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You can never have enough Tabasco


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I haven't had tabasco in a long time. Used to put it on everything, but I guess I don't really eat the same food anymore, I'm having trouble thinking of what I'd use it on now.

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wow, i mean i love tabasco and all, but 1 gallon? how do you dispense that?


Straight out the ass!




4 teh win



where do i get that size??? i go through those little bottles like wildfire.

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damn you thread for reminding i'm out of hot sauce, 5 min after returning from the store, and 5 min before making a fried egg sammich. Damn it all. Louisiana > Tabasco though, although I like Tabasco too.


I take it that's the stuff on these:




'tis yummy, never seen it in bottles though.

dunno man.




That shit makes me piss out the ass like crazy. And I'm a huge fan of spicy stuff.


Last time I was up in Portland, I snagged a bottle of Aardvark habanero sauce:





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This kicks EVERY other hot sauce I've ever had (and there's a lot) completely into touch. It is AMAZING and so fucking hot


Where do you get that from? May have to invest in a bottle.

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This kicks EVERY other hot sauce I've ever had (and there's a lot) completely into touch. It is AMAZING and so fucking hot


is this like paul newman's spaghetti sauce but like, sting's one?

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Guest Sprigg


Last time I was up in Portland, I snagged a bottle of Aardvark habanero sauce:






A friend was telling me about that stuff... is it only available in Portland?

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This kicks EVERY other hot sauce I've ever had (and there's a lot) completely into touch. It is AMAZING and so fucking hot


Where do you get that from? May have to invest in a bottle.


Brighton company, lovely people. Check the website here, the sauces are fairly expensive but buy buy buy! as they are INCREDIBLE



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