and mostly for shits and giggles. Someday i'll get the chance to fail a breathalyzer.. :emotawesomepm9:

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