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Actress - Ghettoville


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the amount of intentional tape hiss on those tracks is hilarious. It is truly funny to me how many new electronic artists just absolutely try to bury their mixes in lofi effects, makes me wonder how a composition by the same artist would sound dry, not reliant on effects for the atmosphere. I'd forgotten how ridiculous that was. C4 towers sounds like him trying to do a demdike stare track off Elemental

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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Yeah to be fair I get a bit of A Demdike Stare vibe from some parts of this album


And I do know what you mean about the Lo-fi effects I actualy had a dream about Actress when he played me some tracks and they were really bright shiny straight up Banging Techno and he was like and now I need to fuck it up to get my sound and I was trying to tell him it sounded good to start with!


Despite that dream tho its an aesthetic I am a bit of a sucker for

Edited by kirm
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had a dream about Actress when he played me some tracks and they were really bright shiny straight up Banging Techno and he was like and now I need to fuck it up to get my sound and I was trying to tell him it sounded good to start with!

lol, spot on.


Kind of how i feel with this new album. I wish the sludgy pace that he does so well had a bit of shine left in. I love how tracks like Raven from RIP have some dreamy optimism buried within the haze

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the amount of intentional tape hiss on those tracks is hilarious. It is truly funny to me how many new electronic artists just absolutely try to bury their mixes in lofi effects, makes me wonder how a composition by the same artist would sound dry, not reliant on effects for the atmosphere. I'd forgotten how ridiculous that was. C4 towers sounds like him trying to do a demdike stare track off Elemental

Though this may be the case in some tracks, if you listen carefully in other tracks he uses noise/hiss almost as a brushed hat sound. Its sequenced to interact with the beat.

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I stumbled on an interesting comment on Youtube. Someone mentioned that the track "Rainy Dub' could possibly be a remix of Vladislav Delays track 'Poiko'...or an uncredited sample. Strange

Cant find Poiko on youtube unfortunately.

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I stumbled on an interesting comment on Youtube. Someone mentioned that the track "Rainy Dub' could possibly be a remix of Vladislav Delays track 'Poiko'...or an uncredited sample. Strange

Cant find Poiko on youtube unfortunately.




There is a close similarity of the main melody sound and its textural background, it could be a pitch-manipulated sample. Even the name of it - Rainy Dub - is more suitable for Delay's track. Hilarious how WATMM unconsciously referenced Delay and got in an argument.

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  • 2 weeks later...


i actually like this better than RIP




i feel the same way.

rip was way to obviously "psychedelic" or "deep"....


fwiw, RIP for me is more genuine, while some of Ghettoville is to explicitly "dark"

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I like how it sounds industrial, I don't mean the genre but as in actual rusty pipes and bolts being hit (a bit like Aphex Twin's 'I Care Because You Do", particularly Alberta Balsam which sounds like an old filing cabinet being dragged). I don't know if this is achieved through effects or acoustic means.. it definitely evokes some kind of harsh terrain, like maybe a Wharfville or Ghettomille.

Edited by wabby
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While all my posts on this page seem very critical, I actually love this album. (I just still love RIP more..)

I like how it sounds industrial, I don't mean the genre but as in actual rusty pipes and bolts being hit (a bit like Aphex Twin's 'I Care Because You Do", particularly Alberta Balsam which sounds like an old filing cabinet being dragged). I don't know if this is achieved through effects or acoustic means.. it definitely evokes some kind of harsh terrain, like maybe a Wharfville or Ghettomille.


Forgiven has become a favorite. Loads of clanging industrial sounds going on

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've taken a decent amount of time to process this beautifully somber, twinkling dirge actress has so gracefully constructed and it is now lodged firmly, within my heart parts

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i've taken a decent amount of time to process this beautifully somber, twinkling dirge actress has so gracefully constructed and it is now lodged firmly, within my heart parts


my foot will be lodged firmly in your rear parts if u dun stop speaking like a twot m8

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