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Transformers 3 using footage from anther film


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Things I like are good & things I don't like are bad


No no, fuck you. Things I like are good and things you like suck ball sweat. And I don't mean like essines' ball sweat. I mean like the ball sweat from an 84 year-old's shriveled sac of nut flesh, unwashed for a week.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

LawLOLawL, it's just like appreciating great audio production, sound design, abstract geometry or hyper technical instrumental music with nearly no deeper context. Entertainment doesn't always need a deep meaningful story, or a thoughtful backdrop to suck your emotions to be entertaining. Sometimes entertainment is just entertainment, cheap or not but cheap eye candy or ear candy is not all created equally, it's more dynamic then that. Like I said in my review of the film, I don't feel extremely proud of supporting cheap entertainment with my money but I don't feel guilty enjoying it.


Perception can be a powerful tool and life is more fun if you take advantage of knowing when to just appreciate the best perception you can have in a situation you can't improve. It's just like how it's become so norm to enjoy B movies because they are so bad they are funny, it's your perception that turns it into valid LOLs. Sitting threw a Troma film and being disappointed, annoyed and all critical never laughing is just stupid right? So is going to a Transformers film and not triggering your inner 11 year old or just turning off your adult internet critic snobby brain for a few hours.

Sort of agree with this in general, I do enjoy a good mindless film with explosions and shit without having to be all snobby about it. but what makes Bay films irritating is that the balance is tipped completely in favour of the action at the expense of everything else, but then for the film to maintain the pretence of being a story you have to sit through the most excruciating empty character and dialogue segments. It's like the directing equivalent of brickwall compression. I don't think there is anything snobby about finding that irritating.

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I had no idea about the injured stunt person, so I guess it makes sense.


My own stance on the matter is why not? If the situation with the stuntman didn't exist, and this was done purely to help with a tight production schedule/budgetary constraints, then I can see the logic, and it would take an eagle eye to spot it.

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Things I like are good & things I don't like are bad


No no, fuck you. Things I like are good and things you like suck ball sweat. And I don't mean like essines' ball sweat. I mean like the ball sweat from an 84 year-old's shriveled sac of nut flesh, unwashed for a week. Who drinks all the time and has a leaking anus.



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Wasn't having a go at Cryptowen btw, just liked my extension to chen's thing.


edit (wow that sounds wrong) hah



oi! keep your extension off my thing!

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