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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Guest ruiagnelo

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Guest ruiagnelo

Have been a SW fan since ever, but this sort of cartoon show, the Clone Wars really never caught my attention. Until a few days ago, when i started watching the first season, and have to admit there is a certain charm to it, as well as a solid plot and it is highly entertaining. I know a lot of you guys are old SW fans, but you sure might enjoy this. There is a strong SW feeling to it!

I know the 4th season is set to come this Fall, but i don't know what the plans are to the whole thing. will there be any more seasons? because being set between episodes II and III, there is quite a limit to where they can stretch the story, i suppose...

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I'm a huge Star Wars nerd to the point to where I tell my wife back stories to certain characters. I also wondered about how many seasons the Clone Wars should go on. I have a feeling this might be the last season. but that's just my gut instinct.


It would be cool if there was like a series of stuff that happens after III. Like the Jedi Purge stories, the wookies being enslaved by the empire to help build the death star, han solo saving chewbacca then getting expelled from the imperial academy... shit like that would be cool to see!

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Guest ruiagnelo

I'm a huge Star Wars nerd to the point to where I tell my wife back stories to certain characters. I also wondered about how many seasons the Clone Wars should go on. I have a feeling this might be the last season. but that's just my gut instinct.


I am a science fiction fan in a childish way, that's why i love SW. when watching the movies i get the exact same feeling i used to as a kid, and for me there is just no sci fi as good as SW.

recently i downloaded an archive with all the comics (about 14gb) and got really surprised to see how the whole saga got developed, and the beginning goes about 25,000 years back from episode I, i guess, with all the Tales of the Jedi and Knights of the Old Republic. it is just so fascinating, the whole story beyond what is widely known. Too bad i am not very comfortable with reading comics on a computer screen, and really don't have time to read them all, but that's what got me into this Clone Wars series, and so far i am really enjoying it. hope the 2nd and 3rd seasons are even better than the 1st, altought i am quite surprised already.



It would be cool if there was like a series of stuff that happens after III. Like the Jedi Purge stories, the wookies being enslaved by the empire to help build the death star, han solo saving chewbacca then getting expelled from the imperial academy... shit like that would be cool to see!


I am pretty sure Lucas will come up with something new to develop the Saga, just as he has been doing since the beginning. Plus he is a big technology developer himself, and that only makes me think something new will always come...

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Guest underscore



It would be cool if there was like a series of stuff that happens after III.


supposedly 50 episodes of the "live action" show have been written (it would take place between III and IV), but production is no where near beginning

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Guest ruiagnelo



It would be cool if there was like a series of stuff that happens after III.


supposedly 50 episodes of the "live action" show have been written (it would take place between III and IV), but production is no where near beginning


where did you find this? would love to know a little bit more if possible :)

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Guest underscore

i can't remember where I originally read about the 50 episodes thing, but you can find references to it all over the place (http://www.newsinfilm.com/2011/06/14/producer-updates-status-of-star-wars-tv-series/)


it sounds like we're still a few years away from them beginning production, as they're waiting for the technology (they want the show to match the movies visually) to get much cheaper. assuming the idea doesn't die before then

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Guest ruiagnelo

i can't remember where I originally read about the 50 episodes thing, but you can find references to it all over the place (http://www.newsinfilm.com/2011/06/14/producer-updates-status-of-star-wars-tv-series/)


it sounds like we're still a few years away from them beginning production, as they're waiting for the technology (they want the show to match the movies visually) to get much cheaper. assuming the idea doesn't die before then


McCallum confirmed the delay and reiterated “the TV series is on hold” because the episodes are “so ambitious.”


i don't really know what this means, but if the whole thing actually comes one day, it sure will be sweet!

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The prequels ruined SW for me. Lucas surely fucked it up properly, should have let someone who knows how to write and direct work on them. He caught lightning in a a bottle with ANH and ESB and it all started to go downhill when he started to have more input with RTOJ. He's now so far up his own ass and surrounded by sycophants that just smile and nod when he thinks it's funny to put a fartin alien in a scene.

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Guest disparaissant

The prequels ruined SW for me. Lucas surely fucked it up properly, should have let someone who knows how to write and direct work on them. He caught lightning in a a bottle with ANH and ESB and it all started to go downhill when he started to have more input with RTOJ. He's now so far up his own ass and surrounded by sycophants that just smile and nod when he thinks it's funny to put a fartin alien in a scene.

yah that one review of the new trilogy with the footage of him behind the scenes really nailed that point, the look on everyone's face was abject horror or outright worship, they either thought it was the worst idea ever but couldn't say anything for fear of being fired, or they thought it was the best idea ever and let me polish yr halo mr lucas

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Guest ruiagnelo

The prequels ruined SW for me. Lucas surely fucked it up properly, should have let someone who knows how to write and direct work on them. He caught lightning in a a bottle with ANH and ESB and it all started to go downhill when he started to have more input with RTOJ. He's now so far up his own ass and surrounded by sycophants that just smile and nod when he thinks it's funny to put a fartin alien in a scene.


Prequels definitely can't match the first trilogy. It's like there is some emotion that got lost in the most recent trilogy.

Even tho i feel kind of the same way, i have to admit i enjoy every single movie of the Saga, maybe because i am younger, and i do enjoy these cartoon series, even tho i don't dare comparing them to the movies.


Anyway, there is only one thing about it all: i still find Episode I really annoying and hard to watch amongst the six movies. Maybe it is because we get to know Anakin as the wonderkid or it is something else that i haven't understood yet. Not that i only enjoy the most dramatic side of the saga, but this one particularly seems to lack some... seriousness.

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The prequels ruined SW for me. Lucas surely fucked it up properly, should have let someone who knows how to write and direct work on them. He caught lightning in a a bottle with ANH and ESB and it all started to go downhill when he started to have more input with RTOJ. He's now so far up his own ass and surrounded by sycophants that just smile and nod when he thinks it's funny to put a fartin alien in a scene.


Fuck a bunch of that. ROTJ is my favorite.

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I've been thinking about this a bunch lately, cause my kid is really into Star Wars at the moment - she likes all of the movies except Episode III, which is a little too scary for her (and I mean that bit with Anakin slaughtering all the padwans? wtf?). Sure the first one is kind of goofy, but it's still a fun story. Episode II is good - I like it the best out of the prequels - mostly cause of the running fight between Obi-Wan and General Grievous.

Now as to the reviews that the guy with way too much time on his hands did: yeah they're funny and well done, but if he put the same amount of effort into the original trilogy, he would probably find just as many mistakes/stupid plot devices.


The cartoons, I've only watched the first two seasons and the movie - but they're good fun. I didn't know about the upcoming seasons but I will definitely check it out. When I was younger I read a lot of the books as well - good reading for the SW nerd :).

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Guest underscore

(and I mean that bit with Anakin slaughtering all the padwans? wtf?).


that was one of the best parts of the prequels imo, along with anakin finding his mum and slaughtering the tuskens.

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Guest ruiagnelo

I've been thinking about this a bunch lately, cause my kid is really into Star Wars at the moment - she likes all of the movies except Episode III, which is a little too scary for her (and I mean that bit with Anakin slaughtering all the padwans? wtf?). Sure the first one is kind of goofy, but it's still a fun story.



Episode III sure is the most scary for a kid, i can imagine that.

you are right about the first one, and actually, how can someone not enjoy it and then have a good time with the clone wars tv series? ahaha

It's just my least favorite of all.


Now as to the reviews that the guy with way too much time on his hands did: yeah they're funny and well done, but if he put the same amount of effort into the original trilogy, he would probably find just as many mistakes/stupid plot devices.



Heard about this already, but never saw it. as a SW fan, am i missing something?

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(and I mean that bit with Anakin slaughtering all the padwans? wtf?).


that was one of the best parts of the prequels imo, along with anakin finding his mum and slaughtering the tuskens.


They were just so random, and felt so contrived to make the movie "dark".

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The prequels ruined SW for me. Lucas surely fucked it up properly, should have let someone who knows how to write and direct work on them. He caught lightning in a a bottle with ANH and ESB and it all started to go downhill when he started to have more input with RTOJ. He's now so far up his own ass and surrounded by sycophants that just smile and nod when he thinks it's funny to put a fartin alien in a scene.


Fuck a bunch of that. ROTJ is my favorite.


Yeah, ROTJ is my favorite episode too.

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When I was younger I thought ROTJ was the shizzle too, but then I finally saw the light, which is the greatness of ESB.


The original trilogy was all fun exciting space adventure and then neckless Lucas got the dumb idea to make the whole prequel trilogy about some boring political scheming with some dumb action set pieces that would convert well to tie-in games and toys. And when I first saw the mention of Clone Wars in the OT, I always thought it was some battle against some clones, but it turned out they were the good guys that fought against some stupid droids for some dumb trade federation led by Asian stereotypes. Someone should have taken Lucas scripts for the prequels and smacked him with them and forced him to eat them, they would have actually improved once he shit them out again. The man is so out of touch now of what is good movie making it's not even funny. The only good thing with Lucas is that he's into the conservation project of old movies with Scorsese and Coppola. There's a mismatched trio if there ever was one.


Argh, thinking about the prequels makes me angry.


/end rant

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Guest rumbo

I'm an old SW fan. In both senses. I enjoyed the original 3 SW flicks as a kid, but these days I don't bother watching them again. I couldn't give a toss about the new ones or anything that derives from them. I saw Episode 1 in the cinema and was completely unimpressed. I still havn't seen Episode 2, and one day when I was sick I watched Episode 3 but remember very little from it. In essence, SW is an overrated, overhyped Western set in space. The content is heavily borrowed, all the way down to Darth Vader's mask, a skull wearing a WW2 German Heer combat helmet.


While I have fond memories of SW as a kid, these days I'm very "meh..." about it all.

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I enjoy the Clone Wars series, I think I read somewhere they planned to have around 10 seasons. For every season there are like 3 or 4 chapters that doesn't make it, the rest are fun and have decent plot, and equally 3 or 4 chapters are really good with new characters, amazing action or very interesting trivia. Don't doubt they could expand it for so long. Also I read somewhere there could be another show, a SW comedy show, but I'm sceptic about this last could happen.

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Guest couch

i can't remember where I originally read about the 50 episodes thing, but you can find references to it all over the place (http://www.newsinfilm.com/2011/06/14/producer-updates-status-of-star-wars-tv-series/)


it sounds like we're still a few years away from them beginning production, as they're waiting for the technology (they want the show to match the movies visually) to get much cheaper. assuming the idea doesn't die before then


McCallum confirmed the delay and reiterated “the TV series is on hold” because the episodes are “so ambitious.”


i don't really know what this means, but if the whole thing actually comes one day, it sure will be sweet!

They're waiting for 3d home theaters to be cheap enough that every middle class family can own one.

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I've been thinking about this a bunch lately, cause my kid is really into Star Wars at the moment - she likes all of the movies except Episode III, which is a little too scary for her (and I mean that bit with Anakin slaughtering all the padwans? wtf?). Sure the first one is kind of goofy, but it's still a fun story. Episode II is good - I like it the best out of the prequels - mostly cause of the running fight between Obi-Wan and General Grievous.

Now as to the reviews that the guy with way too much time on his hands did: yeah they're funny and well done, but if he put the same amount of effort into the original trilogy, he would probably find just as many mistakes/stupid plot devices.


The cartoons, I've only watched the first two seasons and the movie - but they're good fun. I didn't know about the upcoming seasons but I will definitely check it out. When I was younger I read a lot of the books as well - good reading for the SW nerd :).


Fellow SW nerd here... I think you mean Episode III - General Grevious isn't introduced until Episode III. Now, if you mean the fight between Obi Wan and Jango Fett on Kamino in the rain, then yes - that and the asteroid battle are the only two redeeming scenes in Episode II, with perhaps the Yoda/Dooku battle slipping by.


I've been tempted to watch the Clone Wars cartoons, but the art style is a bit too jarring for me - it's not bad, and very creative, I just don't like the way it looks visually.


I wonder how much input (or how little) Lucas has in the Clone Wars - it would be telling if it's as good as some of you say and he has little to no involvement in it...

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Guest ruiagnelo

I've been tempted to watch the Clone Wars cartoons, but the art style is a bit too jarring for me - it's not bad, and very creative, I just don't like the way it looks visually.



I wasn't very attracted by its style at first, but after watching one season i am really enjoying it. i think you need some time to get used to it. the animation is quite simple, but in contrast there is a texture and brush work that i find really beautiful.

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The acting is ridiculously stiff through most of the prequels. I think that is it's biggest detraction. The scenes in Ep II with Anakin and Padme at her house in Naboo (especially Anakin's dialogue about sand) are absolutely the most cringeworthy bits of cinema I have ever witnessed. Absolutely unbearable.

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it's too bad Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars cartoon is barely mentioned anymore. The new CGI clone wars is ok, the Genndy 2d one just blows it away in every aspect


(and I mean that bit with Anakin slaughtering all the padwans? wtf?).


that was one of the best parts of the prequels imo, along with anakin finding his mum and slaughtering the tuskens.


They were just so random, and felt so contrived to make the movie "dark".


i actually woudln't have minded that part as long as Obiwan didn't use the extremely out of place and jarring term 'younglings' when referring to them multiple times. what the fuck George? did you write this script at the same time as Indiana Jones gets raped against a pinball machine?

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