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You can never have enough Tabasco


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If you're a Tabasco® addict, the ultimate kitchen condiment has arrived for you: Tabasco®'s gallon jug. There's the miniature bottle (for slipping into handbags, obviously), the standard 75ml bottle that we all know and love, and even the 350ml bottle for die-hard fans. But now, for the Tabasco® pepper sauce fanatic, there is the gallon jug. Yes people, a gallon. How long this lasts you, depends entirely on the level of pepper sauce appreciation you have, but one thing's for sure - this bottle is huge.


It's not even called a bottle in fact, being referred to instead as a jug. A jug of hot Tabasco® pepper sauce. How many bloody mary's can you tart up with a gallon of Tabasco®? How many spaghetti bolognaise can you elevate with such an amount? A lot, that's how many. It's just a lot. More than most people can handle in a week, that's for sure. (Although there will be some hot sauce freaks out there who will think that consuming a gallon of Tabasco® sauce in a week, is perfectly normal).


If you know one of these freaks, this is the perfect gift for them. They will weep with joy, and not because they've had more hot sauce than they can handle. If you've got a lot of love for this (formerly) little condiment, there's now a bottle big enough to handle it.


Tabasco®'s gallon jug is available in Fortnum and Mason, Harvey Nichols and Selfridges, priced at £75. For more information, please visit: Tabasco

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I've been liking an indonesian chilli and garlic sauce lately. It's hot, but blends well on top of tacos and the like. You're intially like "POW". Then you go, "oh yeah that's alright".




Also not really a fan of tabasco either.

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Guest Iain C

My girlfriend is going to love this. She's tabasco crazy. Me, I can live without it in my food - but I keep a bottle around for bloody marys.

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it tastes too 'artificial' for me. or, it does after getting used to the awesomeness of sriracha. any other chilli sauce is just inferior imo :shrug:

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I don't understand the use of this sauce in anything other than a Bloody Mary


it can become quite addicting really. I can't eat eggs without it. I used to use it on tacos but I much prefer cholula and tapatio for them now.

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^ Yeah, its addictive.


Also, if your drinking shots, try a Spicy Mexican

Its 1/2 Tequila + 1/2 White Sambuca + As much tabasco as you fancy (sold in the Old Orleans chain bars if your in the UK)


Its pretty disgusting really, but after 2 or 3 they become quite pallatable.

After 7-8 you hit what we call "the mexican wall" :emotawesomepm9:

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damn you thread for reminding i'm out of hot sauce, 5 min after returning from the store, and 5 min before making a fried egg sammich. Damn it all. Louisiana > Tabasco though, although I like Tabasco too.

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I don't understand the use of this sauce in anything other than a Bloody Mary


it can become quite addicting really. I can't eat eggs without it. I used to use it on tacos but I much prefer cholula and tapatio for them now.


hell yeah. cholula and yuca are the OG ambassadors of flavor. :trap:

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I really fucking love Tabasco.


As mentioned before, great on eggs: fried and soft boiled.


Also really good on chips and especially curly fries.


I have two of the big bottles, the "pub" size. Yeah, bloody marys are a great all day drink.


A tiny bit of this in mayonnaise is also good with chips:




Not for the faint of heart though. My girlfriend claimed it made her pee burn.


This is also a good one:




But, back to the subject: BRING ON THE JUG!!

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damn you thread for reminding i'm out of hot sauce, 5 min after returning from the store, and 5 min before making a fried egg sammich. Damn it all. Louisiana > Tabasco though, although I like Tabasco too.


I take it that's the stuff on these:




'tis yummy, never seen it in bottles though.

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damn you thread for reminding i'm out of hot sauce, 5 min after returning from the store, and 5 min before making a fried egg sammich. Damn it all. Louisiana > Tabasco though, although I like Tabasco too.


I take it that's the stuff on these:




'tis yummy, never seen it in bottles though.

dunno man.



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